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Anne B Jun 2014
Would you be able to separate me from the crowd,
even in a crowd with the faces of monsters?
Anne B Jun 2014
”Og kjærligheten ble verdens opphav og verdens hersker; men alle dens veier er fulle av blomster og blod, blomster og blod.”


"And love turned out to be the origin of the world and its master; but all of its roads are filled with flowers and blood, flowers and blood."
I truly love this excerpt from Hamsund's 'Victoria'. This book reminds me to believe in love - even when it sounds like a horrible cliché.
Anne B Jun 2014
I’m a writer
I **** my own joy to jolt down words
I **** heroes and I see beauty too late
I leave people just as they leave me too.

I’m a writer
I destroy the people I care about, make them leave
as I run and I miss them when their bags are packed.
But their stories still travel my world;
my pages.

So, I think I’m a writer.

I find my muse and I get afraid and
the demons inside of me force me to fill
the pages. And I do it.

Only to realise a muse might
also be someone I care about.

But I push people away.

And I give myself a lonely life;
in which I bleed and sweat for empty
words and empty stories.

The muse does have emotions too, I fear. But he disappeared for me anyway.
Anne B Jun 2014
It's that bitter taste
it comes and goes like the seasons; the sun and the moon; the rain and the sky; the wind and the stillness.
It's windy out here,
in the cold
in the open
so fragile
I am
out here
Does it ever stop
that feeling,
I ask.
you answer, when you are dead. You tell me.
But why does it have to hurt, I ask you again.
You smile.
No, it doesn't always hurt, I tell myself.

I wrote this as one of my first poems. I think it's one of my better ones. It's simple and honest.
[EDIT: This is published on!! Yay!]
Anne B Jun 2014
You thought you could love, but darling.

You are the Arctic Ocean.

**— 3.05.14
Not a poem, in truth. Just another one of my confessions.
Anne B Jun 2014
Distant cars somewhere nearby
Travelling unknown places and
sleeping people in their beds.
Wet pillows. I think my roof is
The sound of shoes on soaked
dark pavement and the smell of
damp clothes - wet hair.
This was supposed to be our moment.
                                                                    And you sang.
But it kept raining.

**March 25th 2014
I'm starting to think this, in fact, WAS our moment. Walking home after a pub quiz in the rain, with winter jackets in March. You fascinated me more and more.
Anne B Jun 2014
I wanted to name a poem after you.

But I'm afraid you'll destroy that too.

**May 29th 2014
Too late. I already did. I hate how I fell so hard.
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