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How do you explain living with a hole in your chest
as if talking about it somehow fills it
somehow makes it better
somehow makes the bitter pill easier to swallow
but talking about it doesn't make the sickness in my brain go away
or hurt any less
talking about it gives it shape and a body
gives it two legs to follow my every move
and two hands to wrap around my neck and choke the life out of me
it gives it lips and a tongue to whisper in my ear "it's better this way"
"they don't care about you"
"just one more inch off your waist,
one more pound off your body,
just one more year of your life"
I was barely fourteen when I tried to **** myself
First by slowly starving myself
Second, three years later with medication changes and razors  
There was nothing tragically beautiful about my sickness
About my downward spiral into self-loathing
Nothing glorious in my struggle to remember to breathe
I watched people my age having the time of their life
While I was stuck watching from the side because I was too sick,
Too fearful,
Too weak to join them
I shriveled away until I was half the girl I was before
Now two different medications later
I somehow learned to breathe again
Somehow relearned how to take care of myself
My chest is still a bomb site,
But it's no longer an open wound
No longer filled with hard liquor in hopes of catharsis
Sometimes recovery sounds a lot more like "I'll do better tomorrow"
Than "I'm sorry for today"
The truth is still a knife fight
But I'm not losing the war anymore.
 Jan 2015 Shell of a Man
feeling claustrophobic in isolation,
and like the lone survivor in crowds,
you can't sleep naturally at night,
you need medication to drown out your thoughts that bring sorrowful sounds.

in your ears ring those melodies of realism,
that sing solely of failure and defeat,
these songs written with melancholy chords,
that only seem to loop and repeat.

the process so dehumanizing,
you can't progress through the morbid cycle anymore,
so you press a barrel to the roof of your mouth, as stress neatly lines up and files out the door.

cold metal had never tasted so sweet,
and in these final moments, part of your cement core splits,
rainwater finally leaks in and your thirst is quenched as it fills your lonely heart, the desolate desert ditch.
feeling something real for the first time since who knows when,
only at this time, the moment of your end.

however, in your death your depression becomes recycled,
and now the numbing blanket will be passed to another,
until the day someone strong enough possesses it,
so it can be burned above amber flames, resting in ash along with its true color,
I put a lot of time into this one, I hope some of you enjoy it.
 Jan 2015 Shell of a Man
You were an escape artist
And I your favorite trick
You'd spin me
around and around and around
Then leave me with no gift

But still I can't let you go
You've hurt me more
than anyone I know
Love is so addicting
You I shouldn't be missing

For your final trick
You'd make me disappear
You called her up
"I missed you, my dear"
She's your new pick

*now I'll be quick
 Jan 2015 Shell of a Man
I crave a home that doesn't exist
A place I've never seen, how could it be missed?
Maybe covered in sunflowers and caught amidst
Please drag me there, drag me by my wrist

I wonder what it's like to feel at home
To feel wanted and never alone
Maybe it's warm and by the ocean
Maybe it's dark and golden

It could smell of peonies or red roses
It could taste of sugar and your broken proposes
Just a home full of moments
A home for a poet

But this home is impossible to obtain
For everything is done in vain
Just need somewhere to rid me of this pain
I'm sorry this is so hard to explain
 Jan 2015 Shell of a Man
I never wanted a hero.
I'm no damsel in distress.
All I wanted was a place
a safe place without duress.
 Jan 2015 Shell of a Man
She's a soft cool rain on a hot summer's day.
She makes me laugh with the funny things she has to say.

She's the beat of my heart, and the air that I breathe.
She's the sun and the wind, and (Autumn's) golden leaves.

She's the pride that I feel when I know she's done what's right.
She's that warm feeling I get, when I remember tucking her in at night.

She is homework and a busy social life.
She has this beautiful smile that could light the darkest night.

She is the scared feeling I have when she stays out late.
Or the feeling that I am losing her, when she wants to date.

She's the mixed emotions I have, as I watch her mature and grow.
I tell myself she will never leave, but, I know in my heart that someday she will go.

I hope the man that steals her heart, will treat her like a queen.
Because she deserves so much more, than a man that treats her mean.

I will always cherish the heart wonderful times we have had.
The best part of my life was being her dad.

So now you know who she is, she's my little girl.
I love her with all my heart and always will
Written by my dad.
When I say I love you I'm not actually saying I love you
I'm saying the sky above you is always falling unless you're around
I mean the ground is bound by the steps that you walk
So excuse me if it makes you uncomfortable that I'm tiptoeing around you
I found you at your lowest place, anchored myself down so that I could take your space
And now? I'm up at 2 in the morning, writing poetry, and reminiscing on thing that don't evenatter to you anymore
Tearing up floorboards in search of pictures that aren't there
Breaking up my days until I can't remember what reality is
When the earth quakes and I'm still clinging to your ghost that's as close as I get to feeling something

When I say I hate you, I'm not actually saying I hate you
I'm saying that the sky has already fallen, and the floorboards are broken and splintered
Without even a picture to comfort a heart that weighse down
Always hoping that you're coming back for the tattered pieces that you stepped in and left on your way out the door.
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