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 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Akira Chinen
I don't like to be open and exposed and naked in front of lust and want but I am trapped by undeniable desire to bathe in the soft spaces of your beauty and warmth of the temptation between the colors swirling in the oceans and stars in your eyes and the hunger to taste the poison and sweet blossom of your lips causes my pulse to race and my soul is pushed to the cliffs edge over the mouth of madness and its smiling and laughing and calling for me jump and theres no escape from the images of you painted by my heart still wet and scented with oils dyed with passion and I am consumed and try as I might I can't help but like finding myself open and exposed  by my wants of  naked lust
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Erin Suurkoivu
Her novelty has faded.
The stars hang back, distant ladies-in-waiting.
The night sky, their palace, is eclipsed by cities
Exploding with neon lights and grotesque trees.
She is too romantic.
Inch by inch, the black sheath is drawn back,
Revealing her smiling crescent.
She keeps a faithful orbit, and stirs
Blue oceans with long white fingers.

In her full sphere
She is a perfect spotlight,
Turning quiet snowy fields into
Illuminated empty stages.
She plays peek-a-boo, uncovering lovers
Gleaming whitely in the mouths
Of beds.
The beauty of entwined limbs
Exposed in her milky radiance.

She is the sun’s soft reflection.
He is never dim, and the black
Silk bag, a sort of corset,
Is ready to devour her again.
The wine is drained from the glass.
Her smile has become a slit.
The single pearl
Cloaked in shadow again.
"The Moon" is a poem from my poetry book, "Blood for Honey", available at and Amazon.
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Akira Chinen
Her voice dripped with the slow sultry ease of forbidden lust and I was lost in the wanting to know the warmth of her breath and haunted by the dark grey of her eyes and the perfect pitch black flow of her hair I often found myself waking in a dream of her soft velvet lips folded over my hard skin and whispers let lose secrets of pleasures blooming in hidden flowers just below hiked up skirts and just above loosened belts and I was wandering between the rings of Saturn and prayers for Kalypso to release the raging sea of desires flooding the echos in the chambers of my heart and finding myself being helpless to the temptation of the moment of life kissing death and gave into the eruption of self induced gratification and felt the dream slowly die between my legs as the ghost of her lips spoke with a slow sultry ease that she was only the dream of lust born from the beauty of impossible love found only in the warmth of her breath
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Akira Chinen
I am from the blue sky threads of heaven and the black iron flames of hell
I  am innocence bathed in sin
I  am hatred betrayed
and killed by kindness
I  walk the hard concrete of sidewalks
lost along the roads
of tragedy and romance
I  am ghost and soul and body
inside  the hollow shell of an empty heart
searching  for the echo of a memory of a song that was forgotten
before it was ever sang
I am time frozen and crumbled and wasted
and trapped in hours of broken glass and freed by howling winds
and raging seas
where seconds expand past eternity
and minutes outweigh the value
of hours and days and weeks and years  
I am infant and small and  weak
I am old and aged and frail
I am woman and man and devil and god
and strong and wise and wicked and worn
I am dream and truth
I am death and illusion
I  begin at the end
and end at forevers first
I am flesh and blood and time
I am love
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Akira Chinen
Whisper of your ***** little secrets with your pretty little lips
Tell me of your dark delights kiss after kiss
Undress your sinful story and leave its dust jacket on the floor
Wrap me in your hidden pleasures while you pull your skirt above your hips
Drag out my hearts temptation to the surface of the lust within my skin
Its impossible not to love you while under the spell of your charms of wickedness
Melt away inhibitions and moral and marrow and bone and leave nothing but carnal rage desperate for gratification at the brink of death
Leave not a trace of soul or virtue before we tumble into flight and fall and crash over the edge of no return
And secrets shared become secrets kept
Locked beneath hidden memory
of hearts flesh and dream
Where nothing done in love
Is remembered as unclean
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
why do you never want me the way i want you?
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
I need you to hold me;
But I know you'd rather hold someone else.
I need you to stay with me;
But I know that you already stayed with someone else.
I need you to trust me;
But I know they'd poisoned you;
Now you see me as someone else.
I told you my secrets;
You told me yours;
I told you my doubts.
You told me your wishes;
Now I know why we get along but never alike.
I told you what bothered me;
You told me what bothered you.
We never had a commitment;
Yet I feel like I'm betrayed.
Once we part our ways,
That would be the end of it.
It's a pity that I thought you were special;
But it's a much more pity that you're like everybody else.
You may have changed;
But I've never regret the times.
A **** lie for an answer

To a question never asked
 Nov 2016 Wanderer
Just hit rock bottom
Writer's Block
Wounds closed; about to reopen
No one understands the plea
Talk to me
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