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 Oct 2016 Christine
M Elee
 Oct 2016 Christine
M Elee
The rain drops drizzling
On the aluminum awning
Reminds me of the way your hands
Would gracefully tease piano keys
And make the most beautiful sound.
A man so kind he makes heartbreak
Taste like honey and settle the same way
On your tongue,
A sweetness savored,
from a sour savior.
I sort stale feelings like recyclables,
But can’t bring myself to throw anything away.
The way your floor is littered with pens and pennies,
Makes me think of how when you arrive home,
You empty the day and your pockets onto the ground
In a most imperfect fashion
When you are alone.
A crack in the mask
And a chasm in façade.
I deserve you,
Whether that is as a consequence
Or reward,
I will never know
For so bittersweet it has been to know you.
the scars that circle my wrist,
once beaded with blood,
but now running around
my arm, standing out like
pink ribbons against my skin,
waiting, hoping, against me
that someone will see them
and they'll ask the dreaded
question that sets off a
sinking feeling in the pit
of my stomach
I'm sorry that I haven't been on in ages...I've been trying to get better, I really have...
There’s a reason everyone loves autumn
As the leaves change so do we
Turning into our true colors
Where once we were all green
Inner beauty is brought fourth
There is a metamorphosis
From blending in, to standing out
Our differences are celebrated

We may start out the same
But that won’t stop the change
The transformation we all go through,
Our inner selves cannot be detained
It’s always been there waiting,
Wanting to shine through
One of the few guarantees life gives us,
That change comes and leaves turn
 Oct 2016 Christine
Amethyst Fyre
"So" the girl in the mirror says, tilting her head at me,
"It seems we've learned something"

If you don't want to look beyond your bubble, you won't see at all
If you want to be in pain, your eyes will start to ache
If you want to wade in darkness, the ugly will fill your sight
If you want only to believe in good, the beauty will blind you

And if you want to see the truth?
Then you open your eyes to everything
And even if you don't like it, you will see what you seek

"So it seems we've learned something" the girl in the mirror sighs,
"You poor, pretty, broken soul
It seems you finally know
You're all beautiful, ugly, hurt and scarred
You are all all of these and you are nothing"

We are nothing other than what we choose to be
So it seems I've learned that we will see what we seek

**I choose to see you as who you are, and not as who I want you to be
in the end
what does the
world matter
when I don't?
 Oct 2016 Christine
A Alexander
Countdown, somewhere in the back of my mind,
telling me there isn't much time.
Not enough hours in the day, for all I want to do or say.
So many hopes, dreams and wishes to fulfill,
leaves me many times, at a standstill.
To sit and wonder the purpose for it all,
in such a brief experience, leaves me in awe.
I resume to my busyness  after these encounters, to carry on as I may,
thankful for each day.
 Oct 2016 Christine
Robin Dunlop
She walks upon the glass
Forced to maintain a smile,
With the spectators on the sidelines
Chanting mile after mile.

Every step grows
More painful than the last.
Her soul slowly draining
Through the wounds of her past.

Nobody ever told her
The road was paved with glass.
All they ever said was,
"This too shall pass."

That's not a fair warning
And she's too far to turn back.
So she just continues to bleed
Letting her heart turn black.
For my daughter and all of those that suffer from depression.
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