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Apr 2019 · 455
pearson Apr 2019
                         is going

thank you.
Mar 2016 · 436
The Power
pearson Mar 2016
It was a huge step
To our new life
We just wanted
To not have to strive

And i climbed on
To the mountain top
I was really scared
But we made it up

The sights were beautiful
I was in awe
It was so wonderful
And then we dropped

It was so fast
In over our heads
We were falling
And we didnt know how
story of my life lol: don't know what I'm doing then all of a sudden I'm falling and tripping
Feb 2016 · 375
He left her
pearson Feb 2016
Hello Day
Goodbye Night
I've gotten tired watching you fight

Until next year
When the dawn will flee
It seems like to beyond the sea

The dusk will stay behind
Under the mothers wing, how kind
Of her to hold on tight

But this girl's lover has fled for the light
About the same two people. I'm so sad he has to go.
Feb 2016 · 399
He With She
pearson Feb 2016
He hid
While they screamed

He fled
While they bled

He ducked
When they were swung at

But he came back
When they were fine.

She hid
When he wanted her

She fled
When they were chased

She ducked
When he sought her cover

But she came back
To watch his pain.
The story of two people. One of them loves the other but the other hates. Can you tell?
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
The Little Lightning Girl
pearson Feb 2016
The little lightning girl
Went to go and see
If the little thunder boy
Wanted to come out and play

But the little thunder boy
Shunned her away

For the little lightning girl
Was a lovebird in flight
Jul 2015 · 674
Miserable is More Like It
pearson Jul 2015
There's this really great girl
But for all I know,
She is gone long past the time
That the clock reads

Deep into the alley way
I say, she's got quite a smile
But you know when you don't that you can't stop moving
Because to her, Miserable is more like it

If she wanted to,
She'd be the heir to the throne
If I knew she could,
She'd walk this world on her own
But you know when you don't that you can't stop moving
Because to her, Miserable is more like it

Miserable is more like it, for her

Written for my friend who used to be on here but isn't anymore . . . I know she would understand though
Apr 2015 · 381
Screaming War
pearson Apr 2015
There's a war raging around me
It's strong and big and tough
And I can't hold it back anymore
I'm really not that tough

I have to scream, to let it out
Until they all come and stare
And all I see is red and
I can't scream enough anymore, you don't have to care

Stay away from the shouts
And silent battle cries
It doesn't matter who they are
But I need to find myself inside

I might be that warrior
Or maybe that crying soul floating through the air
I'm really trying to figure me out
It's really hard to know cause I just got trampled by a mare

Clinging to the wall, I slide on through
A sword fight here, a fallen one there
It's really hard to not throw up
But I must keep on, for everyone must dare

To try and be in war is just so unfair
I can't find myself, my journey that's ahead
Everything is rushing by so, "Wait!"
I really wish I would've stayed in bed

But now I'm free
Nothing can get in my way
I'm free!
I can walk up all these paths and say,

I want to hear the crowd go wild
I want to hear them scream
Like the poor soul I once was
But now I've gotten better and I don't dream
pearson Apr 2015
Breathing without oxygen
Is very comparable to me without you

This unknown universe
In which you don't exist
Is a terrible, horrible, no good place

Stumbling through the heavens
With no where to stay
I feel a lot like Mary and Joeseph
When baby Jesus came to earth, but I'm without the other part of me

To infinity and beyond I'll walk
To the end of the universe
I'll walk each day and ev'ry night
Until I see your face
Right now I miss you very much

And I haven't seen you since
That damp dark night in a quiet room
And after that, zap!
No more you, no more me, no more "us" at all
There was only me, but you were gone,
So half of me was too
About the love I've never had.
Apr 2015 · 519
So Please, Dear Friends
pearson Apr 2015
All the time lately
I see my friends sad and crying
Feels like there's nothing I can do
But really, I'm trying!

