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  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Lora Lee
words fell
    like broken
your lips
              searing your
bruised heart,
              its jagged rips
into mine
  beats sharply feathered
like injured
angel eyes
   pigmented my color,
    blinded by a
cool sheen
hiding behind
You are but a child,
young fresh entity
yet know the weight
of heavy
    and suddenly
nothing else
only your light
in my world,
         dark you get
nothing material
can fix it and I will
stop it all
to press
the button
          of time
and give
for my son
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Zachary William
If you have something to say,
say it with conviction
believe in the words coming
from your mouth
because once they're out
they don't go back in
and no mouth to mouth
will resuscitate
a bridge that's in flames
and as long as you
meant every last word
every last volley
shot over the walls
built from years of
then no blame can be sent
your way
but do not be alarmed
when they come back around,
a little crispy around the edges
all shrieking like demons
faces black and sooty
and eyes red from the smoke
that rose from the fires
that only tears could put out
and they've got a hot coal
in their hand that they
don't feel and they
want to see you burn.

All that makes our demons
scary is who they're
throwing fire at.
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Lillian Harris
I cry and care
Too much;
My heart
Is a thing
To be left
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Tyler Matthew
to love a poet
is to admit the world
is tragic
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
I see you there
suspended for a time
between the shadow
and the light.

You look pale
but peaceful,
in a dream state.

I rest awhile,
a shallow sleep,

then I awake


without words
my mind whispers

it’s time

I gently wipe your lips,
brush a stray hair
from your forehead.
It’s all I know to do.

Then I sing
a cherished lullaby
hoping you hear me
hoping it wraps you in love
as my arms wrapped
around you
as a child.

I hold your hand,
kiss your forehead.
In that instant I see
and feel all you’ve been
all that is you

tiny wrinkled infant
delightful, smiling six-month old
curious toddler
proud school age
struggling teen
loving adult

we're losing all of these,
all that you've been
all that is you


I feel your spirit leave…

for that brief moment
I’m overcome with a calm
I can’t describe.

A gift rare and precious –

as I was there
when you entered the world
I was with you
when you left.

"The butterfly counts not months but moments and has time enough."  
Rabinadrath Tagore
We lost our son to a brain tumor. He fought bravely and determinedly for seven years, enduring two surgeries, radiation, Gamma knife "surgery", chemotherapy and clinical trials. He never lost his sunny smile or determination. He only let go when he knew it was time, slipping into unconsciousness shortly after his two brothers (his best friends) arrived to say goodbye. He remained in that suspended state for two days. On the third day the four of us gathered for dinner and shared thoughts about him and our life with him. We cried, we laughed, we shared memories. Later that night he let go. I will always believe, being the caring and generous person he was, that he heard us talking and knew that, as hard as it would be, we would be okay.
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
"Love is in the air"

That's probably why I'm suffocating.
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