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314 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
set up,
pairs of three.
gonna do
when the
world stops
around you?
I'm still
into you-r
band, but
that's 'cause
you're a good
who am
I already
But since
you think
you do
watcha still
gonna do?
my guess
is only
as good
as yours.
but don't
sweat it,
if that
doctor carrer
doesn't work
out, try
304 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare

I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind
I hate you so much that it makes me sick
It even makes me rhyme

I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
Even worse when you make me cry

I hate the way you're not around
And the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
My favorite poem. I didn't think poetry could get any better than this. But then I met you.
304 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
Red rose,
Red rose,
Where did you go?
Red rose,
Red rose,
Did you know?
They can be blue too.
Red rose,
Red rose,
I'm starting to believe
That those
have nothing on you
and your pretty soul.
Stop callimg out. Seeing your dumb stupid face is starting to help my days pass by.
303 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
he looks so good
sweat dripping
like water on

i want
to lick it
off and
devour him
from within.

i want
to be the stuff
that makes up
his dreams.

i want
to be the one
that makes him
roll his eyes back
and scream.

he'd be daddy
and i'd be
his bad baby.

or just maybe
i'd settle for
a candlelight

or something stupid
like going fishing,
he'd hook the bate.

chewing on my lip
without looking up,
"whatever it is
you want to do,
i wouldn't mind
doing it with you"
I would whisper
to the point he
couldn't hear
me hardly.

would he be
the first in a while
to touch my mind
and know my soul
before my body?

and who knows
at the end of the night
maybe a peck
on the cheek.

with him,
would life still
seem to be
so bleak?
just for you.
302 · Jan 2018
bluevelvet Jan 2018
Some people find God
Smoking a cigarette,
I found him in the way
I made them laugh
And it comes in the forms of colors
Like blue and green,
Brown and a slight tent of red
But it doesn't matter,
At least not most of them
Because it doesn't matter what I do
I will never know what it feels like
To know if you would have loved
Every color in me
I sometimes mistake certain colors
294 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
I find the
things you hate
and the things
to make
it known.

Was the purpose
to string
me along?

Or was it
to bring
light to
the things
that are
Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose garden
291 · Jul 2017
For You
bluevelvet Jul 2017
I have different dreams now
And the fear has been added on
I have a different strength now,
One that lacks in every way
But it doesn't matter cause
You found the strongest one for the day!
And all my dreams, they involve you
All my fear is still being forgotten too
But that's my little cousins name and it's kind of weird for you pretend it's mine.
Or maybe that's just what my mind wants to remember.
But i can still see the leaves shadows on the notebook paper and I think I wanted it to be a secret, wait for you to read it. I hunched over and stuck my tongue slightly out in concentration after you told me it had to be about me and not you. And I think I saw you watching me write it. *your elbows on the table, hat tipped back and hands around your mouth, you were watching me write. and now this is for you. This is for the boy that I hurt and the potential that I ruined. This is for the boy that I love and will always need without ever receiving. This is for you. This will always be for you.
286 · May 2017
The Billy Buck Kid
bluevelvet May 2017
Time present is that
what you make of it.
Time future is the
great abundant unknown
to those that search
for a new soul.
Time pasts will always
be present in time future.

Do not dwell in
the things you will
never know.
Just look around,
take things slow.
Memories will echo,
the paths that of which
you chose to never go.

Kiss them in dreams,
turn back time in
the areas you wish
to not feel the need to bleed.
Don't lose focus,
this is but a game of
a magical circus.

Know all along,
you are better than
what anyone perceives
you as for so long.
Delusion is a must to live a happy life.
Grabbing at tethered ends,
it'd leave blisters on the skin.
Left alone to pop them,
wander til you find all the dreams
in a rose garden made for thee.
283 · May 2017
In Another Life.
bluevelvet May 2017
In another life,
what if I didn't take
the joke so seriously?
What if I would have been
your friend?

Would I have been
the one to hold
your hand?
Would I have been
the one who you'd
hold in your lap,
a kiss on the cheek,
and a quick 'snap'
from the camera?
Would I have been
the one with a
tattoo on my hand
similar to the one
on yours?

