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annieohk Sep 2020
I write poetry for me
And sometimes for you
So you may feel what I feel
And perhaps see the world through my eyes
There are stories to tell
And sweet sentiments to share
So many chaotic thoughts trip through my mind
But they never become a poem
Because the words won’t come together
They swirl and collide and bubble up
From the depths of my soul
Destined to remain separate and nonsensical
I desire the eloquence of thoughts expressed
With truth and light and meaning
I want to scream what’s trapped inside
But how can I make anyone understand
When I don’t understand myself?
annieohk Sep 2020
hello old friend, silvery moon
you wrap around me with fingers of misty radiance
I feel cold and warm at the same time
you light the night like a beacon
coaxing ocean tides to wax and wane
your glow catches the new fallen snow
and my eyes behold millions of minuscule diamonds
sparkling just for me
is there anything you can’t do?
your power assaults my senses
as you throw a trail of gleaming light over the waters
I tread upon your soft lit path
mindful of the shadows you cast before me
your fullness lights my way
yet I stumble in your crescent dimness
you seem a fickle friend at times
illuminating a romantic evening
or hiding behind storm darkened clouds
still, even now I long for your next appearance
to bathe my face in your luminosity
and cast your magic upon me once again
annieohk Feb 2020
I’ve traveled so many roads in life
some dusty and forlorn
some paved and serene
I’ve climbed mountains
to see where eagles soar
but it’s the places in my heart
the ones I keep secret, just for myself,
that I’ve learned the most from
how to breathe and how to let go
when to hang on and when to give up
trying to grasp the next level of growth
before it slips away into the mist
with eyes wide open my soul yearns, straining
to see tomorrow’s hidden promises
and yesterday’s lessons learned
when we get it right, we know it
and when we’re wrong, we try to justify
and cover our transgressions
so no one else will know
as though we could ever forget
we were once so immature and selfish
I always see better in the cold light of morning
or the still, quiet moments of night
annieohk Aug 2019
Phone calls that are never made
Notes that aren’t written
Gentle words left unsaid
So wrapped up in my own little life
I don’t see the tears
Or hear the heart cries of others
So many what ifs, so many regrets
Hindsight is always twenty twenty
But foresight is blind
Like cold eyes on a statue
That never see the world around
Trips will be planned but never taken
Beds will be neatly made
Never to be slept in again
Front doors will be locked
But that threshold won’t be crossed any more
Clothes will be bought but never worn
A gift received but never opened
A whisper of love not given
A warm hug not shared
So many things we leave unfinished
When we leave this world
It’s true that tomorrow is not promised
So why do I live as though it is?
When death comes calling
Those left behind will ask
Why didn’t I do more
Why didn’t I say more
Why didn’t I hold your hand longer
You know how much I love you
But I should have shown it more
I thought we’d have more time
I thought we had more tomorrows
Some times I think people die
To show us how to live
For my sweet sister Mary who passed away 3 weeks ago today. I miss her so very much...... ***** cancer!
annieohk Jul 2019
I said the word nonsensical today
and thought how
much it applies
to this very world
we live in.
July 4th road rage
two innocent children burned
a family changed forever,
A mother tries
to discard her newborn
like yesterday's trash,
Unloved animals
left alone to die,
Thieves who take possessions
and unsuspecting lives,
Cowardly men strapping bombs
on helpless women and children
instead of themselves,
Greedy curs stealing
the rations of the hungry
to sell for profit,
Black hearted people
bartering children,
depraved pleasures
of dark minds
The unimaginable ugliness
of empty souls
So much more
than nonsensical,
Sometimes my heart is so heavy with the weight of all the ugliness in our world.  So many cruel people with no regard for others. This poem reflects that.
annieohk Jul 2019
In my garden
I drink in the beauty of the blossoms
Like one lost in the desert
Searching for the water of life
For a few moments
The sweet fragrance and sunlit hues
Block out an ugly world
And I am at peace...
annieohk Jul 2019
Cannot catch my breath
Trying to come up for air
I drowned in your eyes
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