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AndSoOn Oct 2016
L’amour est le bras qui soutient celui qui trébuche, mais aussi la main qui s’ouvre pour laisser prendre son envol à celui qui a soif de liberté.*

[ Elaine Hussey ]
My mother wrote it on my birthday card. I love her.
AndSoOn Sep 2016
"There is nothing more beautiful than
A pink, orange, blue, yellow, purple sky of autumn."

There is so many things more beautiful than you.
AndSoOn Aug 2016
Let's say the world is magnificent
Elaborated, impressive, simply beautiful.
A world we dare to dream about
In which we dare to live.

So let's say it exists,
And that I live as you and me,
That the love we share in the future
We dare to share it in this world.

Let's say I'm not alone tonight,
And that I dedicate my life to them.
In this world I dared to have children
I dared to marry you.
The thing I want cannot be wanted in this world
Because it is way to messed up for me to dare to dream, at all.
AndSoOn Jun 2016
Tonight I miss home
I miss my friends
I miss myself
I miss being not alone

At my window, looking outside
I wish I could jump
Fly above the lake, mountains and seas
Join the big Apple...

Because I hate when it ends
But I just wish it to end
So I can move on
Across seas and oceans
AndSoOn May 2016
How well can you fake a smile ?
Could you beat me at this game ?
Cause I've had years of training,
But I'd gladly pass my crown.

Tired of being tired
And so angry at myself
My heart needs a break, or else
I might let myself drown again

I don't bother anymore
I just fake my happiness
Loneliness replaced my friends
And I don't care anymore...
AndSoOn May 2016
I heard my mother cry today
Any sounds can't be worse then this.
Again, it pushed me down all the way
So tears flowed down my cheeks

She is my hero, strong and loving
And today they brought her down
So I'm here, writing, and crying...
Because I'm far away from hometown.
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