In another life,
what if I hadn't
broken your heart
and cheated from the start?
What if I didn't ruin
your trust issue's and
just had let it go?

Would I be the one
you'd marry?
Would we have that
white picket fence,
big house to match the
big family we dreamed of?
Would I have been
the one to
make you so proud?

In another life,
what if I
was a little nicer?
What if I was a
little braver?

Would it have
made a difference
if I gave you those
booklets of highlighted
places to go visit?
Would it have helped
if I was a little
What about if I
was a whole lot more

In another life,
who would we all be?
Would I have met you all,
and would you have
let me fall
so dangerously
and cruely?

And would you
make up the three ghosts
that haunt me and
know me the most?
Inspired by the song The One That Got Away by Katy Perry.
280 · Jun 2017
Traces In The Night
bluevelvet Jun 2017
You loved me unconditionally
Taught me loyally
Showed me faithfully

Bolted every door
Never needed more
All I longed for

Glossy ****** sight
Erased every trace in the night
Kept at bay all my fright

Drak filled with bright
Hearts shined with light
Your hold was never too tight

All I'll ever know
How you raised me from below
Your tender love always bestowed
But I thought we believed in and endless love?
280 · Jul 2017
I'm The Only One Listening
bluevelvet Jul 2017
This is poetry,
It's me writing what
I truly feel inside,
What I feel when
I am reminded of a time

And I have experienced
So many times since then
And I have experienced
So many times that have
Nothing to do with this

That last one reminded, it knocked
The hell out of me in a way
That is undeniable
I wish I could say
I'm sorry to him
Not for how it ended
But because it was never him

I remember thinking
At the beginning that
He would be a momentary filler
That it would last a month,
Maybe two months
And that it was really because
I was just waiting for you

And along the way,
He made me forget because
I let myself forget everything
And he made me feel loved
And he made me feel wanted
And I did love him then and I did want him then
And he made me a horrible
Disfigured form of who I was
Because I chose to let him and
Myself become that

It wasn't real and it wasn't fake
I did love him, he was a part of
My growing life and I wish
I could tell him that
Im sorry for being such a
Horrible humain being,
Just ******* out everything
Because I needed to feel whole
And it's because...
I wasn't whole, I wasn't really anything
Because I left who I was,
I left everything back there,
I left it with you

And it's inexcusable what I did
And how I hurt people
All along the way,
It was my very own form
Of a thick wall, it wasn't who
I truly am
None of this is
The lying, the drugs,
The endless suffering
I have to let go of that part,
That wall isn't who I am anymore

And even though you moved on,
You may not even believe
Anything I say in this,
I can feel the carefree and innocence that I was before
I eventually met you and
The joyful, brave, courageous person
You once made me after I met you

And if I never see you again,
If I never talk to you or hear from you again,
I do love you
I love you in the simplest of ways
And I love you in the most agonizingly difficult for the brain to comprehend ways
I love who you made me and I hate who I let myself become
But I love how you and myself reminded me
Of everything I used to be
And I take this love that I have for you and I take this relearning to love love for myself
And I'm becoming who I was but turning it into
Who I am with the who I used to be
And I can only ever thank you and me for who I will be

And I wish you could see this journey,
I wish you could experience the final,
The new and improved
And in a way you will because I'm taking you everywhere I go
And it will be met with every ghost and regret I have ever went through and made,
Probably more than once will they be met,
But regardless of what happens,
I will walk out of it and continue,
With you inside of me

I'm sorry if I let you down,
And if that's the reason you will never be actually around
I'm sorry I can't take back what I did and the things I said
But if we somehow meet again along this way
I swear I hope you're happy and free and even when im
Bitter and angry at you or myself or the world,
I will always be here for you and I swear I will never let myself
Forget you in any way possible

You completed me in a way that I could never understand
You made me feel a way I had never felt before
You made me a better version of myself,
Sure I still had doubt and self esteem problems,
But you made me strong and brave and fierce and happy and loving and determined and youthful and an endless kind of happy and love
That follows you everywhere you go even when
You can't see it or if you forget it and no longer
Can you feel it in or around you

