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LA Kirby Dec 2018
Our lives change in ways we can’t know.
What was last year is a fading memory of today.
So don’t be afraid that things will never change.
There’s a new life, if you want it, down the way.

You’re heartbroken and feeling all alone.
You talk of doom and gloom and being wronged.
Don’t be afraid that things will never change.
There’s a new life, if you speak it, down the way.

So you think happiness is just for someone else.
And that the wonders of life elude your path.
Don’t be afraid that things will never change.
There’s a new life, if you believe it, down the way.

                                        LA Kirby
I wrote this for my young, adult children. Remember, “you frame your world with your words”.
LA Kirby Dec 2018
Passion, like a wave, sweeps over us
and carries us into a sea of confusion~
not knowing which way to turn.

                                         LA Kirby
LA Kirby Dec 2018
Memories flood my lonely mind
of another day ~ another time.
The overwhelming, burning fire
that swept us up in live’s desires~
Your knowing touch that brought such bliss,
the passion born in every kiss~
Ignite my thoughts with young love’s flame~
Your burning memory ~ once again.

                                           LA Kirby
LA Kirby Dec 2018
Hurting people hurt people
with words and actions they don’t mean.
Lashing out in fear and anger~
Afraid the truth will soon be seen.

They hide behind their cutting words
and hope no one will see~
The heart inside that’s ever bleeding
from pain they fear will always be.

                                            LA Kirby
LA Kirby Dec 2018
Like a thief, he came and took her “life”~
As though he thought he had a right.

A little girl so strong and bold~
Was laid to rest, her joy gone cold.

It only took one evil choice
to destroy her innocence and leave her void.

A void that filled so much of her
with satan’s lies and destructive words.

But one night as the child cried out in shame
for some reason to live ~ He called her name.

A God so faithful, kind, and true~
Reached out His love, and made her new.
A young teen girl who’d saved that right
for her husband on their wedding night.

Was robbed of something she’d vowed to treasure
for a young man’s evil, selfish pleasure.

A selfish act that changed her path~
Created in her such hate and wrath.

But one night as the girl searched again
for some reason to live~ He called her name.  

A God so faithful, kind, and true~
Reached out His love, and made her new.

A battered woman, tired and weak
from empty promises he wouldn’t keep.

Stared in the mirror at empty eyes
that only saw his deceit and lies.

Her baby sleeping in the night~
Pills filled her hand to end her life.

But that night as the woman screamed in pain
for some reason to live~ He called her name.

A God so faithful, kind, and true~
Reached out His love~
And made her~

                                           LA  Kirby
My story.
LA Kirby Dec 2018
My heart breaks as I watch you question
whether you’ll see her again~
The woman you called “Honey”,
the woman you called “friend “.

The things that you’ve forgotten
in the Winter of your life~
Pierce into my saddened soul
as if they were a knife.

I know deep down, somewhere
in the hallows of your mind~
There still resides that strength and faith
that age has seemed to blind.

And our loving Lord takes care of this~
As if you were a child.
He wraps you in His strong, warm arms
and looks at you ~  and smiles.

                                          LA Kirby
I wrote this 2 years after my mother passed away. I’d spent some time with my dad, whose dementia was getting worse at age 94. It was difficult listening to the man I had always seen as my strong in body, mind, and faith....speak in doubt and fear. It broke my heart to see him this if he were a child. My comfort came in knowing that God understands the aging process and that He was holding and loving my daddy through it all.
LA Kirby Dec 2018
It’s New Year’s Eve
and memories fly~
Of youthful love
and days gone by.

A fading memory
from the past
brought back to light~
Such sorrow cast.

Where are you now?
Where did you go?
The one I loved
and wanted so~

I ne’er forgot
the burning fire.
You were the one~
My heart’s desire.

But you were one~
and I ~ another.
And I dare not displease
my earthly father.

So, alas, I sit
on New Year’s Eve~
A midnight kiss
remembered ~ I grieve.

Alone with thoughts~
my love, my friend~
Of something lost,
That might have been.

                               LA Kirby
I sat remembering the ‘love’ from my twenties that I have never forgotten. I was afraid to follow my heart and chance the love I’d found because my father had always talked against my marriage to anyone of the religion this young man professed. My fear of displeasing my father had a greater pull at that time in my life.
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