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  Jul 2017 Breawna B
I can see it in her eyes
when she comes creeping in.
She's been somewhere she promised me
she'd never go again.
She thinks that I won't know it.
She thinks that I can't tell.
She forgets how many times
she's put us through this hell.   
She's sitting right beside me,
but She's not really there.
There mothers slowly dying,
Killing herself without a care.
I miss you N
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
You and I jokingly started.
You said to me, "I love you,"
With a joke attached.
I replied back, "I love you too,"
With my heart attached.

I felt nothing as you held it.
Maybe because it slowly melted
By your undying rage of me.
I still ask why you loved me.
Only to throw me like a clay frisbee,
and shoot with a shotgun shell
Imbued by the bitterness of you.
Pieces of it are left and it felt like hell.

I antagonized you,
I despised you,
I loathed you,
But I never stopped loving you.
I never stopped caring for you.
I hate you for leaving me.
I hate you for teaching me how to love.
I hate you for not teaching me how to stop loving you.
Part 1
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Darlene Chavez
Was it still a joke?
When she slit her wrists and wanted to die
Was it still a joke?
When all she did was cry

Was it a joke
when she didn't even kiss her mom goodbye
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Darlene Chavez
There are times when I imagine
Slicing my wrists open
There are times when I imagine
Never waking up
There are times when I imagine
My body hanging from a rope
There are times when I imagine
My grave with no flowers
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Darlene Chavez
Hold me tonight
Build me a home
Make everything okay
Cause I can't I do this any longer
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Darlene Chavez
If you're hitting rock bottom
There is something you need to know
I'll be here for you
Even when you're feeling low
Because baby
You don't have to fight this war alone

You have me
I just want to make you happy
As happy as can be
Baby you'll always have me
I love you
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