Even though I'm so freaking down right now
And I cry and feel angry and hurt and confused
Because I still have doubts and self esteem problems
And trust issues and so many more issues,
I can feel it again and you know what?
It's the best feeling I've had in so long that I don't honestly know
How to contain it
It's burning inside me and it's wanting to be set free to spread through
Every vein and muscle and inch of my body

And I love it,
I love this feeling and I feel like it's a feeling that loves me too
And it's foreign but remembered and that makes me love it even more
And I'm starting to love myself again slowly and I know it takes time and
I hate how im still so impatient with everything and how
I envy those with patience because that's a part of who they are and
It's not a part of me but it may eventually be because who knows what the future holds

And I hope your present is bright and fruitful and
Somehow everyday something happens and you find
Even more of a reason to beam so brightly
And everyday after that is bigger and better and warmer
Because I love you like I have never loved anyone because there was never supposed to be anyone but you

And if the possibility of someone else in the future arouses,
If everything is really too late,
I will never let them change me unless it's positive
They can add onto what I and yourself helped put into me
And you will still never go away,
This love for you will never go away like it never really did,
Just fogged and pushed away
But it isn't anymore, it never will be again

Because I enjoy this love,
It doesn't feel weighed down and suppressed with the liability of demands and expectations
It's pure and whole and giving and peaceful
It's a love that is loved
Wherever you are, whoever is with you, I hope you can feel this love from so far away and I hope you don't fight it off, I hope you don't wish it away because it's still filled with the utmost best intentions for you that anyone who has also and ever will love you
279 · Apr 2018
bluevelvet Apr 2018
Your mood swings toward me
Are drastically unproportined that even I
Can't keep up with them
But I'm headstrong, I know how this goes
Every person I meet is an Anne Frank
And I am drowning beside ******
Only one can be saved

I don't know.
Maybe it's because this liquid courage
Strengthens my backbone just enough
To think easily of how those headlights seem
To be on the right side of the road but really,
They're just barely over the yellow,
Just enough so that the bones in my nose and forehead
Disintegrate into the tinniest pieces,
Slicing through my brain

Liquid courage helps spill my guts,
Not my blood

And I know what you're thinking
That this is a bigger joke than even myself,
That it's disgusting and maybe pathetic
But it's actually just entirely sad

Because there's no use for miscalculations,
There's no worry of the outcome
When you feel like life is not worth living
And the fact stretch marks don't even come close as to why
You're not even halfway good enough
For boy's like that

But the daydreams,
The longing of a hand on your thigh
While he's driving you to his favorite place
Or the first kiss you share,
Holding you every night

It makes the dull lit flame in you,
That you have no idea how or why is still there,
Spark and grow into this wildfire within your chest,
Tightening and warming it as you breath.

And that's exactly what you do.

You breath, you smile,
You imagine

Because there, in your imagination,
A boy like him would never hurt you
A boy like him would care
276 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
It is round,
it is flat.
It has muscles,
it has fat.
Don't ever let
anybody make you believe
that the way you look
is reason enough
to never know
the beautiful soul
that lives inside
the most unique
place you could
ever call
273 · Aug 2019
Remember Me
bluevelvet Aug 2019
The sun kissed the moon
In pastel candy
And I thought of you
I had a poem in my brain
Until I got fully numb
So that's where the rhyming stops
I wanted to share all these moments
With you
A touch,
A kiss.
A hug,
Hands held.
Did you forget me?
I should probably grow up.
But my soul has turned black,
My heart is stone cold.
I want you
To forget me
But remember me for
Who I was.
Young and helpful
Full of life and wonder.
A beacon of possibility.
Before regret and distates
Took it's final place.
Remember me.
273 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
dont trust a
that fills you
with lies
that in
one day and
in another life
and another time
you would
be made for him
and he would be
dont trust a
with crystal clear
and sleepy eyes
he will only laugh
when he sees
that he made
you cry
so trust me
dont believe a
that brings a
belief of
a new life
when he has
already met the
girl he will
call wife
271 · Jun 2017
bluevelvet Jun 2017
He put his hands on me
And for a hesitating moment
We waited for the gold

