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I can't find the light it's black tonight.
I'm sinking down, breathing in, all the worlds sin.
I've gone too far, fallen too hard. I've hit the ground with a breaking sound.
I'm too drained, I can't handle this pain.
My wings are broken. I can't fly home.
Through all of this I feel so alone.
Save me.
I can't find the light it's too dark out tonight.
 Jul 2014 Avery Gifford
You are like an impossible math problem, with multiple answers, and none of them make any sense. But its you, so it works.
 Jul 2014 Avery Gifford
When you're feeling really horrible
All you have to say when someone asks what's wrong is I'm tired.
It's always believable and no one cares enough to check further
When really all I think is how badly
I just need someone
To be there for me
Have you heard the whispers of my love?  
I sent them to you, my dear.
The trees the bend and bow to the one who so easily conquered my heart.
The wind sighs, never tired of watching a new love grow.
Oh to hear the brook giggle, entertained by the simplicity of love.
Warm rays shine down, tickling my skin, for the sun approves of the match.
So you see my dear, I sent my love.
You only need to watch the world a little closer.
why do they salt the outside
we eat the organs
and leave the shredded exo-
underfoot and on the desk
evan has a mountain of peanut shells strewn around
When the day finally comes that I no longer care, I will no longer care that I no longer care.
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