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Elliott Jun 2017

each and every one.

I should be practicing,
but I think of you instead.
Elliott Jun 2017
Mr. Cole plays on
In the background as I
Continue to type,
but my writing feels dry.

I want to call someone
Just to hear a voice that’s not
A character from a show.
Everyone I know
Is sleep,
related to me.

My cotton sheets feel
hot, even
against my skin
and I can’t focus on anything
but my concealing passion.

but the only Companionship
I find,
is with my dog
and depression.

Who cares?
is just a
fancy way
to say
"You're hot"
Elliott Jun 2017
A trunk of stories fill my comforters with tears
as I marvel over the letters I've never
sent to all the women I adored. I think of
you as wax drips off the candle of time. I
suppose you loved this scent.
Oddly satisfying
Elliott Jun 2017
Color Me Yellow

I grew up knowing
to never look at the sun,
to just trust it was there.

I was taught,
to never look forward,
if the light is yellow.
"Prepare to stop."

I don't see color anymore,
except red.
except when the pain in my eyes
almost reached a different pain on my thighs.

we're Bright
even when nobody can ever see it
nor direct or indirect
Nor behind or in front.
nor in front or above you,

hanging like the photos of
when I used to be happy.

Got into a fight
Elliott Jun 2017
I scream at the universe,
until it begs for mercy.

The stars dim,
meteors retreat,
The moon cries;
it thought I was talking to him.
"Lie to me again,"
I cried,
"Lie to me again,
I dare you"

I screamed the
Earth into new orbit,

Space heard a faint noise
The government tries to
hide from the public what they just heard,
Space engineers throw away theories.

"You need her"
Jeez late night sessions
Elliott Jun 2017
A new Renaissance
has started,
they one we made
through conversation and fate.

My masculinity mixes
with your femininity,

and just for a little bit,
we forget
that the world was built
to destroy people like us.
Opps, someone unleashed my inner thoughts
Elliott Jun 2017
Keep Out,
my body tells
with all its might.

Chemical Hazard.
I was bored

— The End —