He'd rather have something more forming to hold
And I'd rather not be reminded of the cold

So for a moment
Let's pretend you're not dead
And I'll silence the dread
Of not getting up
Because it's not his head

And the walls
They want to yell it all
To say go back to hell
And now my soul is still to sell

But the metal on his overall
Is colder than the metal
Under my forearms
And it still isn't enough
Because nothing is ever enough

But Bob the Builder
Can do anything with the snap
Of a bony finger
271 · Jun 2017
Master of My Sea
bluevelvet Jun 2017
Being the good man you are
And keeping your word,
Knowing I can't do anything
In return must feel
Close to egotistical
But I'm not one for negativity,
Not anymore at least

And this sea just experienced
An inhumane tsunami
Of mass proportion
Everything the wave drags back in
Is a slow burn

But I'm the master of my sea
This pain will recede,
Your memory will not leave,
I will brave it and not flee.
This will not be the end of me.
You didn't want it written, 'makes it too iimpersonal'. But I'll make sure you know it's about you. Just watch. Watch and read. I'm better than you will ever perceive me to be.
270 · May 2017
about age
bluevelvet May 2017
Speaking of bad
trips on drug's,
Here's a little
riddle for you.

What is wrose,
living in sin
or doing sin
where it's taught?
isn't thievery somewhere in there too? i don't know. i stopped listening when i was force fed to hate everything i am at an early age.
267 · May 2017
Zodiac Killer
bluevelvet May 2017

I like to go to the back,
point out boys with long hair.
(Reminds me, I need to feed my cat.)
Close to way out of my league,
that ain't gonna stop me.
Cracking a joke about
being ready on my knees,
making it obvious you want me to see.
Third table in the room,
watcha tryin' to do?
Make a joke for the world to read?
But that's fine,
I won't hold onto that rope.
Waste more of your time
and I'll continue to pretend that I'm blind.
265 · May 2017
this Tea is not good.
bluevelvet May 2017
never trust boys with
long perfect hair and
constant red and stary eyed.
just trust me,
they laugh when you
have cried.
is this a haiku? either way, i made it just for you.
264 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
i compare you to art a lot
because well,
you are art.
does anyone else list you under
that same impression?
that must feel swell.
262 · Jun 2017
You'll Like Me One Day
bluevelvet Jun 2017

And just like that
Wreckage laid in flat
Fate and coincidence align
And now it's just a pastime
Until the final line
262 · Apr 2018
Man Vs Food
bluevelvet Apr 2018
It feels like this.
When you're sinking further into the ocean
And all you can see is the sharks and the snakes
And you can only move with the shaking of finger tips

All the regret and could habe beens,
The should habe beens al wish I could be younger
Drags you further down
Until you're sea level of the floor

The coral and seaweed wraps you up.
Every scream of a name or two or three escapes
And travels to the surface to even
Being ignored by the seagulls

Or you're alone,
Soaking wet in your room
Can't even look at a mirror
Because every inch of you screams

Putting listings out for guys that aren't it but
Are a bigger picture of it all
But wanting to put a hit out
For your ownself

Make it easy, messy free.
A bullet to the head,
Three months to tell all them you tried.

Because you did.

You tried being kind enough,
Skinny and perfect enough.

You tried until it really mattered.
And you let yourself go.

You break and bend and you wish

You'd ******* ****

To try again
259 · Apr 2018
Bob's Blood
bluevelvet Apr 2018
There's one vital scene I watch
Over and over again.
And I almost want to do it.
I know what you're thinking.
She's lying.
She's dramatic.
She wants attention.
And maybe you're right.

But I set there before.
In the bathtub.
And the blade was in my fingers.

And you can know me for a hundred million reasons
But each of them fades when I want to see my blood
Because I think life would be better,
Would be simple
If I couldn't feel

I am letting down the only person I have left.
The only one that stuck around after
They told me he was the dark path,
Wrong road to follow

And it isn't you that I sesrch for
But I can tell you know.