They wrote poems about sadness,
About loss, about love,
And here I am writing a poem about them
While they are watched over from above

I want them to know
That I have sadness, too
But all of my depressing poems
Are red and grey and tan and blue

So please, dear friends, stop
Writing about sadness, loyalty, and stuff
The wall that you've built around yourself
Is made of nothing no more, it's not buff

All of your feelings have come spilling out
Bout family ties, friendship lies,
And many more to date
These troubles and bubbles are not mine

So please, dear friends, put down your device
Look me in the eyes, and know I am right
That your poems are great, they truly are,
But hold a lot of sadness and trouble and night

So bring out the happiness and calm mood and sun
I would really like to read some happy poems
(For one)
And it would really be great if you'd

Look me in the eyes, and tell me you're not afraid
The last line is probably the most meaningful . . .
Apr 2015 · 441
A Painter's Dream
pearson Apr 2015
A spot of blue
A pint of red
A swirl of yellow
Now all is said

This artist paints
Some dots here, some lines there
Pretty sure this painting
Should include a horse or mare

And then after the painting is finished
It is quite a prize to restore
And then the horse flies off the page
It is not made of paint anymore

The painter climbs onto the horses back
And pulls on the reins tight
The pair runs off, away from life
And into the sunlight
Just a short, inspirational poem to brighten your day!
Apr 2015 · 505
Golden Spiral
pearson Apr 2015
A strip of wire
Sits on a wooden peg
Behind the fence
Some cows, they sit and graze

Across the world
A child sits with her journal
She thoughtfully writes
While the hours dwindle

Construction workers walk
On a metal scaffold beam
They build a giant bridge
That travels 'cross a tiny stream

Million miles away
A boy runs through the crowd
His mom comes home today
When he fina'ly spots her he runs right to her, "yay!"

A golden spiral
In a fairy tale book
Can spin all these tales
For me and you to look
The second stanza is me! Can you guess what the mom in the fourth stanza is coming back from? At least this is finally a happy poem! Yay, right?
Apr 2015 · 402
That Girl
pearson Apr 2015
Messy yellow wavy hair
Hazel eyes hold no despair

Tiny brown freckles stand out against tan
This is the story of that girl, this is no man

She smiles with each word she says
A spring in her step, no hat on her head

Every time she says 'Hello!'
You want to hug her tight

That girl, she has her own unique taste
Being herself is very right

Sometimes she trips and falls to the ground
A crawls back up, makes a laughing sound

And then she tries some insane stuff
Like jumping into an unknown pile of fluff

But that young girl with the crazy mind
She loves to jump and scream and fly
Another poem dedicated to my other bestie, Ali Hearts Twentyseven
Apr 2015 · 411
A Lonely Girl
pearson Apr 2015
Another thought
Comes to my head
And I wonder what if
I would be the one instead?

A lonely girl
Floats on the water
Her pale wet skin now blue
Could it get any less hotter?

A sorrowful man
Stands by the lake
He cries shamelessly
And sometimes shakes

A lonely girl
She starts to sink
Never seen again ever
And as she drops, did she just wink?
Just a quick note: I do NOT have depression, as far as I know. I'm just really good at writing about sad stuff? I don't know, but I'll try to write about happy poems, but for some reason writing about sad stuff is easier.
Apr 2015 · 885
pearson Apr 2015

Such a wonderful thing
Yet so blissful and terrible
At the same moment

And it's hard to know
If they want to hear my thoughts
Or if they are simply pushing me down

Down down down I'm dragged,
Until I only know who cannot be trusted
And then a light

But it is not pure
Only one to deceive me
And it hurts to think
That my "friends" have all made
This life so confusing

But I found light
With a friend that's a boy
{Do you have a problem with that?}

And he's really nice
But he has a girlfriend
And soon after our seats change
He is off to practically
Ignoring me

