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Perfection is all you ask,
Staring into your reflection,
Your minds own rejection.
You lost your confidence
to embrace imperfection.
To the extent,
You exaggerate,
That life would be better,
If only;
You could appreciate,
That this is fate
And you need to accept
What is left.
Take a breath;
A step back;
Relax and realise,
Its not about
S h a p e or SIZE.
Open up your eyes,
To the beauty inside
- us all.
There's something so beautiful
about the way my name rolls of your tongue.
Something so spectacular,
about knowing where we belong.
Dear you,
There is something nobody ever told me
That I think
A lot of people need to hear.
It's okay to need things.
Your soul is not toxic.
Your craving for love
Is not freakish
Or wrong
Or shameful.
Your loneliness
Does not make you pathetic.
Seeking help
Or advice
Or comfort
Does not make you weak.
Loving someone who doesn't love you
Doesn't make you a fool.
Your best
Is good enough.
You don't have to try
To need less.
This world
Is not
A church
And you
Are not Christ-
You don't need to sacrifice
For the rest of them.
And if
You are starving for connection
Nobody should ever make you ashamed of that.
Will leave you
Will be angry at you
For the staggering depth of your need.
But people
Are not always right
When they tell you
You are wrong.
You are not wrong.
You are not a freak.
You are not an abomination.
You are not needy.
You are not foolish.
You are not weak.
You are not pathetic.
You are not
You are just
And humans need
And you don't have to ask permission
To admit you have feelings.
I wish someone had told me that
A long time ago.
Life is too short for this.
I have never found a good enough reason,
A deep enough betrayal,
A hideous enough flaw
To condemn someone I love.
Is too
And I can try all I want to stay angry
But all I can think is if someday I read their obituary in the newspaper,
Will the days,
Years I lost to silence
To grudges
To misunderstanding
To judgement
Be worth the feeling of that moment?
Will whatever made me hate them have any meaning in the face of oblivion?
And the answer is always no.
And the answer is always forgiveness.
And I wish they gave me the same gift.
Chances are, you're going to meet a birdman,
at least once, in your lifetime.
And when you do, you shall be captivated.

He will have a certain appeal,
a magnetic force so enchanting,
that you'll want to keep him, and make him yours.

You'll be tempted to spend fortunes,
to build a pretty little cage,
made out of gold and tears.

But be fooled not!
For he is nothing but a birdman,
whose nature is to roam and be free.

And at the end of the day, I find myself asking,
Why do we always want to possess,
when we see such thing of beauty, roaming 'round so free?

Is it the beauty we desire?
Or is it the freedom?
April 2014
My is mind is not my own today,
so please excuse these words i say.
I am not entirely sure what i think and feel,
its difficult to differentiate what is and isn't real.
My mind is playing games on me,
blurring my sight, so i struggle to see,
to undress reality.
There are holes in my thinking,
dents and Im sinking.
Deeper and deeper,
my fight growing weaker and weaker.
My mind is not my own today,
all logic it seems to have been thrown away,
So i sit in dismay,
and apologise
for these vacant eyes.
How Im feeling today..
I left my place
An empty throne
On a mountain of love.

And you, dear
So aptly named
Deserve it so much more than I.

You'll make much better
A mother and wife
Than I could have ever.
there are worse dreams than nightmares. you know those dreams where you wake up and you're a little off center and uneasy for the rest of the day. where the dream follows you around, but it's very subtle. hiding behind corners and behind peoples' faces. it could be a word that triggers you into remembering it. and it makes you sick, but you don't know why. it's like something was stolen. something small and insignificant and you could easily live without it, but you miss it nonetheless. these dreams terrify me more than any nightmare could.
Don't try and save me.
Thousands have tried and failed,
watched disappointingly,
each time I've derailed.
Don't set of shore and raise the sails.
Im drowning,
Sinking in a sea of what could have and what should have been
There is no life boat strong enough to take back the things I've seen
withhold my weighty heart.
my soul is anchored in the the darkest parts,
The murkiest waters.
It is held down in the depths
of despair
Save your own sons and daughters.
Im a wasted rescue mission.
Throw down your ammunition
i have enough to tear myself apart.
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