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The clouds are pregnant
With rain water

Earth waited with

Alas! It's abortion
Blood all over the sky

Sun's blazing
It's been two years since we have proper rains
When the wooden door leads a little,
To a force is put
In the erst of the body fleece wells,  
Sweet sweating as the dew is deposited

The clamor of the known birds,
Be filled,
North wind changes direction,
Comes through my southern window

When harmonic air,
Passed over the yellow paddy fields,
Farmers perches hope's aroma
Into the hearts  

At the mid of the noon,
Cowboys keep exhaustion on flute
Swelling of the new message,

After a Long waiting,
Pied crested Cuckoo singing
Mating songs
The peacock repeatedly whispering peahen

My beloved,
Your one "April" desires
bought us,
Cuddly child as the light purple rose

And they say you
Sing your song of arrival
O' April O' come!
Once Again!

Show Your Cyclone form
Engross your soul
Bring the rain,
Chill the Nature
Add to birth New Child for the unscathed time
@Musfiq us shaleheen
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There is honesty in blue.
That sudden hue of the sky above you -
Clear and radiant with light -
Then it can grow dark with a foreboding shade -
Filling moments with fear and sadness -
Blue is analogous to life's entire journey -
It is not as rigid as red -
Or as harsh as yellow -
Certainly not as fickle as green.
Blue is the color that resonates deepest
with me.
your hair
reminds me
of a storm
in Ireland

you face
reminds me
of Botticelli's

Your eyes
remind me
of unsolved

Your lips
remind me
of stolen

Your smile
reminds me
I am still

I asked my friend what is wrong with me

She answered wisely

Well you are addicted to him
Which is not a bad thing,
But he's not addicted to you

Oh how bad it hurts to hear the truth
I don't hide my feelings
I just let them be
that is why you see
»--- in my eyes the biggest sea **→
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