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This light was not only beautiful.  
It was what you call heaven I believe.
The onslaught radiance sang across the cosmos.
A song about a forbidden divinity that should never occur.

No darkness there could stop it.
All shadows died and became light.  
The light crunch had taken over.
And I was the last darkness.

The balance was gone.
No darkness for the stars to roll on.
No darkness to sleep in.
Just eternal dawn and forgotten dusk.
The false all heaven had shined even through true heaven itself.
 Dec 2024 beth fwoah dream
It is in the smudge of mascara,
the red lip bleeding into the cracks
of a bitten mouth.
A quiet rebellion lives there.

Middle fingers do not shout;
they whisper—
a language only the tired
and the brave understand.

Running is not escape,
but a declaration.
A line of white powder,
a streak of neon—
these are maps
to the edge of something
sharp enough to cut.

They told us
fairy tales are for children.
But we grew up and learned
that happy marriages
are the most dangerous lies.

We sit behind screens,
armed with fake smiles,
perfect angles,
warriors of a war we don’t
believe in anymore.

The raves are loud,
but it’s the silence
of disappointment,
of insecure mornings,
of mirrors we cannot meet,
that tells the truth.

This is the war.
This is the smudge,
the smear,
the running.
And still,
we rise from the wreckage
like sparks in the dark,
too tired to shout,
too alive to stop.
I can read all the beautiful poetry
in the world to inspire my mind
But what is the point
If I can’t even remember
That no one is perfect.
The sea speaks of longing
Songs from lost navigators
Echo in the cadence of dreams
Stowed half-known within.

Perhaps the rain has made it so;
Slanting across vague light
Recalling a memory of itself
Having fallen there before.

Desire is that wind somewhere
Blowing the hair from your eyes
Agitating damp leaves away
From a child's tree-house.

Only the dreamless forgo
The pain of things that will never be
As stars give out their grave glitter
In otherwise boundless dark.
 Dec 2024 beth fwoah dream
**** frost's barbwire grip on branches
glitters in the scathing glare,
I wondered how I could see you through the blue sky,
but there you are
breathing like a dragon,
heaving heat into my heart
from the centre of your lucent sun;
We, close enough to burn (again).

I lean to kiss your pulsing lip.
Only, you turn away... cold,
Hard to tell
in negative degrees
why you came here with me.

And as snow begins to fall (again),
dusting hair
caught as flecks on eyelashes,
eyes specks of blue, sparking
wild... fiery,
You disappear in white:

                   Always easy to deny
                   the season's change
                   when you linger in a past.

Come summer,
I still remember the taste
of your sweat upon skin,
your scent sensually
fast in clefts of flesh,
or hung in hair...
Remembered that taste on lips;
There, I alone once permitted to kiss.


­By Data © Sept. 2024
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