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 Feb 2018
Francie Lynch
If I had a choice,
I'd say
I'm a fatalist.
 Feb 2018
Kelly Rose
Another sleepless night
I wander about trying
To “find myself”
Slowly the sun rises
Revealing the mists of time
And for a moment
Clarity strikes
And I know

Kelly Rose
© February 8, 2018
 Feb 2018
Star BG
Inside journey of ups and downs I ground,
trying to make sense of it all.
Madness vs sanity.
Reality vs fantasy.
They all play their role.

Inside the magnificent journey of expansion I open heart
trying to understand the whys.
Nature vs big business.
Beauty vs war.
They all play their role.

Until, I surrender to the divine orchestration of life.
Until I go into heart and let it lead.
Till, I realize I am a co-creator with spirit.
The spirit of love within without.
Inspired by its gonna make sense THANKS
 Feb 2018
Valsa George
A ***** in eternal quest after love
Halting in and moving out from shrine to shrine
Until he merges with Love beyond all shades and sheen
Fear waits upon its prey
where the light is a shamefaced girl

wind is a fragmented guest
where silence fools the unwary

to chirp the birds forget
where the baiter might be the bait

the hush is not all white
as in that ever ruling night
blood is spilled without sound.

Forlorn as the lovers' lost track
meanders the creek
in moans for the lost
shedding its sighs to the tides.
Sunderbans, January 28, 5pm
 Feb 2018
Star BG
POET:   one who anoints world
with their perspective.
making a tasty morsel
for a traveling readers eyes
and a poet sage.
Inspired by chat with branded glaciers GE  Thanks
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