One flinch of the nose,
Hannah decides to have more ***** than me

But I look at my finger tips.
They are rough and chewed.
They are old.

I can take the shaking,
The vomiting
The stumbles and slurred words

But I look at them and I want what you have
The smallest heart beat in the world,
Fingers around my pointer finger
The love of my life there,
Beside me

And for once,
For ******* once
They say,

"You need to eat"

Because the feeling of bones is better than my worth
The feeling of belonging is better than my tears

And bob doesn't know me today,
Or ever really,
But giving up isn't in my blood
259 · Nov 2017
bluevelvet Nov 2017
I know what you're thinking
I'm playing the victim,
Poor me in the absolute
Basic of ways

I know what you see
And I know what you say
This lost soul,
Nothing going for them at all

And you would be absolutely right.
About every little thing you think of me
But I'm not playing the victim,
Or my best hand at guilt tripping

I took responsibility
For ruining everything at my own free will,
With these very hands
That shake and hurt and tremble,
Freeze while holding a cold one

Because I can't drink this lonely away,
I can't forget their faces and
All of my many mistakes

I am dead inside with the slightest
Insight of the person you admired me for
The one that cared too much,
That wanted the best for everyone
But myself,
The charmer and protecter

I can't shake this alone away,
Everyone's found something so much better
And well,
There's nothing left for me,
No room or time to care about me

I wish I could die but
I also wish I could just go back in time

Even with bettering my life
This feeling of utter aloneness
Would still thrive on the flickering flame
Of everything I will never truly be again
259 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
i'd be lying if i said
you make me speechless
the truth is you make my
tongue so weak it forgets
what language to speak in
not you, not mine.
258 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
Maybe one day
i will write these down
on the paper of a notebook,
wrap it up
in colorful paper and
give it to you,
maybe with a bag
of chewy colors too.
Would it feel
nice to know how
much you could make
someone feel?
Would you let
everyone see what
you started meaning to me?
Would you make
a big deal
out of the real?
Would you just be
too embarrassed to
let anyone see
less alone read?
Or maybe
you would have
wished i'd said
something sooner,
would've brought forth
a spectacular
Who knows.
But by that time,
i'll be long gone
after saving every dime.
It'll feel nice
to know someone
will always care.
bluevelvet Dec 2017
It's day one
Excluding New Years Eve
Because hey,
It's been a hell of a ******* year

And there's no pieces left to piece
Just the resounding of
No one cares anymore
Replaced and forgotten
Remainder of a ******* notebook
That has zero substantial meaning
To who I am today

Except for you
And you make it hard
To let it go

It's you and I know
It's branded into my soul
That I was a careless *******


Look at you and it
Doesn't even

Because look at me

Remember me?


I don't either
256 · May 2017
Body Talk.
bluevelvet May 2017
i watch you
turn and lift,
turn and sit
heavy loads.
Such a thin body,
how do you do it?
Do other parts
of that body
have such strengths too?
I bet it feels heavenly
to bask in all of it's
innocent, manly glow.
Like feeling the water break
on my less than stealer face,
after drowning for years.
Like tasting the sunlight
after being in hell for a hundred
days and nights.
I would admire every inch
with my mouth like it is the finest
modern and classical art.
I would worship it
with my fingers like it's
made of braille and all that
is translated is the
holy word.
I'm sorry.
Was that a little creepy?
I'm sorry.
I just have an obsession
of writing all the beauty
that my eyes can find.
While you wouldn't even bat an eye
if I laid down and just died.
drunk enough to ever get a taste?
253 · Jul 2017
Always 4 u
bluevelvet Jul 2017
They know how to hide

