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annieohk Dec 2018
Sunlight dances on water
Leaving behind momentary sparkles
To delight my eyes
They cannot be grasped
Only enjoyed for a second
And then replaced by new
annieohk Dec 2018
I've despised you for so long
That I don't know how else to feel
It's not that I even want
To waste any emotion on you
your actions
Have permeated my life
In countless ways
Some days I curse you
And other days I forgive you
Or at least
I try to
But my heart weeps
For that little girl
For the innocence lost
And the morbid betrayal
The sound of your name
Can still bring revulsion
And I want to scream out
For all to hear
You were a *******!
But there's no point now
You're gone from this earth
And maligning the dead
Isn't something to be done
And yet my heart weeps
For that little girl
And innocence
annieohk Dec 2018
We pull people/things in around us
and hold them close,
as though they are  life preservers,
when really they're just something
to fill our arms with.
The only one who can save
your life is YOU.
It's time to fill your arms
with something else.
If no one is around,
then give yourself a hug
because YOU are important.
Nurture yourself,
even if no one else will.
Don't wait for anyone else,
just start to live, breathe.
Find one thing today to appreciate,
even if it's only the air filling your lungs.
Just breathe.
annieohk Nov 2018
the moments are ethereal
flitting by
on soft whispered wings...
pure joy
fullness of heart
blissful and sublime
don't try to grasp
or hang onto
just let the moments
wash over you
like crystal clear streams
let them surround you
and be awash in their glory
these moments aren't meant
to be kept forever
but merely lived in full
and remembered
annieohk Nov 2018
My words are truth to me
But I can lie to myself
I can see only what I
Want to see
And cover the rest with blackness
My truth is not your truth
My words are not your words
If I try to imitate others
Then I lose myself
Some days the words come easy
And other days my mind
Will not speak
And all I have
Is empty paper
Either one is okay
Because there is a time
For each
annieohk Nov 2018
What is a poem
Except words that are plucked from the air
Or feelings long buried
It is the essence of who we are
Even if no one else understands
Our hearts and minds remember
And it is
annieohk Nov 2018
I have often wondered
Where nothing comes from
Does being nothing
Make it something?
Does it radiate
From some unknown realm
Only to fade once again
Into nothingness?
Does nothing sustain itself
Or is it created?
Some days my tiny life
Feels like nothing
But in the grand scheme
Of things
I know I matter
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