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3.8k · Jun 2014
Amul Garg Jun 2014
One day a strong feeling rose,
it's time, to her I should propose.
But as fate chose,
I met only remorse.

Had written her a song,
which she found all wrong
As my eyes looked at the letter she tore,
'I want to never see you again!', she swore.

The pain was such, it was impossible to take
the pain of this horrible heartbreak
It felt as if she plunged into my heart
a ****** wooden stake
3.8k · Jan 2016
The Outcast
Amul Garg Jan 2016
Out of his shell came he.
But late was he to the party -
of people mingling merrily.
Being outcast was his destiny.

When his greetings bore no fruit,
he beat a retreat.
Regretting thoughts of dancing elated,
he came home defeated.

He asked himself to worry not,
destined was what he got.
"I've one friend who'll always be there,
whenever I fall into despair."

And, it was no one but him-
-self, who saved him in situations grim.
As he thought, his hope renewed,
for he found an old friend in solitude.
2.8k · Apr 2015
High Contrast
Amul Garg Apr 2015
You glow with happiness,
I hide in darkness.

You are so full of life,
I live in eternal strife.

You are your friends' darling,
I'm a lonely soul absently wandering.

Your face is a painting of a thousand lovely colours,
mine is an utter blank ever.

Compare and contrast, our match seems impossible,
Is this why I find you so irresistible?
2.8k · Apr 2012
The Examination Hall
Amul Garg Apr 2012
How unique a place is the examination hall!
Sometime or the other calls us all;-

Even for those who come prepared,
There isn’t another place so much feared;
Ah! And the last minute revision,
Ends up as everyone’s decision;
And there’s a reason,
Passing is for sure everyone’s mission.

And the scene inside,
Really takes you on a ride;
When you try and fight,
To fetch some topper by your side;
When the paper distribution starts,
There’s pounding in each of the hearts;
And everyone just prays to God,
That the invigilator doesn’t act like Voldemort;
May he let us cheat,
From the person on the adjacent seat;
Although this prayer is continuously chanted,
This general wish is seldom granted.

As soon as the paper is in our hands,
We just look towards our friends;
But the invigilator turns acts as a high resistance,
Just comes and stops the current of assistance;
We somehow try to finish the exam,
After praying to Krishna and Ram;
The earth slips below our feet,
When it’s announced –
“It’s time to tie the sheets”;
And our handwriting touches amazing speeds!!

Out of the hall comes a variety,
Some people sad and some happy;
Sad ones are like this for a while,
But soon they smile,
As they know a bad exam isn’t a shame,
For their friends’ condition is the same.
And they resolve the next exam would be better,
And forget this resolve sooner than later!!
2.3k · Aug 2014
Rain of Grief
Amul Garg Aug 2014
An ocean of suffering burst upon me,
and I set out on the deserted street.
Walked without in mind a destination,
Walked towards this life's conclusion.

Rain was falling, the atmosphere had cheer,
but my grief-struck heart had no care.
Getting wet in the biting cold,
directionless I kept on my painful stroll.

Clouds were showering the earth,
but the real storm brimmed inside my heart
Getting wet in this grief-filled rain,
directionless I kept on my walk of pain.

It was winter outside,
but the real chill was in inner emptiness,
Shivering in that void so cold,
directionless I kept on my painful stroll.
1.7k · Apr 2013
Amul Garg Apr 2013
I gave you my trust
I gave you my love
but got betrayal in return
for you turned out to be a fiend
who pushed me to my end.

Friendship it was,
but you ,blinded by selfishness,
waged a war
exposing your inner darkness.

I lost the battle,
the blow was almost fatal.
I survived though the wounds are fresh,
and the pain won’t lessen,
this ordeal's been a lesson.

Enough said..
Many lessons learnt,
many fingers burnt.
My blood now boils with revenge,
I have a lot to avenge.

You think a king you’ve become,
But the war has just begun.
I have lost just a battle,
it’s your castle’s turn to rattle.

Glory you wanted, glory you got
by being so cunning.
But this won't last long-
for I’m your winter,
And your winter is coming!
1.2k · May 2013
A Poem on My Poems
Amul Garg May 2013
I Don't know why I rhyme
Why I pen romantic lines
And long for a girl I haven’t seen
for a relationship that has never been

In my poems sadness resides
What is this pain that never subsides?
Why my loneliness is at display
and I always  seem to pray?