  Their favorites in life really well

    And I'm no longer gonna

      Waste my time, it's different

Because everything was wrong

           Before recollection struck

   And I'm leaving my past behind

But I won't leave you behind

               You don't want a part

    But that's fine,

       You have plenty of parts

              To make up for lost time

I'm happy for you

         In everything that you do

You were the best and only

             Good thing that actually

    Happened to me thus far,

I won't ever abandon that

          Reminder when everyone

Slithers and begs to see me

             Tumble far, far down

I hope you're not one that

     Thinks like that of me

                    But I will carry you

   Through this pain with me

Because I knew your

             Pure heart once like you

  Once knew I had one

                       I disappoint the best,

     I make up in undying devotion

             Deep within my soul

    I hope you're ultimately happy,

       I hope you are truly whole
There's a reason I remember everything now and there's nothing that I can do to change it but I can only hope it helps make me better. Later HP and every other way the past likes to control me
253 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
What does it
feel like to be
the perfect shape
to have set,
cradled in your
Head on shoulder,
hand on lower
Would the
colorful lights
hung up high
be the thing
to glisten in
your eyes?
Or would it
have been me
and all the
endless possibilities?
Like summer's
playing in the sun,
me calling
after your favorite
Like holding hands,
stroling in the sand?
Like sitting on
the tops of flat-roofed
would you have been
the one I counted
stars with?
Laying there
on that blanket,
life would be
\vel·ve·teen\ n. an imitation
252 · Jun 2018
bluevelvet Jun 2018
There is barely a handful of boys I remember the moment we met.
One was when we were kids,
Freckled and still learning.
I bet the skinny girls and nonstraight guys
Would be in complete disbelief of it
But it was me,
I am a country song.
And he picked grass and he picked me.

The next was true.
A friend I cry over.
He was sweet and kind.
And so was I.
Shoes didn't matter as he laced his fingers
Over his mouth.
To admire,
To realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

The next is bitter.
And I talk about it in anger.
**** him.
252 · Nov 2017
Do You Remember?
bluevelvet Nov 2017
At least I did one thing right,
Standing in November rain
I wouldn't put up a fight
Take away the pain,
Would you hold me tight?

Sun shines through,
I want to be someone you never knew,
Someone that is brand new
Better than the other few

Smoking whatever you want to,
I could die just being here with you
You seem like someone I always knew
Breath it in and I'm feeling blue

My walls down,
You seen me and no longer frown,
Blue turns to brown
And I hit the hard cold ground

I want to wrap you up,
Protect you like a new born
But you've out grown me
Do you remember?  
You stared like you always wanted it
And you're so fit
How could I compete
When I'm not a skinny babe?

They tell me I'm skinning down,
The less I eat the more chance
Someone like you turns around
And my heart would make all these sounds

Would it be enough?
Years ago, shine shows through
The lucky part is I could die
Laughing with you.
251 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
When we are lonely children,
we believe in prince charmings.
When we are naive adults,
we get a "oh. um, thanks i guess?"
When we are eager children
we play tag.
When we are better adults,
we get them stolen just to brag.
When we are learning children,
we read comic books.
When we are grieving adults,
we have novelty items stolen by crooks.
Time and time again,
you showed me to never let my guard down.
you should probably write a book called 'Under Arrest: A Stoners Guid To Killing A Soul'. i could be your first 'How To'.
250 · May 2017
about age
bluevelvet May 2017
Speaking of bad
trips on drug's,
Here's a little
riddle for you.

What's wrose,
living in sin
or doing sin
where it's taught?
isn't thievery somewhere in there too? i don't know. i stopped listening when i was force feed to hate everything i am at an early age.
250 · Jul 2017
bluevelvet Jul 2017








When you find it, let me know. See if it'd work for me.
250 · May 2017
Career (haiku)
bluevelvet May 2017
Are these just words
or are they for real?
I don't know,
Maybe I'm just trying
to find a new career.
249 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
It's not sensible
to love you like this.
You're cold silver kiss,
impair my peripheral.

I could spend
forever like this.
An easy depend,
short life of bliss.

Why'd you run
and go hide,
Mr. Born-To-Lose?
Eyes try to find,
come up empty
with the darkest blue.

Like your loving foam,
I spread myself out
and begin to roam.

There was nothing to lose,
nothing to choose.
I had finally found you,
my favorite shade of blue.

Ice cold to the touch,
you warmed my cold heart
ever so much.

