I wish i could take this pain out of my chest Because i know for sure That tonight i will be weeping in my sleep I know for sure That when i wake up tomorrow The ache will only continue The next day will be the same
But i am hoping for a night Where i will sleep loved And wake up tomorrow Blessed
Blinded by race Color Religon Is something very common Met many during my lifetime Their heart is camouflaged By the broken mirror they have Voluntarily placed as the smokescreen images show up that are split By their thoughts and feelings Which are corrupted by the seeds sown centuries ago Bearing harvest today in the form of a divided society Now the soil is fertile Right up the alley Of those who want to dissect
A boy of Seven Visually impaired at birth Unable to see the world Understanding of the images Based on what his father told
Initially felt compassion And empathy at his Congenital condition Observing for a longer period Seeing him at peace with himself Clapping hands in rhythm to the music played live Didn't seem to miss anything He didn't possess for him to forego
Parents limpid with His lacking vision That extra care To protect him any further impairment also absent Visually challenged for no fault of his A sense lesser than his fellow Didn't seem to affect Carried on with his defect
Longer i watched Lesson i was taught My own experiences Peeling like a skin on burns Were opening their doors To learn a few lessons more Simple to correct I had got it backwards Defect was none in him He is infact perfect Defect in the eyes of the beholder Whose Soul is trial under fire One sense less Was i Who bereft of my soul Lost due to the deceit of the world Manipulated my way through Thinking i had made it too
I may never see him again Did i see him today? He never saw me today But he will remember me forever He saw through his lack of sight but had vision I have sight but lack the rest
Started by feeling Sorry for his lacking Ended up with self pity Laughing at my own Free Spirited deserves the world Opinionated and all clustered Deserves to be told
Winning and Loosing Achieve Abandon Concepts of delusion Made by man For fellow Men To feel superior and inferior to each other At a given task Or advance paid in Tax Long roe to *** that life is Ranked on your ability
Unfair system at play Every person unique In birth skill circumstances and opportunities Overcoming them make best selling Biographies
Mediocrity branded by The powers that be Mediocrity in the results Seems to matter Branded thus sidelined forever Chances none whatsoever
Those not passed The chequered flag Need not despair There are great people Who feel it is fine To be below the line
To those who failed The percentile game Played An entire lifetime devoted To seeing how many are better Or lower Ironically amongst each other
Thriving on inequality Man made and flawed theory Sending on a spin Those who live within
The world order defines Misfits and loosers Using disparity as their defence Issuing Injustice in their judgement
Messiah s are present To protect these men By giving them a hand In an equal shake hand
Fortunately the universe Not capable of judging those For by the same rules they laid They were completely outplayed The Messiah gives confidence By the sheer worth of performance Laid out by the system Beating the system
Follow the philosophy That says real mediocrity Not lying in the results But in the process Done diligently They take over automatically Fight your cause Only because they were treated with the same ideology of so called meritocracy
Concepts of man Like he created time Success and failure Time controlled pedestals Set pattern a man controlled ritual His greatest conceptual failure
Making decisions That do not reach The intended destinations Involving in Acts Self defeating and suicidal State of vegetation Where status quo is considered a fashion A person who makes these calls In more than one occasion Is in dire need of guidance Prudent future action Is the vision lacking in his thinking
Happened to many Waltzed down the chimney To the fire Burnt and weary But not ready to Accept that his actions are faulty
Pointing out the fault Is no problem The inflated ego gets burst That's the quandrary Insult of intelligence Is the wrong perception Trying again with no realisation That the same act cannot Produce another result Leading to more insults
Many years in The advising business Both ends of it Giving and receiving Unless pointedly asked Do not part With knowledge on your behalf Wasted words doesn't stop Thoughts and emotions given as bonus Experiences and analytical ability The 2 power horses Used as cylinders To fire the process Of change in the other
The target misses Invariably as law of nature Intends Each his own Best cliche in the history No 3 better words formed Out of the English vocabulary
Not worth the time Of both yours and mine None taken seriously I ve seen it all already In my position Things are different The pressures i face Are face to face Many such reasoning Based on the conditioning Running through the mind Blocking any flow Of a new process of contemplation
Best answer is silence Remember you were not asked to begin with Anything voluntarily offered Has no value Its available free Remain aloof hope for his good
His time is when He realises it then Only from within Until then...
Sometimes the Moon is just the Moon Stars simply stars They're just reliable objects They just are And birds are just birds They're pretty They fly Often words are just words They're witty They lie And colors are just granted Sort of like you and I Until each pretty petal just withers and dies