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 May 2014 Britt C
 May 2014 Britt C
i didn't know ghosts
could haunt themselves,
until i met you.
"he was lost in the past."
 May 2014 Britt C
I want to fall in love
Like it is a rare thing
I want to start out raw
Like a beautiful beginning
I could have lost it all to you
We could have embraced it all
But we never found our ways
To each other we were not drawn
 May 2014 Britt C
infinite mind
i know you are out there
in the dead of the night
i let you in
you creep with caution closer to me
i guide your arms into mine
the warm scent i recognise so well fills my nose
i pull you in
distance will not tear us apart

and when you leave
be sure to move on
for our happiness will be captured in our memories
do not dwell solely on the past
as there is still a space in my heart for you
where you will always last

distance is just a measure after all
we both see the same moon and stars
simply from another angle

just know i am only several miles away
and i am still thinking of you
 May 2014 Britt C
Amanda Kyara
At this point I don't care about anything
Realization hit me like a wave in my face
knocking me down and leaving me lost at sea

I cannot help but feel like a piece of driftwood,
an inanimate object unable to feel any emotion
for you have thrown me out like some sort of trash

but I realize that I meant nothing to you, I only thought
just like I thought you loved me,
or believed you when you said you did

but your words are worthless
their meanings revoked
 May 2014 Britt C
infinite mind
your mind is like the ocean
a constant wave of emotion
for a second it was a storm of hate crashing out
now it is a calm tide of love surfacing about

beneath the tides lie countless wrecks
like memories resting inside my head
I thought I'd forgotten
placed them deep below
but they surface from time to time
trying to stay afloat  

my mind has a never ending complexity
I own it - yet struggle to control it
it is drowning in emotion
it is struggling to keep afloat

but for now I will bathe in the undisputed unknown
 May 2014 Britt C
infinite mind
why does my happiness depend on you
why is it so difficult to make myself happy
but so easy for others around me to make me happy

and you're oblivious to it all
 May 2014 Britt C
Amanda Kyara
To drown in the ocean
would feel like I feel

surrounded by darkness
of the big blue sea

The tides pulling me back
in the same way my mood does

To drown in the ocean
would be easiest for me

— The End —