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 Jun 2014 Anonymous
jeffrey robin
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So it is



You ain't got no life
Til you decide to live




The stories bein told !

The lies !

They have a purpose
They are not mistakes


( decide to live )


It's alright

I am


I am so beautiful
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
Fenix Flight
I try to keep it together
I try not to show it.
But I'm falling apart inside.

The pain is becoming harder to ignore
The tears are getting harder to push back.

But I keep pushing it away
I wont let it out.
There are people out there
Who are more important than me.

But its still there
just below the surface.
it keeps building and building.
and I fall back onto my old ways of coping

denying myself sleep.

Why does this keep happening to me?

But I know why.
Because I keep it bottled up
I wont let it free

because there are other people out there
who are much more imprtant than me
They need somone to be there for them

I'll be fine
I'll be ok
because I dont matter.
I'm not worth it.
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
Love me always,
For I will be there always,
Hate me never,
For I will hurt you never,
When you cry,
I will comfort you,
And when you smile,
I will smile too,
Love me always,
For I will be there always.
You're gone but I won't get high
Cause I'm already fly
My aspirations reach the sky
There's no need to even try
You left without saying goodbye
There are no tears in my eyes
Just for you I'll never cry
No I'm not that shy
To tell you that I'll forget you in a blink of an eye
Don't forget that I'm the queen of July
Inspired by Stay high (Tove Lo Flip) - Hippie Sabotage
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
Autumn Stone
Do you remember
when the dragon saved the princess
from that awful knight
because I can remember it clearer than most

the knight, a greedy *******
who's foul lips
wrapped around a glass bottle
who's foul lips
sought the bottle
and nothing more

and remember when he hit the princess that first time
remember when he grabbed her hair
remember when he shoved her down
put away the scars
the scratches
the bruises
treated it as
'oh, he's just showing his love'

and remember
remember that one night
when she finally called his bluff
she said 'no, you don't love me'
remember when he hit her with the bottle
the knight, what a **** bag
but after that,
came the dragon
with his tattoos and heavy beard
on his motorcycle
and beat the knight away
****** him to hell
or at least prison
and a lot of angry inmates

and the princess and the dragon
set away
to have a nice little life together
with the night safely locked and gone
in a far away tower.
I start all over...
I kiss my wife,
my sons,
my daughter.
I tell them I'll change,
I'll be the best father!
Tonight, again,
I start all over.
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
TD Rucker
Thoughts of a criminal father.
addict thief impoverished loss of riches gained.
wanting better for my only son
and only sin has brought us close
to our goal.
Thoughts move forward
putting criminality behind
while we are lowest in our life.
Overcoming these roaches and rats
no friends have come
and THEY have my son
I want my son.

go with what I know?
or take my time moving slow?
these are the thoughts of a
criminal father
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
Trying so hard to impress other people,
You forgot to impress yourself
Won over the hearts of other people,
You lost the love you used to have for yourself.

You took the time and built your own prison cell,
Where the freedom to be who you are,
Has been chained up by society’s ideology of who you are.

Your ignorance to love has caused you to find joy in;
Breaking heart,
Breaking rules,
Even breaking the law
I know deep down you still want to be cared and loved for.

Pushed your innocence of a cliff
Evil grew you wings
It was round about the same time you flew away from everything you once believed.

Wrote a million pages,
About how drowning in an ocean of superficiality has set you free
Yet when I look deep into your eyes,
It tells me a different story.
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