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annieohk Jul 2019
Lover of my heart
Breaching the strongest of walls
I am helpless now
annieohk Jul 2019
Eyes searching heaven
Starlight permeates my soul
I am lifted up
annieohk Jul 2019
Life should last
As long
As there's
Living to do
Love should stay
And keep the
Promises it made
Lies should never masquerade
As the truth
And time ought to warn us
Before it runs out
annieohk Jul 2019
Lazy day
Needing to do a thousand things
But my chair holds me captive
My mind churns with
A long list of to-dos
Yet I'm content
To ignore them all
A sip of root beer here
A handful of peanuts there
And the moment
Seems complete
Wanting nothing and everything
At the same time
Maybe I'll paint a picture
Or start the great American novel
Or maybe I'll just
Stay in my recliner
And pop a few more peanuts
Lazy day
annieohk Jul 2019
Sometimes love is wasted
On the hard hearted
They put their hook in
And draw you closer
Only to push you away
Once you're all reeled in
A honeyed voice
Whispers sweet nothings
As expectations come
Crashing down all around
I've often wondered
If some people
Have a heart
At all
Love heart rejection
annieohk Jun 2019
Today I held your hand in mine
I noticed how similar they are
The same mold, the same blood
My sister
And I cried because I know
You are dying
And our time together
Is so very precious
All other things fall away
And nothing is more important
At this moment
Than being with you
Holding your hand
And telling you how very much
I will miss you
The lump in my throat
Prevents me from speaking
I feel you gently squeeze my hand
And know that you inderstand
I never thought this day would come
Because you're my big sister
And you're always supposed to
Be here for me
i see the greens of summer
And the lilacs in bloom
And I think how you're missing it all
Your home is now a hospital room
Bed to chair, chair to bathroom
How small your world has become
But there is nothing else outside this room
This moment is etched in time
And in my heart
Here and now
Holding your hand in mine....
annieohk Dec 2018
How can it be
These words have
Never before been written
In this illustrious order?
Gliding, sliding, sometimes hiding
Behind the word preceeding
Only to jump out and capture
Or amaze, perhaps daze,
Or make you draw
In your breath in awe
The laws of rhyme defied
Or overused and abused
Winsome and floating
Like my thoughts
On a gray and dreary day
And where to end?
In a crypt of dead words?
Or perhaps like a sunset
That shines on forever
Just beyond reach
Yet never fading from memory
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