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 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
Nico Reznick
The grapes haven't spoiled yet, but
will now never be tasted.
The cut flowers
still have some perplexing
life in them.
Hanging from a
tree branch, I find a message
written by a dead woman.
There's a bookmark
embedded between the
pages of a hardback, like
Excalibur lodged in
stone, and I
cannot pull it out.
It hurts to walk along
certain corridors,
past certain doors, with
no one behind them
calling to me.  
The radio is tuned to Ghost FM,
and nobody with a pulse
gets airtime.  
Digital photographs of
fading analogue memories.

Yet still small shoots persist
in breaking through this dark, cold dirt, and
inexplicably blossoming.
In ten days, six people I know and care about have died.  Guess this is my way of processing that.
Oh my kind grandpa
I've drawn your eyes on the tall
branches of the trees

پدربزرگ مهربانم
من روی درخت هایی که شاخه هاشان بلند بود
چشم های شما را نقاشی کشیدم
to my kind grandfather '' Jawahar Gupta ''
 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
Buddy T
 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
Buddy T
to love
to be hated
to hate
to be loved

these 4 things
is what
makes us human
isn't it?
 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
Timmy Shanti
When still life is vibrant
And landscapes are dead
No beauty at pageants
No glory ahead
No pathways to follow
No pleasure to find
Desires so hollow
And so is the mind…

Be gentle but stalwart
Be kind but robust
Be passion itself
A jolly wind gust
Be flowing like water
Be warm as the sun
Be timeless like fire
It’s all just begun…
II - 2017
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