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spins stories
spiders spin webs
am spellbound.
 Dec 2016 Ntwari Poetry
rose petal lips
candle wax fingertips
never thought the night
would come to this
you ache and you break
give me all I can take
when the evening is falling
it's time to awake

gentle flicker
I miss her I miss her
never thought I'd have
the guts to kiss her
she's the sunshine that weeps
a promise to keep
for the morning is dawning
and it's time for sleep
for El
I'm trying to remember
the love that we once had

But now I'm only feeling
the pain that you have left
That one person:/
The air swirls above me a charcoal black tainted with moonlight:
Why am I awake I whisper aloud...
The pills didn't work again,
Time to take more I guess...

1 Pill
        2 Pills
                 3 Pills
                          4 Pills
                                   5 Pills

I remember you said never take 6,
But black is my favorite color, you would know...
6 Pills
The air swirls black around me one last time as my eyes close forever.

"1 Pill should work, if not take more but please, never take more than 5."
"Because if you take 6 you might fall asleep and never wake up."
*Oh ok, I promise*

Never trust me with the power to control my own life,
For others have controlled it since the day I was born.
If only things are not complicated so I can put them in words as easy like a poem
If only hopes stay with patience to comfort me in this room
If only dreams are not stars so I can easily hold them closer to my heart
I wish the present and future smiles will be one and never be apart
Sorry if the title is clichè
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