But, however sad my poems may be
each one of them makes me happy,
because they let me dive into a pool
that is breathtakingly beautiful

These rhymes are little trips to heaven
they are a gift  god-given
they are my escape from the real
they let me see things I never will

They are dreams on a high altitude
they are my companions in solitude
they lend some meaning to my life
they save me from the regret-named knife

They aren’t mere worldly creations
they are the stretches of my imagination.
and a relief to my heart
and a path to self-realization.

I open my heart to them
I share my secrets with them
They are outlets for my frustration
and a library of my emotions

I regret I didn’t rhyme for years
I regret sadness went down in tears
Easier would have been those tough times
if had only written some rhyming lines!

-Amul Garg
932 · Feb 2015
Is Winter Coming?
Amul Garg Feb 2015
I woke up from a slumber,
on this day late in December,
to find the ceiling fan spinning,
to find the biting cold missing.

The world hates this season,
for a multitude of reasons.
But I love cold, harsh winters,
like I love the sound of burning wood splinters"

People of this world don't appreciate,
the strange charms winters create.
They don't care to notice,
the beauty of silence and peace.

Oh, how I miss the fog,
the engulfing, blinding fog!
But what I miss the most,
is my breaths turning to mist.

I miss those several layers of warm cloth,
and those moments of sloth -
when my bed held me captive
and blankets ******* all attempts to get active.

I miss the rush to the high hills,
to enjoy some snowy chills.

I miss this season of quiet and calm,
for its fog, its mists and its eerie charm.
878 · Apr 2013
Amul Garg Apr 2013
I am..
Possessed with purity,
obsessed with clarity,
blessed with elegance,
a blind's essence

I am not very bright,
but I'm the colour of the night-
the time of peace
when all wanderings cease.

You are partial-
in painting hell-
with ink from my well
revolt someday I shall.

Black am I,
brilliant am I,
but Ill famed am I.
854 · May 2015
It's always been her eyes!
Amul Garg May 2015
"It's always been her eyes -
those tiny means of vision.
her beautiful eyes -
the center of all my attraction.

Stopped seems time,
when like a ****** lake they shine.
I become a pilgrim,
wanting to bathe in that water divine!

A mere glimpse of that lake surreal
and worries of the world seem trivial
And, for that instant the idea of God,
seems less of a fraud.

It's always been her eyes!"
805 · Apr 2013
A Meeting at Last
Amul Garg Apr 2013
Finally, I spoke with you,
it was, for me, a big deal,
though we talked shop
but splendid I did feel.

It was my prayer,
to which God heeded,
At a time-
when it was really needed.

For some sweet moments,
you did walk beside me
and talked to my merriment
inspiring the poet inside me.

That day, I spoke my mind,
And then did I depart,
But today I pen my feelings,
and today I bare my heart.
Amul Garg May 2013
Do this, do that
a reward you'll get-
-in appreciation, they said,
but exhaustion they forgot.

Do this, do that,
that'll help your grades
this year they said.
from good to bad.

Don't play, don't play
mug up your books they said
future will be fun they said,
the biggest lie our life has had.

I won't study, I said,
You'll ruin yourself, they said,
Do what you want-
- it's your life, they said,
and I think it was well said.
621 · Mar 2014
Amul Garg Mar 2014
The pain inside forebodes
that my heart will explode
if it doesn't find a vent -
to pour its contents.

My heart lies packed
in a vacuum
within which unexpressed emotions
fight for room.

Emotions of love, anger, pain
rot inside in vain
It may have been a happy one,
but a rotting emotion always causes pain.

In all this suffocation,
I've had one realization -
God is there, he is there
and now I constantly prayer.

Oh God! Please descend
on this earth and be my friend.
Hear my sorrow, share my happiness,
rescue my heart from this nothingness.

My heart is a time-bomb,
ticking away in its last moments
a situation where God!
only your grace will prove potent.
564 · May 2014
Thoughts of You
Amul Garg May 2014
Thoughts, thoughts of you
I try to drive away
The heart's most beautiful thoughts
Through night and day

To be continued....
473 · Mar 2014
Amul Garg Mar 2014
Was coming back from work
all tired and spent from the day,
when with a smile on her face
a beautiful stranger passed me by.

It lasted just a few seconds
but my weariness was gone -
for that smile was mercy
the Lord Almighty had shown.

I looked into her eyes
in that moment ephemeral,
and smiled back
wishing that the moment was eternal

That moment had no past, no future
and though it sounds too dramatic -
It was about living in the moment,
God! That moment was magic!
n. the smallest measurable unit of human connection, typically exchanged between passing strangers—a flirtatious glance, a sympathetic nod, a shared laugh about some odd coincidence—moments that are fleeting and random but still contain powerful emotional nutrients that can alleviate the symptoms of feeling alone

— The End —