Struggling through class without him
Is like breathing without oxygen

And when that day comes
When he finally talks to me again
I know that I will have something to gain
This is a REALLY random poem. So . . . Yeah. Really random.
Apr 2015 · 2.9k
pearson Apr 2015
You smile at me from across the room
I smile back but don't make a move
You bump my shoulder after class
I look back at you but I don't stare
You stop at my locker after school
I say hi but then have to go
You partner up with me for a project
I do all the work while you say to the teacher, "On it!"
You sit by me at the lunch table
I smile and pretend that things are normal

Then the very next day I try to friend you
But you go off with your girlfriend and never look back
Kind of my relationship with my crush . . . Just a little exaggerated.
Apr 2015 · 497
Hope in the Air
pearson Apr 2015
Heaven smiles down from above
Upon a girl they call their love
She knows that if she keeps her faith
That God will follow in her wake

And now she goes to help a friend
In a dire time of need
One or two tears slide down her cheek
But recovery will be sleek

This friend she helps, this girl in need,
Will stay by her side till heaven's knee
Though total opposites as they are
Opposites attract, and that will be

Through many toils this girl struggles through,
Though maybe one day she will see it fail
And this heaven-smiled girl
Will maybe write about me
Dedicated to HGH!
Apr 2015 · 359
Two Souls as One
pearson Apr 2015
A happy soul
Walks through the halls
Another one
Stalks along the walls

Together they make one
But separation is key
And she

Can be
The one she wants to keep
And sometimes a saddened version
Takes over from the deep

And rivers of tears
Flow down her fair pale cheeks

For now she's the happy one who stays out of the deep
But one tiny thing
May be the fall after sleep
Apr 2015 · 554
I'll Follow You
pearson Apr 2015
Crumpled paper
Rolls under a desk
A girl leans down and grabs it
A boy smiles, her back to him

She opens up the note
A smile on her face
But when she reads the pencil marks,
She leans back and she laughs

The man in front, he frowns
And walks to up to the girl
She tucks the note away
And gives him one instead

The one that this lonely man
Reads says, "I'll follow you"
As the girl gets up and leaves
The smiling boy does, too
The note that she hands him is a different note, incase you were wondering. And the one that he reads has nothing to do with the fact that the boy gets up and follows her.
Apr 2015 · 995
This Girl
pearson Apr 2015
This girl
She walks
Down a lonely road

But sometimes she shies
Away from helpful woes
A man that she dearly loves
Has gone to heaven's gates

This girl
She walks
Far away from home

Black clouds, they follow
Wherever she goes
But sunshine peeks through
When this girl follows you

This girl
She walks
No one gets in her way

Hello, goodbye
My girl is understood
She walks a lonely path
Searching for some good
For my best friend.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
pearson Apr 2015
Let the rain pour
Let the clouds gather
I don't care 'bout the weather
Cause I'm gonna shine

Let the sun shine
Let the candles glow
I don't care 'bout anything
Cause hunger can appeal

Let the snow fall
Let the wind whirl
I don't care 'bout warming up
Cause the cold is clear

Let the rain pour
Let the wind whirl
I don't care 'bout alla that
Cause we're right here
Kind of a quick poem, just a thought. I might revise it later.
Apr 2015 · 333
Somethin' Gray
pearson Apr 2015
I walk, I walk
Down these lonely halls
A boy bumps my arm,
Teachers walk past fast
They say that all these kids here are known for going stray
I walk, I walk
Stay away from me
I might do more parts!
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
pearson Apr 2015
Smile white
So bright tonight
And I love the way you move

Happy times
Oh, silly smiles
And ev'rything turns okay

I know
I know it
I know it's gonna be all right

I know
I know it
I know that we will sleep sound'ly tonight
For my brother
Apr 2015 · 506
( opi )
pearson Apr 2015
She smiles
My little Opi
And then the clouds
All go away

She smiles
My beautiful child
And the snow
Starts to melt today

She laughs
My wonderful Opi
And gray
Turns to "Yay!"
For all those little lonely souls out there.

— The End —