Golden butterflies,
pink roses.
You were better than
the ones I let in,
even the ones close.
Dreaming away your life.
248 · Jul 2017
bluevelvet Jul 2017
She's like a drug,
The kind that's bad
For the body and lungs
But she's also like the kind
That makes a presence
Come to life and blind
The poor excuse of her

She makes mistakes,
Causes a big disgrace
And tries to make it right
But ends up losing every fight
And dims her very own light
Each and every time

She feels like a burden,
Something stale and harden
And easily is pardoned
Of feeling close to belonging
Looked over while dying

And she has trust issues,
Problems balled up in tissue
Akin to the disgusting flu
And bitter on so much too
But now she only has the ghost of you

She'd never use a hand to hold her head up,
Everything you'd say is enough
Look at you with childlike wide eyes
And believe it was no lies
Every word you'd say,
Another star in her universe
And your eyes are the moon
And your soul, the setting sun
All meshed together to form
Her favorite part of the day,
The time to take a favorite picture

She would break things,
Try to pick them up on her own
But you'd bend down and
Let the pieces cut your fingers too
And she'd kiss yours better,
You'd rap hers up in loves bandage leather
And she'd delicately dance around
Every single one of those things,
Learn 'cause you'd complete her

She'd work hard to be the perfect form
Of everything you'd adore,
Worthy enough to straddle your lap,
Devour your holy lips while you grab her ***
And bump noses to only end up in fits of laughs
And she'd only have thoughts of you,
You'd have only eyes for her
And she'd do the things even the purest of pure
Could never manage to do

She'd build flowers and paint pictures
To remind you that she's still there,
Deep inside where you both reside now
She'd punch through all your walls
Until her skin was gone and the meat
Was tethered to show the blinding white
Of her still trying bones
She'd take her eyes out so you could see
Just how far you've made her go to remember how to breathe
And how important and the center you've become
And when she'd sweat and curse,
Feel like she isn't worth your love,
You'd dab the sweat off her forehead
And hold her tight to soak up the pain
That would shake into your vertebrate
That's made out of armor and would end their life
Because you'd never want her to spend another sleepless night

But this is all she feels now,
And she feels alone now
Every song and every memory
Is about you somehow
Every movement and every plan
Revolve around you like she still has a chance
But it's all in her head,
She comes back to reality where she
Is really all alone
Opens her eyes and she's dancing with your phantom
Because she is a
She's sometimes too much for even me
But she loves you and we wonder if you'll ever know that
247 · May 2017
Brought Me Down
bluevelvet May 2017
A black hole,
that's all you're gonna know
if you go down this devilish road.

He'll bring you down,
you don't know
what you're going around.

Realizing it will break your heart.
Moving on will not be the hardest part.
It's understanding they were right from the start,
so let it tear you apart.
Something they said

Something I should've believed

A little word play on '26'
245 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
Strolling down the walk
under the blistering sun,
would I have been
good enough?

Showing me your
favorite spots,
eating late lunches
on the dock.
Would you have
held my hand?

Late night talking
in the cooling summer breeze,
how is it that I
still find reason
to daydream all these
pointless dreams?

You look
fiercly new and ultimately
something akin to
like you could have been
the best place
to have called
Just staling time,
I don't even cross your mind.
Will you still see it
in my eye
the next time you pass by?
If you ever do again.
244 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
i've only ever admired
two different boys
that could both sing,
which sets my soul on fire.

one of them
will always hold
a part of my heart,

the other doesn't
even know where
it starts.
or does he sing off key?
242 · Jul 2017
bluevelvet Jul 2017








240 · May 2017
bluevelvet May 2017
Messy hair,
no longer care.
Car's a mess,
too busy dealing
with stress.
Disconnected from
the present,
the past is
where it's at.
Bad life choices,
does my failure
help you get off?

