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 Sep 2015 XvA
am i ee
back at the ranch,
.....or hacienda or suburban condo,

the young suburban ma'am
was weeping, 'n cryingn  'n sobbing,
having thrown herself down on her
soft, velvet covered chaise lounge.

"where are you Manly Cowboy?"
she wept
"wherefore did thou go?"
"whyfore have you doth forsaken me so?"
"in my hour of need?"

Boo hoo hoo hoo

the wailing was reaching a rather
intense volume,
so much so,

there was a knock at the door.

wiping her tears from her
bright red swollen eyes and cheeks,
with her delicately embroidered
her long white gosling robed gown
trailing her as,
she went to the door.

opening it,
what did she see?

but standing there,
there stood,
handsome, tall,
muscular man
of a manly plumber
she had ever seen.

said he,
"i couldn't but help to be
your pitiful wails.

and i thought you might
need some help.

anything i can do to
assist you ma'am?"

thought she,
this is the best iimprovement
in many a long day,
since the Manly Cowboy
had gone away.

"yes, you can" replied she
"would you like to come in
and take a cup of tea
with me?"

......not so fast,  
we're not done
with this one.

"certainly, i would" replied he,
"and, well, ma'am, if it isn't any
trouble for you,
i'd really prefer something
a little stronger,
per chance, do you have
any beer?"

"why yes i do." says she

"cold?" asks he

"as a snowball in hell." she replied

the manly plumber strode in,
his tools jangling about
his firm hips and strong legs.

excusing herself,
she went to the kitchen and
opened up two beers.

pouring one in a tall glass,
over ice,
she poured an eighth of the other
into another
and finished filling it up
by adding warm water
from the tap.

she did this to prevent herself
from getting too tipsy
as she was dehydrated from
all of her crying.

out she walked,
two tall glasses
in hand,
she handed one to him
and looked over the other.

the first shy smile
her sweet face
had seen in a while,
began creeping up.


now? who had gone???

the manly cowboy
lying on his back
of some foriegn land,
looked up and
saw a star twinkling
high in the sky,
and he smiled.
as is readily apparent the suburban ma'am has no clue about forth and fort and doths, but she was finding out that simply by adding a 'th' to her travails, it sounded SO much better.

Oh and ....if you have a hankerin' to read from the beginning... see the Collections,  The Manly Cowboy & Chronicles of a Big Fat Yellow Bootay
 Sep 2015 XvA
The man who tries to prove a point
Is unsure of how sharp it is.
A man who wars with blunt arms,
Is confident in his own strength.

The man who bears armor brave,
Falls heavy into his own grave.
The man who comes naked
Is sure he will return unscathed.

But, not every warrior is the same;
And no war can be fought
In the shadow of divine aim.
who do you blame?
The beauty of nature baffles me.,
So natural yet beautiful..
I mean isn't this a lesson enough about beauty?
Its sad how this synthetic and soon to be pathetic world of ours seems to portray natural as ugly,
God made me more important than the most beautiful flowers and natural scenaries,
So its automatic that my natural beauty beats them by far,.
Not that we shouldn't wear make up,
The lesson here is that we must acknowledge how beautiful our natural state is,
And love it.
 Sep 2015 XvA
Aishwarya Nair
With precise purpose
the wind messes up your hair,
finding calm in you.
 Sep 2015 XvA
 Sep 2015 XvA
There is a sense of timelessness in the twilight
Of time standing still and extending into the infinite
Of sadness and hope
Of yearning and satisfaction
Of unrest and peace
Where time has no meaning and
the mundane melts away into the symphony of colours in the sky..

..and your eyes follow the fading light and your soul knows its purpose once again..
 Sep 2015 XvA
Neil Gondeck
 Sep 2015 XvA
Neil Gondeck
To see something so beautiful
Something so beautiful but tainted
Perhaps such a creature doesn't exist
How could they
But yet here I am face to face with one
In the green grass and boisterous sun
In the chilling rain on a frosty day
Such a creature could exist
Just right in front of you even
She is not perfect
Not in my eyes or in her's
She is not graceful like a bird in the sky
She is not as smart as can be
She is not the best of anything
She is not a lot of things
But she is powerful
She is Beautiful in her own way
She is unfortunate, like I
She is not perfect
She can cry
She can laugh
She can love
She can doubt
No she is not perfect
Nor did she fall from the sky
She does not have wings
She is not perfect
She is human just as I am
But she is my Angel
 Sep 2015 XvA
he had galaxies turning slowly within him
and she crawled inside and kissed every planet
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