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 Sep 2016
Autumn Rose
She wore perfume
that smelled of old paper books.
She lived in the pages of
the Grimm fairy tales.
If you look into her eyes
you will see that they
are deeper than a well,
but you'll never see someone
to draw water out of them.
It's long dried.
And she is no more.
Disappeared for years.
Our memories of her
are slowly fading away,
like a book read only once.
Yet, she made it.
She never allowed to be forgotten. We can still see her in the ink, in every book we read...

Lies, shame; innocence ruined
Feeling exposed? Uncovered?
Shame & blame, are a constant theme;
Shame came about,
As a direct result of sin.

That evil twin notion of shame,
That good twin notion of shoulds,
Both are responses to the same root problem.

Inner character, God can truly see;
And those stifling atmosphere
Of work, duty, & expectations
All have nothing to do
With the heart of God.

We tremble in shame,
Wrapped in a sheet or a shift;
But we're a lot closer to salvation now
Than once we're in all our finery.

We're naked in our sins
'Til Jesus died and rose again!
To clothe us in righteousness
Rather than with layers of works & legalism.

Human efforts are so uncomfortable;
It's difficult, useless, and endless work
Of clothing ourselves in a spiritual sense.
But when we admit our need for Him,
In His righteousness & grace,
We can truly rest!

Let us not slip into a place
A place of spiritual nakedness & shame.
Come back now,
Fling open the door of every heart,
For we base our hopes on healing
On what is real, not on how we feel.

Now we plant seeds of redemption
Forget shame, receive lavish blessings
How could such a wonderful thing possibly happen?

I can feel the skin of the contoured walls
As I saw her w/ her rivers of tears.
Beyond the four corners of her entity,
I can taste her bitter fears
Of months-old existence of hurt & defeats.

But I can see the future of the Dust
As she laid herself on the golden Sky.
"I was searching in the invisible Sky,
Grasping every Word that floats.

I quiet my soul as I thirst for more.
For it's a picture of my future.
Words aren't illusions; but a Magical Being
More than my empty words,
Yours are my infinite praise.
Like air, like wind, oh Your Breath of Life
My Bread of Life as You speak."
"The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." - Lam. 3:25-26 (ESV)

"Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it?" - V. 37
 Sep 2016
brandon nagley

Mashiach, I beseech thee; sculpt and mold this hardened heart, for thy Glory's part; to be shown
Unto men. I quiver as a
Gun's trigger, mine
Cry's do fly to thee;
As mine wailing
Like life, hast
None end.
Blot out these fleshly lusts,
Taketh away these desires; wherein
Hell consumes me to smoke, mine eyes sunk in from stress, mine clothes cigarette sprayed- by the ashes I've tasted, and the sin's I've engaged. God Yahweh, help me remember thy merciful, tender, loving Way's, forgive me today, cleanse my soul and mine veins of all  carnal destruction. Without thee lord, mine god; I canst not function.


Creator, maker of all afore and after,
God of the living; Jehovah of the eternal hereafter. Be a guiding lamp to mine dearest Jane's feet, walk with her, talk with her, for she doubt's at times as me. Makest her believe; showest thy warmth, and give her all she need's; as only thou provideth. Thou art ourn daily bread, let us not slip- but ride the clouds instead. Pity O' pity, hath on us lord; ourn bodies art thy vessel's, inside them the love thou doth store. I prayest this as a sinner, a thief, a liar, I prayest as a law-breaker, a deceiver, a shyster. I prayest as a broken man, in need of thy touch. I prayest for me and Jane, for thy mercy again, almighty; almighty, god of love with none end.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Prophetic poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( prayer as well for you poetic form)
Mashiach- means Messiah in Hebrew spelling.
Beseech- ask or implore, beg...
Thee and thou,- means you.
Thy- your.
Wail- cry of pain.
Hast- has.
Taketh- take.
Wherein- in which.
Canst- can.
Afore- before.
Jehovah is a Hebrew name for god just like Yahweh and Elohim..
Hereafter- life after death.
Makest- make.
Showest- show.
Provideth- provide.
Hath- have.
Art - are.
Thy- your.
Doth can mean do, or does. This one I mean +( do).
Prayest- pray.
Shyster- con artist.
 Sep 2016
today is enough, more than enough to get on with
how will you live it?
this moment by moment by moment
this moment is enough, more than enough to get on with.
 Aug 2016
Dhaye Margaux
Dreams are not just for youth
Hopes are not only for their future
We may be old but we also dream
And it is never too late to dream a dream
And hope all the hopes left
After time had been unkind to us
Dreams are like wishes
We can dream more
We can dream big
As long as we are still standing
And willing to move on
We are never too old to dream
another dream.
Dream.  Wish.  Hope.  Move on.
 Aug 2016
jane taylor
you cannot unwalk the bridge you have crossed
you cannot unknow the fresh taste of enlightenment
once you have breathed it in
there is no way back
to an illusory net of safety
take courage
spread your wings
and fly

i post many of my poems over my photography
~ to see the photo and poem combo go to!there-is-no-way-back/c186k/57c1d991da6989613dd3f4f3
 Aug 2016
A Lighthouse to light beyond the Reasons
An Astragal to tone down the Passion
A Lantern to bright beyond the Horizons
In that permanent Love's Peregrination
Some wished him to be an Anchor
He is just a moored Beacon, offshore.
 Aug 2016
eunsung aka Silas
I am awake  to life
opening my heart
loving fiercely
 Aug 2016
Little Bear
if only we would love  
with our eyes
and our hearts

we would not see
the outer shell

we would simply
fall in love with
the soul
the spirit
the heart
before us

for the rest
eventually falls away
Thank you all so so very much for all of the wonderful comments and kind words. I am so very grateful. I woke this morning to so many emails.. i actually thought my Mum had finally managed to use the email account i had set up for her and had sent me some messages :o)
but no .. haha bless her heart.. :o)

So.... again.. thank you thank you all forever, for all the hearts and all the love..
i feel it ***
They could not sow anything else but seeds of hatred
Now what will crop up nothing less buds with blood
The next generation is of ****** thirst hounds avid
How can love overcome when nothing remains sacred

Gift of father travels through very many generations
It becomes root cause of all evils in many great nations
It corrupts worthy daughters becomes debacle for sons
When atmosphere becomes sheer dark without beckons

Prayers are destitute slogans are but just sham excuse
Only charity remains in the shape of just utter refuse
It is not possible now to inject life or confidence to infuse
Bruised minds and injured hearts will not be able to diffuse

Time can not wait for stupids to come up to the occasion
Broken donkeys are unable to carry troublesome burden
Life is a reality it is not a dream of a driven and drunken
Real pragmatic people believe in life in action and function

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
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