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Gentle contemplation,
    of the dark hands,
         sinking into the dark,
               cold land,
          hammering cold,
       real spikes into,
   the cool, cruel land.

In my peripherals,
     I could see the flashing
          of their sirens,
               of the fires on doorsteps,
           of idiocy secreting from
        the bus ride,
     express line to the
twin world

The haunting hollow lights,
       of the bell tower,
            as if floating,
                its wall invisible,
Just like those cursed, darkened hands,
Digging into the granite of
  the lands,
        accepting all freaks,
           of a certain caliber ,
They make up the nimrods,
       Roaming Wall,
In the dimmest light,
     you can't see a spark,
          a depressing aspect,
Behind sad woolen eyes,
       transfixed on the betterment,
a raptured glance,
          the promising view,
The contrasting composition,
      that everything might.
          not turn out alright,
    and that's
You always talked about
how it wasn't fair
I burst into your life
and made you fall for me
without a safety suspension

The way I crashed your defences
simply with my mocha eyes
and disarming smile when you
never let anyone else in
wasn't very fair too

And the unfairest of them all
was when I lodged myself
in your heart without meaning to
and gave myself the power to
right your world, or destroy you

So now I suppose you'd say it's fair
because you trapped me the same way
and cut off my exit routes but
left yourself with one
which you took, eventually.
what's fair?
ice bath through my veins.
my chest caves in.
wrists bound in chains.

the tears flow.
I can't speak.
no one knows.
barely on my feet..

Heat wave.
I can't be saved.
to my head, I'm slaved.
if you ever wonder what it's like
I was dreaming,
That I was a bird.
I was a bird,
Flying higher and higher.
And I reached so high,
That I couldn't breathe any more.
I tried to turn back,
Back to the ground,
And suddenly the earth's gravity,
Pulled me hard;
I came crashing down!
I closed my eyes with my wings,
And woke up with a jolt,
I had my hands on my eyes,
And I was crying.
I cried so much,
The my tears flooded the room.
I opened the room,
And ran out,
But my tears flooded the whole place;
I started drowning in my own tears,
I could hardly breathe!
I tried hard to swim to the top,
There was no stopping,
The only way was to fly off,
From this flood of tears.
I flapped my hands,
With all my might,
But the tears entered me,
And filled in my lungs.
I woke up with a shock,
Flapping my fins,
As hard as I could.

Alas, I don't know,
Whom am I,
A bird, a man or a fish?
Or is this all a dream?

Whose dream am I dreaming?
 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
j Lauren

the flames like  a meddlesome, open-

 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
j Lauren
   not always
  keeping love

   held on
sprinkle her lightly
her powers so magical
the light of stardust
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