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770 · Dec 2017
Beatriz Couto Dec 2017
How beautiful it is
how the Shepherd cares of his sheeps
with all his dedication and motivation
look at him...
look at the ******* Shepherd
he never fails to them
rather, he fails to his unknown world
what's a world without a quadrupedal, ruminant mammal ?
370 · Sep 2018
Beatriz Couto Sep 2018
Let us dance to this new song
New instruments added
Chords never heard before

But do we know how to dance?
Will we just go with the flow?

We just went with the flow.
Another one playing
And there was born
A new type of dance
Beatriz Couto Mar 2019
Não sei para que momento vivo
nem para que destino me quero

as emoções enganam
muito mais quando não as vemos
não querendo substimar a razão
acabo sem nenhuma resposta

morro interiormente lentamente
o meu ego diminui cada vez mais
até parar num estado incompleto
de nada
ou de algo

dependendo do momento para que vivo
218 · Sep 2018
Beatriz Couto Sep 2018
This is where i needed to be
to understand where i don't want to be
To understand what I could've be more careful about

not everyday
a flower blooms or a butterfly molts
so i must, everyday
Nov 2017
206 · Sep 2018
2 souls
Beatriz Couto Sep 2018
Two souls are attached
by understanding
they say.

Your soul is attached to mine
Is mine attached to yours?

Or am I just daydreaming in
something I like to call

reality of a lowkey
in love girl.
a low key i like you
And a low key hey

After all...
Jan 24

— The End —