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Arthur Vaso Jun 2017
Wilted bouquet
Love strewn upon lost memories
Of the heart
In the Milky Way
Of eternity
Arthur Vaso Mar 2017
Why does the world turn?
Like pages in a book
Unfolding the universe
Chapter and verse
Before our eyes

Why do the clouds make rain?
Like Gods wisdom, falling from the sky
Making life unfold before our eyes
Poem and verse, never explained
In the mist, we wonder in vain

Why does my heart beat?
For someone so far away
The moon, lifting up towards the nighttime sky
As cold winds wipe away my thoughts
One must ask, why?

When will she see?
Like waves in the ocean
Adventures were meant to be
Exploring new worlds
Where all things become possible

Arthur Vaso Mar 2017
I live
I know not why
I breathe
I see the sky

My heart has long ago died

I am here for why?
Or faded to sky
Who cares?
A heart that does not fly

Changing universe


How do I keep on living?
How does one live, if one knows not how to die?
Arthur Vaso Mar 2017
Breathe, why
The sky, why
My heart, why
Living, why

The past, to die

I am not in sky
I am not at all
I am if at all
Underneath the leaf of fall

Seasons change

Arthur Vaso Mar 2017
They were like two peas in a pod
Holding hands
Exchanging tongues
Being prissy and laughing at those
Who long before saw their act
Though those two queers, they don’t see at all
They are midgets, and little, and erectly small
With puffed up chests
Stroking hens of the Cornish variety
All of them dregs of a social society

Slum lords and criminal minds
Under the sheets where no one sees
Which one is giving the other the shaft
**** and span they use after, oh so daft
One erotically whispered to the other
A Pain in the ***
As they kissed over their biblical wine glass
Seeking solace in each others arms
Licking their wounds with grammars charm

Grown men, committing sin after sin
Then blaming others for saying
God wants you to begin
Acting like men
And not emancipated boys
Stop diddling and twiddling
Leave alone your petite toys

One day Jehovah will make clear
Belittle others is worse than Queer
Little queens swallowing their own vile
While Ladies and Gentleman laugh
At the ****** and the Clown
In their lingerie and gown

God decried, let those two drown
Even Lucifer laughed under his frown
In life it is said, what you reap you sow, this poem is an example of that adage. Tommy and Rubina dating? Yikes I need to toss my cookies.
Arthur Vaso Feb 2017
Fermented ideas
Growing old in cellars

A *******’s hand
Looking like old leather

Reaching out to touch the skies
Feeling love as the white dove flies

Empty bottles
Dancing in the crypt

A poets tears flowing as ink
Following the years of saddened drink

In a boat, I take up the oars
My dream to escape these horrid shores

In the seas, where ideas flow free
Tiss here that I ceased to be
Arthurvaso on instagram
Arthur Vaso Jan 2017
Into the night I marched
Into deaths grip I fell

Musical notes running after me
Violins weeping afterwards

Stars fading into matter
Nothing matters without love

Lights shine over there
Can I reach or do I dare?

I can’t get out of this repressive chair
I can’t stand the people whom stare

My mind is all wrapped in shrouds
Hiding within the skies dark clouds

My smiles stolen by royalty golden
Now my tears flow as I weep

Is there any hope to keep?
Or am I doomed to deaths grip so deep

Gargoyles yelping for their fare
Me, dangling from the air

Aurore are you there?............
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