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  Sep 2014 Chloé
Kaitlynn Williams
I remember everything you said to me
And how you wanted everything to be
I remember when you said forever
And how you wanted to be with me whenever
I remember the way you used to smile
And how you wanted to see me walk down the aisle
I remember the way we used to be
And how you said you only wanted me
I remember when you said "I love you"
And how ecstatic I was to say "I love you too"
I remember the way those words rambled off your tongue
And how people said we were too young
But I remember how I felt about you
And how I knew it was too good to be true
Because I remember the way you left me
And how you just let me be
You hung up the phone and left me there to cry
But I wasn't ready to say goodbye
I'm still not ready to move on
But all my happiness has been withdrawn
I just wish you would come back
And give me back all the happiness that has been lacked.
Chloé Sep 2014
hate destroyed people
it destroyed homes
it destroyed lifes
it destroyed you
it destroyed me
it destroyed society
Chloé Sep 2014
Our feelings found an end before the beginning ..
Too early
  Sep 2014 Chloé
Layla Thurman
Im trying to decide
what it is that
I see in you
what it is that
makes me love you
Because really
you just make me tired
all of the time
I'm stressed
and overall in pain
just being with you
yet I can't help but stay
because theres something
I love about you
Its not so much your eyes
or your voice
though both of those
are wonderful
its not quite your smile
or your laugh
yet both of those
are sweet
I think its something deeper
calling me to you
and it causes me to stay
even though its rough
I believe its love itself.
Chloé Sep 2014
Was i never good enough to be yours?
Was i just good enough to played as a fool?
Was i never good enough to be shown as your girl?
Was i just good enough to play the role in the back
  Sep 2014 Chloé
Tim Amaru
Always living in fear
Afraid that failure is always near
This has left my spirit broken
These are things I've left unspoken.
   I'm feeling all alone
The feeling is worst than what is shown
The fear is really growing
And now the fear is really showing.
   I'm really feeling down
Even if you don't see my frown
Inside I am shaking
Inside I am not faking.
    On the inside I am crying
On the inside there is no lying
I'm afraid of what's to come
I'm afraid because it seems it has already begun.
     Always living in fear
Afraid that failure is always near
This has left my spirit broken
These are things I've left unspoken...
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