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 Jul 2014 Avery Gifford
 Jul 2014 Avery Gifford
does it have to bring death for you to appreciate my presence?:

**** people and the way their minds work. mine too. i'm ******.
WE ALL ARE. think of it. i only think of good people when they're
dead, at times. what the **** is that for? why couldn't i have taken
a few minutes of my spacious life to think of an innocent person when
i could have? why do i have to waste my time being sad for a corpse?
what's the point in that?

it's not too late to think of how great Michael Jackson was when he was here.
how Mahatma Gandhi did so much for India.
and how my best friend was so ill-treated before she died, but it's fine.
save it for the people you still have beside you.
cherish ~.~
 Jul 2014 Avery Gifford
I guess I'll always be alone
Women don't like me you know
My ***** is too small

It would have been nice to be a woman
To feel a well-hung stud thrusting deep inside me
It would have been nice to have a feminine form
To play with my rabbit *******

Oh well, You can't always get what you want
As the song goes

I am a very boring person
I enjoy the outdoors
I enjoy golf
I will do my duty

I guess life as a human being isn't all that great after all
To live is to suffer

Buddham, Saranam, Gacchami
Stone faced Buddha

I'm tougher than you
I will not cry

Bring the pain, bring the suffering
Bring the pointlessness of it all

I hate this home
Once I leave I don't ever want to see it again

Stone faced Buddha
Heart full of emptiness

I will win
Win, win, win
For all times
 Jul 2014 Avery Gifford

The lost and found,
found my smile,
then lost it
You won't want me anymore.
Once you leave it'll close the door.
I'll be left in the cold... My hearts already sold.
My eyes will go dull and yours... Well they'll brighten with me gone.
Each day for you will be new, for me my days will slip into a darker hue.
You'll move on to a better love... I'll stay here... My heart still won.
But go ahead.
Go on to better dreams.... I'll go on being yours, only this time falling apart at the seams.
I wrote this last night, scared that I was gonna have to watch someone I love leave.

— The End —