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Bright petals spell all
Old structure in rage of bloom
Who questions flower?
Lost chalice is found
Blood whines of creation cupped
Deep in the flower
in the deepest and utmost corner of my heart
the pain is being hidden

and on the outside
you will witness
my sweetest smile

if only
you will catch a glimpse
behind those eyes
is the loneliness that being kept

if only
you will stop and stare for awhile
you will find out
that i am in despair

i was wondering
if the saying

"in the eyes you will see the real feelings of a person"

is true

because why can't you see?

that i am






the twin of love is pain
our love is a fiction*
carved from my mind
and written in these*

tattered pages

the tale of love that will never be become true
Close your eyes, my dear,
We shall lay upon clouds;
Close your eyes, my dear,
We shall hear the sounds;
Close your eyes, my dear,
We'll fall into evergreen;
Close your eyes, my dear,
Our thoughts will ean;
Close your eyes, my dear,
Let us venture as one;
Close your eyes, my dear,
Us will never be gone;
Close your eyes, my dear,
Let your dreams flow;
Close your eyes, my dear,
Wherever you want, we shall go;
Close your eyes, my dear,
Let us feel this bliss;
Close your eyes, my dear,
Feel there is nothing amiss.
Open your eyes.
See the treachery of Paradise.
Open. Your. Eyes.
See how the dream dies, as time flies.
Close your eyes, my dear,
As I cower in my fear;
Closing my eyes, dear,
**Makes me remember that you'll never be here.
I'll still stay even if the torture gets worse.
 May 2016 Amanda Griffin
 May 2016 Amanda Griffin
The night casts its long shadow over my flesh and blood
Yet, my body chooses not to fall into the natural rhythms of slumber
My eyelids are made of stone and are locked securely in place
My imagination runs amok and dreams fill up my void
The song of crickets punctuates the conversation with myself
Days long since past are still fresh in my memory
I feel like ideas are surging through my head ready to burst through my eardrums
But my arms and legs do not match my metaphysical wishes
They are numb and useless
Like a slow river, the bed seems to carry me to eternity
Gently taking me to a place far away
I need to rest so badly
The pangs of responsibility echo through my being
I have things to do; I have people to meet
It’s a curse
To never be able to match the cycle of the light
To bear witness to the passing of time
Locked in a coffin of consciousness
Ah, the sun is back; time to drag this empty husk out of bed
Light pours through the blinds, in an endless stream
No, arouse yourself from this folly
The shadow still remains
You were always wide awake
Hopelessly thinking of tomorrow
Pondering this night until daybreak
lonely even in celebrations craze
single and longing for just another taste
popular but carries sorrow in tow
a forced feeble smile he attempts to show
handsome yet always feels ugly below
he is a quandry unto himself, he is low
how to relieve this disbelieving stink
how to find that self adoration again
will anyone notice how deep he drinks
so full of feeling, so quick to self-blame
even tired of wishes which never came
a child so wild, so slow to tame
now in days of yearning to touch
learning to love, he craves it much
for a truth that is matched and with his own
no one else to please, no place else to roam
in loving, laden arms to call his home
even if and when / wishes never come
And they said “She walks with galaxies shining in her eyes
A thousand constellations of stars, uncharted and vast
She has no fear for the Unknown
Not a single care for mistakes and disappointments of the Past
But when the morning time comes and the stars are washed out by harsh light
She is reminded yet again
That the demons in life do not lie in what is unknown but rather what is
And that the darkness that lurks in every corner can be summed up in one word; A L O N E
The feeling that she gets at 2:30 AM when the walls seem to be closing in
Or the fleeting remembrance of a lost lover’s kiss that is so dearly
m i s s e d
It is moments like these when the universe in her eyes fades and all she has left is the memory of what once was and all the confusion about what remains
For it is always those whose outside seems neat and sane
That have the farthest to fall and the nothing at all to gain

— The End —