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 Nov 2014 Brie
 Nov 2014 Brie
Though there have been harsh words in the past i miss you more than id like to admit. I no longer feel the chains that bound me to your anchor but like any other choice ive made here i am filled with regret. Regret for what though? Being used as a convenience? I honestly cant believe it took me this long to see this. Thats love though, shining a light so bright in your eyes you cant see whats on the inside. Im sincerely grateful we didn't end up as one because the things you do to those who you "love" would shatter my perception on who you actually are. You hide behind the beauty and tears. Running from your fears while tripping your loved ones hoping itll take them instead. Ive never quite known someone like you and i hope i dont again. I wish nothing but the best for you "friend."
 Nov 2014 Brie
Out of Body
 Nov 2014 Brie
I feel so pathetic at times like this
Eyes closed but mind wide open into the sharpened abyss
I see you passionately making love to another man
I see a silver engraved dagger shaking in my hands
I creep quietly through the room
Both of you know not of my existence
As you layed there before me
The knife glides right through him and into you
You don't even gasp its like you knew the fortune before the torment
its like i could understand what our clothes on the floor meant
i couldn't bare to see the sight i saw
As the words seep out through the wounds just underneath your jaw
There couldn't be any witnesses around to see
Me murderer the man i used to be
 Nov 2014 Brie
Dustin Lanham
The strands of smoke that pour from her lips
Blend with an atmosphere dimly lit;
The sight of the scene would make a man bewitched,
For it were as if her beauty were some sort of trick.

Her aura of importance, vanity, and fashion
Are comparable to an openly adored fascism.

She regards the rules as much as possible
To make herself look as good as a model.

Spending hours at a time to look her best,
She relieves the stress with cigarettes.
There's hope that they will make her forget
All of the mistakes and all of the regrets.

Though most of her relationships were abusive
None of them yet have brought her story to conclusion
Now she's hiding all of her problems as if they're delusions
Behind smoke and mirrors--the perfect illusion.
 Nov 2014 Brie
Dustin Lanham
 Nov 2014 Brie
Dustin Lanham
Like a martyr to the world,
he gave in to their greed.
Like a ****** of crows,
on his flesh did they feed.
He showed pity towards their ignorance
To a world full of demons.
They deemed his feelings irellevant
while he quietly held his grievances.
Instead of harvesting the crops he planted
they consumed it in one sitting.
He sat and watched their lives dismantle,
a slow destruction he assumed fitting.
As they struggled to rebuild the earth,
he observed them from afar.
His time, no longer were they worth,
was now spent gazing at the stars.
The humans searched for him on every mountain
and in the deepest of the canyons,
as they were the sheep that he was counting
while he slumbered amongst the planets.
 Nov 2014 Brie
Dustin Lanham
Someday anarchy will ******* the nation,
breaking legs that walk in the wrong direction.
The so-called leaders will be reduced to kneeling,
like those they ignored; begging and pleading.

Empires crumble as structures fall,
an ironic symbol of what we used to call life.
From rulers unworthy, the throne is claimed;
a rebirth of a nation, a new start to the game.

The assertive cure to the poison that plagued us,
administered by those who were previously faceless.

The people as one, not one as the people
grab shovels to unearth the roots of all evil.
In light of Election Day, I thought I'd write something relevant to current events.
 Nov 2014 Brie
Dustin Lanham
You're sometimes hard to read
like a book torn at the seams.
But you aren't flawed, by any means;
your elegance echoes in my dreams.

You're a little hard to figure out,
like a puzzle with pieces scattered about.
But when pieced together your image is clear,
like a summer's day;
warm, sincere.

Like an ancient text, you're hard to define.
But the meaning within is simply divine.
You leave me with a feeling sublime.
You'll never be forgotten in time.

Like an ingenious form of philosophy,
you are so much more than what you seem.

You are the words that I longingly read
in a cursive memory.
 Nov 2014 Brie
Rosalia Fuentes
If only I knew the price I'd pay
Living the same cycle day by day
The blood in my veins would soon run cold
The spark in my heart would abandon my soul
The comfort of my skin would wear away
The color of my city would turn to gray
The blood in my head would drain from my nose
Spending dime after dime left me out in the cold
If only I knew that I just had to try
Doses became higher
And so did I
Till I finally screamed, threw myself on the floor
I punched
I kicked
Couldn't take it anymore
Dose after dose
I couldn't see from my eyes
I laid on my back and looked up at the sky
If only I knew it was all part of the ride
Just a bunch of ****** up kids
With bloodshot eyes
Chasing our drinks instead of the sun
Only God knows the battle I've won.
Very first poem.
 Nov 2014 Brie
Katie Elzinga
Porcelain skin,
white with rosy cheeks.
Lips sewn shut,
concealing her shrieks.
Knotted hair,
with pink pretty bows.
Smiling mouth,
lips red as a rose.
Eyes open,
staring at blank space.
Pretty dresses,
covered all in lace.
Broken teacups,
will soon fall apart.
Never revealing,
her lack of a heart.
Perfect girl,
with an alluring complexion.
Fails to see,
her and her reflection.
you can’t see her cracks.
only seeing whites and blacks.
Collecting dust,
sitting on a shelf.
life itself.
A poem I wrote for school, let me know if you like it? I also don't know what to put as a title so feedback on that would be helpful (:

— The End —