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Ben Lacasse Aug 2014
I had that dream again, the one where I'm lying next to her
And she is blissfully asleep, lost in her head
She is a million degrees as my body lies next to hers
the moonlight shines through the blinds and softly lights
my dark bedroom and caresses her sleeping head
Her cheeks are glowing I rest a finger on them
She's really here, I can't believe it.
She feels for me whispers, "come a little closer."
Who am I to resist? I know there's nowhere else I'd rather be
My eyes slowly close and the moon light dims.

My door abruptly roars open, my heart stops
light invades and my eyes struggle to focus
mind is screaming for the dark again but no words leave my mouth
my arms reach for you but all dreams must end
you were never truly there anyway
I'm glad you weren't though.
Can you imagine what they would say if they found you in my bed?
My heart had no choice but to continue
the door closes and the real person bids me farewell
My bedroom once again engulfed in darkness
Body drenched in sweat, my dreams still echo
My bed truly is empty, not even I wish to be there

Maybe I'd sleep better next to her
or maybe a vacant bed is something I should get used to...
Ben Lacasse Aug 2014
I've got about 17 hours to get my thoughts together
Though I feel like I may need more
I can't quite fall asleep on this ride, I'm far too excited.
So all I can do is watch the miles decrease as I look out the window.
With my mind on overdrive
I'll cover more ground than the van
Just look around friend, we've got quite the trip
We'll be home before we know it
I'm worried of the future and what the road may hold
But I have found that answer
As long as I feel like I'm moving
And as long as I can feel them there
I will never fall back to that dark place.
Though the road may be long, I can't wait to get home.
Ben Lacasse Jun 2014
I'm filled up to the brim again.
Mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually
although they may end that way,
these things have not felt like an ally to me.
For as long as I've been awake, they cause a flurry
of mental puking, physical fatigue, emotional suicide,
and spiritual confusion.
It's one of those nights where sleeping
would be as pointless as waking up.
True, I could pass the time by going for a walk.
but it would just end with me
sitting next to the road saying, "Just a few steps.
It shouldn't hurt for long..."
I can attempt to explain everything
but I simply grow dizzier and my stomach twists
When I kissed you again,
with a year and a half of not speaking behind us,
My lungs simply shut and my heart sank into my stomach.
It was a long day, but it was the best day I've had in a long time.
I'm sure I know you.
You always seemed a lot like me.
We both had out fears.
It felt like it was you and I against the world
But now it feels like you're a part of the world
Yes it does bother me, But I can't tell you how to live your life.
And if they ask, just tell your friends,
"He's an over-thinking, depressed, **** who's losing everything he was hoping he would still have."
Knowing that it's you is different.
It shouldn't bother me as much as it does.
You shouldn't worry about me, you shouldn't be sorry either
I'll just save the words for when you come down.
Go out with your friends, it is Friday after all.
It took everything I had to keep from screaming.
But then they would know for sure.
I'd rather have a true reason to be depressed
rather than just saying "I don't know" when someone asks
I'm not sure if the spiders are keeping me awake
or it's the lack of an "off" button on my mind.
I can't remember exactly what I dreamed of
but I can tell that it was a nightmare.

Sorry I can tell I got off track there
If no one is going to help, just give me enough to numb me
for the rest of summer
I'm better than ever to have her back but... What caused her to do such things?
Ben Lacasse May 2014
When the knife gets so enticing
that you would be willing to run it over your own skin
and silently whisper "I deserve this..."
Than that time has come
Take the knife and cut down the hedges we call fears
and see what lies beyond them
take the conquered worries and use them
use them to shape yourself into the person
you were created to be
Take another stop on the board so then
you will be able to see closer to the future
which holds something called "happiness"
run and leave those who will hold you still
cut through the vines the devil uses to hold us back
and rush towards those who are always there to take your hand
with open arms, free spirit, and contented mind.

The time has come
to stop thinking
**and start doing
I hope I'll be able to act when the time comes
Ben Lacasse May 2014
I see things clearly for what they are not
Let's make a good situation into bad
and a better situation into death
Let's tear up the words they said,
change them into what they would never be
make minuets feel like hours
Now what of the things you said?
The things you didn't do?
forget what you did do, that doesn't matter now.
Let's map out every situation, every scenario

Nearly asleep I see,
Well, now that I have your attention...
Over thinking ***** *** and it kills me.
Ben Lacasse May 2014
I had that dream again, the one where she is standing
by herself on the side of the highway...
It quickly faded and i turned to see them standing next to me
It then turned into a night terror
The sun turned dark and the dead awoke
Alarms rang as the floods reached the top levels of our heaven
the sky opened to make way for the falling stars
the monsters below tore through the ground like paper
As i was forced to leave the ones i loved to the ghouls,
the walls we built had been torn down
I could hear the screams of those above whom i promised to save
the words brought the myths to life
Death came and took all the ones i was too slow to reach
As I reached the roof, a lone survivor, my hands covered
in blood and my tears with limps in my steps.
I saw you standing over the edge, and the entire world went quiet
So all I heard was your pounding heart whereas mine stopped
and your voice broke the silence... "It was not enough..."
As you stepped back to let gravity take your life,
my screams were mute and my legs failed to carry me
then the sun crushed me and my eyes were then open.
Sleep paralysis took over but I could still feel the sun's weight on me.
My own head created that trauma, that world where
I was the last one to live...
Just a dream right?
Now get out of bed, you've got the real world to face
Dreams are crazy. But they show us things we'd never thought we'd see.
Ben Lacasse May 2014
I was expecting time to heal, but it hurt
you take my friend, I'll take the summer in the dark.
I feel like when I look at you
I'm looking at my own grave
So come out spiders, for all to see
I've been losing it for a while now
Was it true, how once upon a time,
you truly had some faith in me?
Now It's me against the world.

The darkness hides the spiders crawling on me
and my irrational fears caress me and turn me astray.
another hope to me,
is another reason to stay in bed.
I'd rather get lost in the beats roaring in my ears
It's okay I understand why you're with them.
It's probably just because they're better than me.
Is that why you left in the first place?

Forgive me, I counted off again, I know.
I know the days will only get worse from here
but still I hope today will be the only day
I'll say, "I've never felt so dead in my whole life."
Everyone moves on so quick, I'm so slow.
Can something just go right for a change?
Is something coming? Or is everything leaving?

So open your mind, though I'd rather turn it off
when I move, I'm spazzing out.  
Wait for me friends, I'm almost there
Just let me fight through this.

Now that I'm sure you're not coming back
you probably never needed me in the first place
and I probably wont ever move to you
I won't try either way now.
I'll still see you around though.
Though I can't promise I'll wave or smile.

Maybe tomorrow will be better
Part of me never wants to find out
and the rest of me wishes to skip summer
Yes, I know, I'm losing
and God knows it too.
**maybe if I just give it some more time...
I. Am. Losing.
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