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 Apr 2018 -A
 Apr 2018 -A
i used to love you sober.

               i've been high for days.
 Apr 2018 -A
storm siren
If the hellhounds nip at my ankles--
(And they will)
Promise me you will put flowers at the foot
Of my coffin,
To cover the stubs
That they left.

If angels call for me--
(And they just might)
Hold my hand close to your heart,
But let my summer sunset voice
Fade away into the first night of a too-cold fall.

If the world tries to pull me underneath its cold, damp crust,
Then remember me as I was.

Remember me as spacey.
Remember me as guilty.
Remember me as filled with sorrow.

But most importantly
Remember the smile I smiled just for you.
Remember the laugh that bore your name.
Remember how my hand felt in yours,
And how bad it hurts to see it in his.

Remember my voice as it spoke your name, soft, sweet, and tasting like cool blueberries on a hot spring day.

And remember how I burned it to the ground
With hell hounds at my feet,
With angels at my throat.
Remember that I burned the bridge,
And spat blood into the ashes,
As this Earth swallowed me whole

And I was


First to die

Now to live
 Apr 2018 -A
 Apr 2018 -A
music is a sigh of relief in a world that holds its breath
big constant mood
 Apr 2018 -A
Mellow waves
People expect a lot, they think you can excel in everything you do.
They expect you to move a mountain, break a rock, aim at the middle with just one shot
But, do you want to hear the truth?
This may sound cheesy for you, but for me..
I’m tired. Tired of everything.
Tired of waking up every morning and pretending like everything is perfect.
Tired of doing my best everyday in everything.
Sometimes i want to mess up, i want to fall and get hurt, but stand back up alone,
I want to fail, then learn from my mistakes and become a better version of myself.
But thanks to this society you’ve got to live up to your standards and never be mistaken.
You’ve got to hide your feelings and try not to fall in love because you’re still a child; you don’t understand the meaning of love.
You’ve got to speak up and not be shy, well that my friend,may be possible but with time.
So just let me be me.. i know i’m not perfect but at least i’ll live my life the way i want it to be.
Let me be me..
 Apr 2018 -A
Mellow waves
 Apr 2018 -A
Mellow waves
Trust is a golden key to one’s heart
It is so strong yet easily shattered,
It is so pure yet easily blemished,
It is as strong as the howling of the wind,
It is truly, the craving that everyone seeks.
 Apr 2018 -A
Sk Abdul Aziz
The thing I love about the mirror is that it's so very never never matter what the time.. no matter what the always shows you the true picture...i wish people were like this.....
 Apr 2018 -A
Sk Abdul Aziz
I've had some of the greatest learnings of life from primarily 3 sources-
Women... Children... Nature

Women have taught me to be compassionate and resilient(among many other countless things)
Children have taught me to see beauty in ugliness..and not try and find meaning or sense in everything
Nature has taught me to strike that balance between serenity and rage

Books and the internet come a distant second.....
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