Stop and stare,
you pass by in
every aspect.
Uneducated trash,
the one that
doesn't care.
240 · Jun 2017
Speak In Third Person
bluevelvet Jun 2017

1, 2 he's coming for you

3, 4 you better shut the door

6, 5 you deserve so much more

7, 0 you'll find everything great that you search for
237 · Oct 2017
Third Time's the Charm
bluevelvet Oct 2017
Who am I?
I am the abandoned building
along the vacant street
I am the whirlwind in a storm
of regret and intoxication
I am the calm of a hushed whisper,
The goose bumps and raised hair
I am a nurturing stigma,
The thing good enough to
Never really be enough
I am the bite of a plump lip,
The shared dreams on leather seats
I am the crying in the dead of night
because you want it to be over but
you just *know
when it's gone,
you will have nothing left
I am the drug of choice,
The brown liquid to wash it down
The shake of hands you blame on nerves
I am the elephant in the room,
Do you remember me?
Take a minute from rubbing the salt in,
Do you see me? Do you hear me?
Family,'s never been enough.
I strive to matter to someone that isn't obligated to care
I dream of bus rides and religion
While mourn the boy I made feel wasn't enough
But he was the one to say it back.
Third time's the charm,
And if it doesn't happen it wasn't meant to be
Take a minute from his busy life,
Does he remember the way I cared?
He doesn't want the best for me
No one could conceive the possibility
To ever believe that
If it wasn't meant to be,
Just know,
I will always love you
236 · Nov 2017
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Im consumed with this thought

This yearning of someone who cares

And in the end

If it isn't with blood

It doesn't exist

I wasn't good enough for my past

And now I just float,

Hoping to fimd a light of my own

Not a light to show me everything wonderful

That replaced me and everything

I could never be

Just a comforting light that is warm and says

This world would be so worthless without you
236 · Jun 2017
bluevelvet Jun 2017
The ultimate question here.

Do I sleep my life away or

Do I forgive myself for the things I can't change?

Because they aren't losing sleep over my pain

And you can never take back the things you did but it doesn't mean it's who you are anymore.
236 · Jul 2017
Well, Holy Sh*t
bluevelvet Jul 2017
It was time to go,

                  She's impatient but

      I'm obligated to love her for

This life that allowed me to once

             Know of who you w e r e

  I'm not one for physical contact,

             I'm sure s o m e o n e ( s ) ,

           s o m e w h e r e

               could easily confirm this

As still relevant for  t o d a y

        But you are  h e r e , but

                you really are not

     Because you are g o n e

           And I have moisture on my

L e s s. t h a n  p e r f e c t  f a c e

           But I'm in a hurry this time

              To wipe it off without the

   Urgency to not make her mad

Because she is wild and she is

        ******* i n g  c r a z y  but

She is beautiful in the way

          When s he finds something,

    When s he finds some o n e

                 That made her feel a

Fraction of what she wanted

        Them to feel,

             She will love them until

    Her breathing stops

                  And all t h e s e

   Dreams are turned to stars

        That will help the few that

            Will  m a g i c a l l y  meet

     Keep hope and never, e v e r

                Let them slip through

     Their fingers

        And so you're  g o i n g  but

         There is no one rushing you

          I  d o n ' t  have the strength

   To do what you

o n c e  u p o n  a  t i m e  did

            But I will stand h e r e

If you decide to come back

   Ignoring my c r i e s this time to

         P l e a s e

                  D o n ' t

                           G o . . .

But you're g o n e

             And still,

I  h o l d  o n
You were a sneaky *** for doing it that quick but I love you for doing that. Thanks for whoever reminded me. Whoever you are now. Or whoever has what i wrote down to not forget. I was sometimes bitter then too but this time im just bitter at myself because i hurt you and ruined everything and slightly bitter at you because if the tables were turned i'd still be the one crying every day because i remember how special it was supposed to have been. But not everyone forgives and I've never hated myself this much for my words and actions ruining everything, it's never been this painful.

My face was shocked and blushing, mouth wide and eyes nearly popping out and she yelled my name as i yelled yours while you jogged away and you turned around and asked 'what?' and i can't remember what i said but now i wish i had said something else instead and i got in the car and i wore the biggest freaking smile on my face
235 · Dec 2017
Hello Me, It's me
bluevelvet Dec 2017
And I'm doing horrible as ever
But my comebacks are clever
To fit my personality
And you can think whatever of me
Or you don't
I am fat and worthless
But I am a hotmess
Of potential
Just need some inspiration
From someone that seeks desire
In imperfect tramas
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