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 Mar 2017
Alexandra Provan
I know.
I know it feels like your body is disintegrating,
How it aches in places you didn't even know existed;
That you want nothing more than to rid yourself of this skin that burns with loss in every fragile movement.
Your heart and mind are betraying you.
Bones incapable of carrying around this
Palpable heartbreak.
The infrastructure
Of everything you had carefully built
Shattered beneath your feet.
I know it seems like the walls are closing in,
Cornering you,
Suffocating every airway
Until you cannot see tomorrow through the darkness.

Be patient,
I promise you'll find seeds of recovery amongst the rubble -
Your stems of self worth were never rooted
in anyone's actions but your own,
Your flowers never fed by anything but love for yourself.
Your crushed spirit will break through
These confines of hopelessness
To blossom, once more.
Nurture your growth
And protect it like a diamond;
Cover it in gold.
For you will never own anything more precious than this existence.
You have all the minerals you have ever needed
right there inside of you,
Blood flowing like lava,
Fire burning through your veins since the day that you were born,
Strength emanating from your core.

I know.
I know you're struggling to find the light
But in this darkness you begin your healing.
Remember all that you are
And all that you have been through.
You are loved in ways you can't even imagine
And will grow to love, once more.

Be patient,
For you are as tenacious as the sun,
And every sun will rise again.
 Mar 2017
I dreamed of two men
cold as ice in dark hats
handcuffing a woman
before tossing her in the back
of a black barred truck
with stars on the sides
and a To Protect and Serve
bumper sticker stuck like
a punchline and a baby girl
and young boy were crying
standing behind the yellow lines
but two has never been
a number that adds up to
nothing because it's only legal
to pass one at a time in these
dark days of executive orders
you fear because you know
it's all the evidence they need
to make you disappear.
 Mar 2017
Rainey Birthwright
I long for an ideal love,
But I cannot spin on a reel,
Tape myself with magnetic
Energy, that lights up rooms.

I pine for an ideal love,
But I cannot enter a screen
That flashes imaginary truth
In dimly, dear lit theatre halls.

Why is pain so real, so concrete?
Why is joy so abstract, illusory?

I ache for an ideal love,
More actual than godly stars,
Lovers living within golden light,
Always faithful, printed on film.

*Why is isolation so universal, so dark?
Why do only movie idols glow, spark?
 Mar 2017
Death is lying
in the ditch
like a hubcap
that went
rolling down
a dark road
along with
the stench
of a black cat
that crossed
my path
still following
me until
luck will have
its final say
so I've got to
keep moving
while the night
shines it's bright
lights speeding
up behind me.
 Mar 2017
have you ever cried
until your eyes felt numb?
When the burning sensation fades
but you just can't stop
 Mar 2017
dreams are shattered
pieces lying on the ground
yesterday's hope, gone in a blink
waiting for tomorrow
same old thing
nothing's happening,
and the clock's ticking
the dance of life
and the song of happiness
turned into a trickling sand
standing in the edge of defeat,
looking down in an abyss

...ready to embrace the fall.
 Mar 2017
Rachel Dyer
Could you give me a sign?
Or better yet, drop a line?
I'm just getting tired of pretending I'm fine.
I'm ready to call you mine.
Instead I'm downing another glass of wine.

You said you felt electricity.
But saying it without giving it reeks of toxicity.
To get the point across I shouldn't need publicity.
All I'm asking from you is a little domesticity.

Just a hand to hold when we walk.
A kind word when we talk.
Arms wrapped around me with a gentle rock.
On occasion make my headboard knock.
And keep my heart on lock.

I've never been much good at this game.
Always fills me with a sense of shame.
Maybe I'm boring or a little tame,
But all I want is a name.
And I just want you to feel the same.
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