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A pulse could hush the feel of skin
as it runs peaceful, always on the move.
There is an inside outside
need to breathe,
frequent release,
from all that’s smooth.

There is one in every shade,
wafting through dreams of joy and fear, not taken.
In a playground where you can’t see,
how the eyes of truth
exhale a sacredness,

Serenity weeps
as it looks upon the waves
that pull you in without chains.
While an echo finds contentment
on the lips of imagination,
gone insane.

On the beaches of your mind
you have wings,
playing the lead role of a play.
Would I known the wars-a-waging there,
I wouldn’t have fed passion,
a single day.
Neva Varga -Copyright @2018 Changefulstorm Poetry - 11/05/18
We fall down at your feet Lord
Humbled in your glorious presence
We fall down in awestruck wonder
When you split the sky with lightning and thunder
Before you we lay down all we have and are
And arise with so much more by far
There are walls built up around us
In our hearts and in our lives
Brothers from sisters husbands from wives
Some to keep in, some to keep out
Some because of fear, others in doubt
But these barricades provide little comfort
No way to leave, communicate, relate
And walls close in on us siphoning life
Lord let the walls crumble let them all fall down
Turn our world and our thinking all the way around
Break down these walls find the cracks in our armor
Leave us vulnerable and needy
Let us build from the rubble bridges instead
Let out minds and hearts in harmony be wed
Joshua marched for 9 days around Jericho’s wall
And on the power and mercy of God Joshua would call
Let us march and pray for 9 months and 9 days
And sing songs to our Lord who is worthy of praise
We trust in you Lord, but in all things, your Will be done
And we give glory to the Father, the Spirit and the Son
 Jun 2018 Amanda Shelton
Spongebob Squarepants

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♡ just felt like writing this cause my profile is kinda sad so yeahhhh love you all ♡
If not for hellopoetry
I would have given up
The writing was starting to take its toll
Left me emotionally exhausted
I was forced to take a break
For all my energy it had drained
Sleepless nights, endless lines
Trying to switch off my brain
Left me depressed
When sentences formed
A story I'd tell
About my life in hell
Sometimes dramatised to a new level
Sometimes I have seen myself become the devil
All my emotions that stain the page
The blood, sweat and tears
Written into each line
Left me losing moments in time
And for this writing became a crime
Didn't feel like I was utilising my mind
Until recently I realised this was the only legacy
I would leave behind
I've seen this art in a whole new light
Through words on a page, I've shown my fight
I've shown all my emotions, I have been totally open
Gave my all in every line
Sprinkled in a flavour of rhyme
If not for hellopoetry all I'd have is blank pages
A mind full of lines, forgotten in time
Took some time to unwind
And that is when I realised
These writings and I are bound for life
I've learned to embrace this now
Finally proud of all my works,
how has it taken me this long
To fall in love with this art
If not for hellopoetry
An appreciation I would never have tasted
And this whole community I've embraced it
Don't care if you love or hate it
It's made me make some changes
If not for hellopoetry
There are talents I may never have uncovered
Some of us are still so young,
Still, more room left to improve
The elder ones raising us up
Understanding a whole new love for this art
I once said These lyrics were written in blood
Straight from the arteries from my heart
That metaphorically speaking
I spread all I am, all across the page
Bled the led with what I felt  
So much heart into every verse
All this time it was never a curse
It was something special I've been gifted
To get all these thoughts out of my system
If not for hellopoetry
I wouldn't be here...caught within this poetic atmosphere

©2018 Written By Benji James
Crack me open from top of my skull to brim of my chin,
use precision or make a mess,
nine faces will reveal themselves in a sculpted row Like a airport security check I will profile you with each pair of eyes,
ask google maps for the safest route through my mind only to u-turn at each entrance and exit.

Expect a phone call although there is no disguise that expectations may fall short,
let it be possible,
inside is a lonely world,
empathy relapsed according to the prognosis,
these future visions plague the outer layers,
wrapping the inside in a string of theories.

Cut away feel the blame and guilt, these concepts have not been rooted feeding off itself,
no level of understanding between us,
we coordinate through internal trials,
the gavel caused fusing amongst its action,
how much art has been burned throughout history?

A false front I express through others eyes,
in a time, in the place,
we say goodbye anticipating a happy return,
what a rush it is to wait for the last layer to break,
to finally see all there is,
knowing we've removed the faces ment to protect what's inside,
life and death hold their breathe...
Signed Poe 9
 Apr 2018 Amanda Shelton
Heaven can't hear me
I should've died when I was young
Little girl, please
I'm on my knees
No need for lying
Please, little girl
I love to cry for you
But hell, you can't hear me
Dear little girl
I'll forget you, now forsake me
I'm on my feet
 Apr 2018 Amanda Shelton
Dear reader,

Find yourself the friends who will laugh with you
Find yourself the friends who will love with you
Find yourself the friends who will hurt you but listen when you tell them what’s wrong
And do the same for them.

Find the friends who will take you out in the middle of the night
Just because you’re sad
Find the friends who will leave their business behind to take on yours
Because you need them to
And do the same for them.

Find friends who will write you stories about your crush that make you laugh
Find friends who will sit with you all evening and talk about things that make you cry
And do the same for them.

Find yourself the friends who are loyal.
Find yourself the friends who you can trust.
Find yourself the friends who you can forgive.
Find yourself the friends who will always forgive you.

And make sure they find the same in you.
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