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 Dec 2018
John Destalo
There is an edge that exists right before giving up.  Whether from a distance of either time or space it appears as a gradual slide, it does not feel that way.  Each morning is truly the beginning of a new day until it isn’t.  

I feel at home in the streets.  I need all that noise to block out the other voices and focus.  I can’t seem to swallow unless there is a coating of dust in my throat.   No matter how many people crowd into these streets there is always space between us.  I never become them.  With my head pointed toward the earth I begin to feel the tallness of buildings; in this position I can’t tell whether or not they truly scrape the sky.  

There is a girl in my life; sort of.  She wears designer skin; labels charting the paths of her life.  There have been many starts and stops in her life as well as between us, or it might be another form of continuity, I don’t really know.  I spend most of my days in the streets contemplating the questions she asks.  Mostly they are not directed at me, they are just general questions that ignite within my mind a labyrinth of flames I follow until I cannot find my way out.

Before she leaves for work each morning I make her breakfast and watch as she covers her colors as if they are her numbers from her prison days.  She always feels alone in the design office where she works, it is filled with the sculptures of “creativity” unmoved by her words; they create a vacuum out of whispers removing the air so that she cannot breathe.

Each night she arrives home to find me sitting in a fetal position, clutching my legs to my chest as if I am waiting for the glue to dry.  When I re-recognize her she smiles at me, I gently remove the crust of tears from the corner of her eyes, blow it into the air and make a wish; she removes her caterpillar skin exposing the butterfly of light emanating from inside her.  I spend the rest of the night reading the story of her life.

I try to decipher her markings, the symbols of all the things she felt before she was able to speak, before she met me.  She chooses not speak to me; she wants to be an open book that someone passionately holds to their chest as if to remember each detail.   I am trying to be that person, the one who she chooses for me to be.

The colors of her skin seem to convey something more than the ink injected into her; revealing more about who she is.  They change each day so that her story changes each day and I must read her all over again.

I want to be part of her story, so I have myself branded into her skin; one part of me is colorless, just a black outline of something that once was or has yet to be fully formed, the other part of me has no lines just shades that touch each other at various places eventually blending into each other.  

The next day I am back in my streets, staring at the blades of grass, contemplating the question she once asked, whether she is a particle or a wave, the answer is still uncertain.
 Jul 2017
LA Kirby
I was there with her
the day she went to Glory
What a tender moment
What a beautiful love story.

Although she'd been in pain,
it ceased to mark her face
when she saw her savior coming
to take her to his place.

And though she could not speak
I watched her reach above
You could feel His warm, sweet presence
On her face, a glow of love.

And in that quiet passing
from this life to the next
there was comfort just in knowing
with him she'd get to rest.

There's no doubt about it
His presence there was known
He came to care for Mother
and welcome her back home.

He blessed me with my mother
compelled to share the story~
Of the peace that fell around her
the day she went to Glory.
For my mother, Iola.
 Jun 2017
Emma Faith
dance with the constellations until your hands are covered in dust
feel the warmth of broken planets and the coldness of the earths crust
be strong like atlas and hold up the sky's weight
drink up the milky way and spin around andromeda's plate
ride the comets across the sky and around the sun
rest your tired head on the crescent moon
and while you drift off, sing a lullaby to the universe as you become one
 Sep 2015
Bill murray
Didn't know the young man Mr ded poet I just like to say may you young man find peace in your needing time's.

Friend bill,
 Sep 2015
Justin S Wampler
I've been collecting
all the butterflies you give me
in a big mason jar
that I keep beside
the overflowing bottle
where all my emotions are

And sometimes
when that bottle bursts
and pain just floods me
I open up that jar
where my butterflies are
and I set them free
 Sep 2015
Kind eyes
That is how I remember you
Brown beautiful eyes
That lit up like the night sky
With an eternal array of starlight
But it is what I felt when you stared into mine
An emptiness lifted
Accompanied by the warmth of you
I so wish I had longer
To gaze back at your marble earths
To see through them
To feel your deepest cries
But I barely know you
And that's the saddest thing
 Sep 2015
Bek Blanchard
Kindred spirits with hearts to repair
Connecting with every story shared
Between the morning star and the crescent moon
We found beauty and strength in the rainy monsoon
in the land of the white
live too the black men
apparently with equal right
but with covert disdain.

why couldn't the world be one place
when we are all from common gene
where humanity is the only race
across the color of skin.

in the land of the black
live too the white men
apparently of the same pack
but on a different plane.

why couldn't the world be one landmass
when we rose from one origin
where being humane is the only class
across the color of skin.

in the land of the white
live the white men
among them aren't equal right
exist disparity and disdain.

why couldn't the world be one unit
when together we all once had been
where brotherhood is boldly writ
across the color of skin.

in the land of the black
live the black men
among them oneness they lack
the inequalities still remain.*

why couldn't the world be one creed
where mankind lives as one kin
the white and the black can only read
love across the color of skin.
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