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 Jun 2014 Anonymous
I have been deeply
by the Sun.

My skin
unmistakably glistening,
the sensual moistness of her tongue.

Scorched by passion
from the very beginning.
A frenzied possession,
so deep,
now genetically smitten.

A torrid affair
by certain perceptions.
defiantly unbreakable.
To wit questionable,
sometimes unbearable.


I must confess
her kiss riles me,
and with it,
hails me.

the jealously of men
the sheer beauty
in her embrace.


I am at a loss, I despair,
I don't understand it.

Driven mad
by the affection of her face.

**© Qwey.ku
race theory is a myth made of ***** sneaky pipe bombs
filled with the shrapnel of financial ******
past, present and future.
race is a social invention.
I sunbathe all year round
I am permanently brown.
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
skyler molina
Forget what you know,

Free your mind of all existing teachings & memories,

Think of all of the things that you've been too scared to think of or to say out loud,

Now refer back to those thoughts as you think of this idea:

What if,

The world is simply your heart,


The things that can break your heart are the things that are also keeping it alive,

Oxygen & other human beings.

Now what if I told you that the world only needed 3 things to survive:
Your heart.

Now believe that.
Take it into full consideration of those things.

The world is now closing in, just like your heart was that night he (for some reason) never picked you up from your house & never again answered any of your phone calls.

Ask yourself what you did after that night that kept you alive on this earth.

I mean, all odds were against you.

Everyone expected you to close in from the lack of oxygen the bonsai tree on your desk was giving you & from all the non-existent human interaction that you were getting, that only he used to provide for you.

But you realize that you are still here.
Just like the earth.
With a fully mended heart,
With ribs that are filled to the brim with air,
& a smile that could **** the bacteria that has been fondling your thoughts for the last 8 months or so.

I'm not trying to state the obvious fact that "life goes on, so don't give up."


I'm trying to say that even when all the oxygen in the earth is evaporating to nothing,
the water has turned into oceans of tears,
your heart is filled with the fear of never feeling back to full normality ever again;
The world still spins, because it knows that because of the continuation of it's rotation, it makes the humans that inhabit it, live on happily,
even if the world knows that it itself cannot;
The same goes for you my dear;
Even after your ribs get rusty,
Your eyes become a desert,
Your heart turns into a metaphor for death;
Everyone needs you to keep on spinning,
for them;
even when you feel like you yourself cannot.

In conclusion, my point is:
For the sake of humanity,
Don't give up.
 May 2014 Anonymous
karma is dead
Anger is a ugly emotion
But anger doesn't hurt
So when you look at me
And I giving you that ****** expression
You hate to see
Don't ask me what's up
Don't get annoyed when I tell you I'm fine
Because anger blocks my ability to talk
Just look at me and smile
And tell me I'll be okay
And hug me till tears fall down my face
 May 2014 Anonymous
paper boats
Did you know,
Cigarettes taste like instant coffee,
The kind I drink at night,
When the dark keeps me awake.

And poetry feels like salvation,
Specially when it doesn't rhyme.

That headaches are the best thing that can happen to you,
When you're awake.

And sleep is a just a lie life tells you.
But you believe it,

Because it's the best ******* lie you'll ever hear.
I used to believe in only the things which made sense,
but beauty doesn't lie in the eyes of the beholder,
It lies in it's extraction from the *******.

— The End —