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 Apr 2018
Smoking brush strokes of painted crowds,
overlooking a landscape's higher regime,
spider silk webs inhaled by lungs of teens,
coughing cotton cumulus clouds.

You're so much cooler, yet softer,
green apple e-liquids versus melancholy,
my antique lighter, your boutigue battery,
kills just the same, don't take after your father.
 Apr 2018
Every day
For the last three years
I wake up
And I hate myself

Maybe it’s been five years
Maybe eight
Surely I’ve lost count

Rare are the mornings
My aching muscles breathe a sigh
The sun drips through the window
Drenching me in warmth and life

Such euphoria is fleeting
It comes and goes
In two-week intervals
And I’m forced to watch it fly
To others’ faces
Where it rests much longer

There must be a balance
Dangling in the ether
Desperately waiting
To be discovered

But when dawn breaks
And my hand searches the sheets
It is hate that I find
Once more
I've been gone a while.
 Apr 2018
Rainey Birthwright
The looking at you
Destroys my mask
And a sun ignites
Heating the blood
That was buried
In window flesh,
Slits break, lid of eyes,
The souls’ shutter.

The breathings with you
Lays me asunder
To bedrooms starry
Where faith succumbs
Only to be reborn
In spooning after love,
The fae body spirals
In positions foetal.

The touching with us
Rakes the ghost moon
Which lies within truths
Dark as reddest rose
Rising in thorny stalk
Where treasure is sunk,
In cavities of chest,
Beat hearts shudder.
 Mar 2018
Amanda Kay Burke
I am still waiting
For you to make the call
Lately I cannot help but feel
Like you do not care at all

You say you love me
Should I believe?
What my heart does not tell me?
And my eyes just cannot see?

I have always trusted you
With my secret thoughts
Since you don't trust me
My heart is ******* in knots

I wish you could understand
What I am trying to get through
I do not have the ability
To hurt or worry you

Our friendship suffered
Solitude is weighty
Heavier than the battles
That have happened lately

I want you to be sure
How much it hurt me to feel
The way I did when you fell
Now it is time to heal

Give me a bandaid
Stitch me closed tight
And I will try to get through
Another lonely night
Why am I always wracked with ****** up negative emotions? This is an old one but there are a lot of lines I can relate to right this second.
 Mar 2018
Amanda Kay Burke
Half of me yearns to forget your name
Memory that burns like an ember
The other half is stubborn
Determined to remember
The decision between what you know and what you feel is the hardest you will ever face. I chose my head and it led me right to my hearts true desires. And now I am happy and feel like I made the right choice.
 Mar 2018
Benji James
You told me somewhere out there
Is my other half
Even though you were the one I loved
Yeah you lied, left me in despair
Now my heart is beyond repair
Not a day goes by I don’t think about how
I should have made more moves with you
Regretting all these things,
that is what I’m used to
All I wanted was for you to be mine
But that’s not what life had in mind

You told me that I’d find the one
Yeah you lied, you were wrong
I’m never gonna find anyone
You told me I’d find love
You told me one day a girl
Would give me her all
Should have known better
Fell for those lines before
Yeah you lied
Left me shattered across the floor
I don’t even care about feeling anymore

I’m sick and sore
Bodies aching
Suppressed my cravings
Every time I gazed upon you
You were ****** desire
Deep within the flames burn higher
Extinguished my lust
With your words
Left me feeling broken and hurt
Rejection left me depressed
And I couldn’t find a vibe
To breathe in new life
My wires were cut
Left for dead
A rusting tin man

You told me that I’d find the one
Yeah you lied, you were wrong
I’m never gonna find anyone
You told me I’d find love
You told me one day a girl
Would give me her all
Should have known better
Fell for those lines before
Yeah you lied
Left me shattered across the floor
I don’t even care about feeling anymore

All I wanted was to find a future with us
It seems you had other ideas and gave up
All I got left was a box of empty promises
A whole lot of lessons
I wish I didn’t have to learn
I’m laying in the dark
Images play upon the roof
In all the ways that I remember you
The taste of your kiss
The feel of your lips
Tracing the lines in your hands
Playing with every strand of your hair
Every touch placed upon your body
I remember every breath you took
I remember all the ways
You left me shook

You told me that I’d find the one
Yeah you lied, you were wrong
I’m never gonna find anyone
You told me I’d find love
You told me one day a girl
Would give me her all
Should have known better
Fell for those lines before
Yeah you lied
Left me shattered across the floor
I don’t even care about feeling anymore

©2018 Written By Benji James
 Mar 2018
hello, old friend,
it's been a while.
i forgot what it was like
to see you smile.
like the Heavens opened up
and stardust rained down,
my luck of finding you...
i don't know how.
you grab my waist and pull me in,
your lips touch mine
through the obsidian wind.
hello, old friend,
i've missed you some,
your eyes help melt away
some of the numb.
which is funny, i know,
since they're glaciers themselves.
but they've melted my heart
since the time we were twelve.
but, old friend,
not much has changed? every strike of the clock
you take my breath away...
the key to my lock.
a feat not easy,
when my aura is as dark as it is.
i long for the day
i will again taste your lips.
hello, old friend,
it's been a while.
thanks for reminding me
what it's like to smile.
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