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 Nov 2016 Wanderer
See The Rain
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Some days I wish to soak the earth,
Some days I wish to return to the simple mindedness of the dirt,
To a time when I knew less about me,
And more about how I wished to improve.
When I see the rain, such as it is, I think of this,
And afterwards I think of you.
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
It doesn't matter how sweet I am, or how kind I feel that I have to be. All that really matters to me is you, and how based on me you will perceive,

The other men, the other shoes, the many soles slowly passing by. The kind of guys which you might keep, and even ultimately try.

But I hope you see what is truly weak, after sharing such strong arms as these. I hold you now, but not in hand. I hold you still in great esteem.

If only you would esteem yourself, you'd walk on surer, more stable feet. Not into the arms of a tragedy, but into the future which you deserve. Holding tight to a steadier hand than me.
Walk straight. Walk fast. And seek the kindness of those who won't flaunt their graciousness. Please do this for yourself.
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Akira Chinen
We fall in love
Deep mad love
And everything
Everything about life
seems better
We hold hands
Kiss tightly and long
We get lost between
Slow *** and hard
reckless *******
We stay up late
with the stars
and catch the sunrise
We phone and talk
about nothing
and anything
and lose ourselves
in laughter and
forget to care about
what time it is
And time passes
and we get comfortable
We get so ******
that we forget about
the fire
the madness
and slowly we take
love for granted
We laze around it
We wander from it
in the grocery store
the long car rides
we carelessly ignore it
during what was once
love making and not
just killing time or
just ******* to ****
And the fire dies down
And madness packs up
And soon enough
mouths no longer kiss
and hands dont hold
and then
theres yelling
and finger pointing
and blame tossed around
And we forget about love
We forget how it all happened
How we got so
****** comfortable
and we lose it
and we find misery
and then misery gets
so ****** comfortable
and we enjoy it
We enjoy being miserable
and we just gotta laugh
about how stupid we
can be
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Akira Chinen
I know your just a dream and an illusion illustrated by a fevered mind and painted by a broken heart
Dark grey eyes in a black and white photograph of something innocent with a lustfull wonder and a soulful gaze
And you are in beauty and love the definition of perfection
and maybe I'll fall in love or find madness or maybe it will be a little of both and it will be an impossible thing made possible
I could love you past the infinte unknown and through the nothing of what comes next and find you in my past and futute lifes and love you more each time
Yet if I reached out to touch you and moved my lips in front of yours and hesitated for a moment of what felt like eternity
and then moved again
in an instant would you not disappear
and fade
The paint dryed to dust and carried off with the wind of this waking dream
and the illustration turned to mist
and ghost of memory
Then you would be gone and the love would still burn over the surface of my heart and your picture would still flicker in black and white on the walls of my soul
The smell of gun smoke and gasoline to remind me of an impossible dream
And if you instead reached out to me and hesitated and then...
Would our worlds collide
Would you pull me into dreams and illustrations of books and
tales of impossible love
Or would you be made real and be of flesh and bone and blood and passion of something soul and wonder and innocence
Or would we both be pulled somewhere inbetween and walk a silver line above the sky and clouds and find our story already written in the stars
Our every chapter and our ever time and our every name and our ever love
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Siren Coast
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Siren Coast
I did not ask to enter this world a female,
but it's what God granted me.
I did not ask to be regulated by hormones,
but it is what is expected of me.
I did not ask for this child,
that was forced upon me late one night.
I did not ask for this judgement,
that is so easily handed out.
I did not ask to be called 'baby',
by that man on the subway.
I did not ask for the opinions of my weight,
which are so casually thrown about.
I did not ask for a smaller salary,
due to the genitalia I was provided.
But this is the life I was given, and so I find my tribe.
I find other women who grant me peace and protection.
I advocate for women whose voices are not heard.
I fight for my future daughters.
I protest the hate.
I protest the inequalities.
I protest for our Mother, Earth.
I protest, and I stand, and I cry.
My ****** is my home.
My womb is my decision.
My body my choice.
you used me
the abuse
suited me
stupid me,
to lose

© Matthew Harlovic
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Akira Chinen
Its easier to fall for a voice and a picture
than a women sitting at the end of a bar
stirring lonely ice  
in a glass full of whiskey and dead dreams
The imagined love hurts less to lose
where kisses shared were just painted illusions
and wet colors left under the skin of a dream
Where the reality of the illusion bends
and sways to the whims of a foolish heart broken
and stitched and broken and stitched over time and clichés
And love is kinder in fantasy
than in shared beds with lonely souls
just putting their bodies through the motion
of the memory of past ghosts
of living passions from nights under a moon long gone
And the bar has filled and ice has melted
and women stir dead dreams
and wear whisky flavored lips
and maybe if I didn't suffer from a debilitating shyness
I would mention the strange weather
or say anything at all
But the solitary ride home is more tempting
and I have a picture and a voice
waiting on a nightstand next to an empty bed
with a comfortable dream
to stitch back the pieces of the dead heart
that somehow still beats inside my chest
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
The Devil summons his demons
While earthly mortals sell their souls
It's a game of master and slave

In the cold grey offices
It's where they meet
To devour your soul
Clickety clack , clickety clack
Rows and rows of puppets
Sitting in front their screens
In hopes of recieving more money
to put themselves further in debt

They gather round the coffee machine
Plastic smiles that go for miles , awaiting to clock themselves out.

This where Everything is measured
With walls
full of
regarded as art.

Lifeless being
A cog in the machine
Spewing out profits
For the elite
But don't dare be late
Or you out on the street
Because the devil and demons
Don't give a **** about you
It all about that profit
 Nov 2016 Wanderer

i don't want your advice about hanging in there
i don't want to hear about how i should wait for the rest of my life to begin
i don't want to hear about what should give me light
i don't want to hear about the struggles of valuable lessons or the triumph of hope

i don't want empty promises or vacant encouragements
i don't want your moral high horse or veiled condescension

i want to hear your honest opinions
i want to hear your soul cry out in protest
about how you're drowning your sorrows
about how your brain feels like a worn out sponge
and your heart an old wrung rag

i want to hear how you're close to giving up
i want to hear how you're burning out
i want to hear how coffee makes you shake
i want to hear how you need pills to sleep
i want to hear how the thoughts of your future scare you more than your past ever did

i want to hear all your fears.

i want to know that in all of mine,
**i'm not alone.
one of the more organic, honest, spur-of-the-moment ones. worthy of the title "spilled ink".
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
The Widow
Betsy sits on her roof
and throws rocks

Betsy want shots fired,
she's not the violent type

She read all the news
and it gave her cancer

The first thing Betsy did
when the news broke

No one noticed anyway
but she put a sign outside:
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