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Amanda Francis Feb 2017
Zephyrs stirred the warm salty air around my softly sleeping soul.
Orange danced with pinks and reds, the sky ablaze as the sun lays down to rest.
Optograms of you whirl around my head, my feeble raft floats, fearlessly falling.
Macrobian is this? Though guarded, I wistfully wonder,
as mabsoot I am.

Ocean arms envelop me in a coolness so bittersweet, I live and die a thousand deaths swimming in thoughts of you.
Underneath a velvet black sky, I sink, infinite celestial bodies gather to say goodbye.
T**ime may leave my immortal body behind,  
so I will love you enough to last eternity while were here!
Zephyrs = a gentle breeze
Optogram = images burned on the retina
Macrobian = long-lived
Mabsoot = Happy
Amanda Francis Feb 2017
Thoughts of you linger, time with you is instantaneous.
Alone was a whose beauty only I could ponder.
Loneliness, an elephant in the corner of my mind.
Loneliness, a ferocious beast keeping them out.
Keeping me in.
Amanda Francis Feb 2017
Dear ex, you used to tell me I was a liar.
The truth hit stop signs on the tip of my tounge.

Dear ex, i found someone who took my seeds that you starved.
And within the technicolour blooms that now florish.

I found truth.

The Only lie I ever told, was I love you!
  Jan 2017 Amanda Francis
Edward Coles
I stopped waiting by the phone
I stopped pressing my glass to the wall
straining for vicarious sound
I stopped waiting for distraction
to prevent me getting bored

I am alone
I am alone
but feel loneliness
only when I feel I ought to
The rest of the time
it is music
or the silence in between

I stopped pacing the floor
as if movement meant
I was doing something

I stopped looking for love
as if desire were the same
as feeling something for someone

As if holding out for change
was as good as holding a person
as if sleeping alone
caused dreams without reason
as if snatches of warmth
gave purpose to the seasons

I stopped collecting forget-me-nots
I stopped bleeding out my liberal heart
every time there was suffering
or hate in the spaces where
love should have been

I stopped waiting for someone
to doctor the still
where sorrow pervaded
the canned laughter of living

I stopped looking for someone
it was only then
I could start forgiving
Amanda Francis Jan 2017
When I was young I was told not to swallow seeds.
For a great tree would lay roots in my stomach and grow out my head.
boys were told to sow them, lay their wild oats.
I never read between the lines, never knew I was the field to be ploughed.

So on a cold winter's morning, you forced your seed deep inside me.
Its roots grew through my feet, parasitic branches curled around my mind.
Gorged on my sanity, ****** the self-worth from my bones.
In the desolate emptiness, hollow and alone, no flowers grow in this empty winter that has captured me.
Amanda Francis Jan 2017
My mother tells me to go to church!
Why? she believes it will grant me eternal life!
And she says I have to follow the commandments.
You know, because she believes heaven is better than hell.

But I tell her she's wasting her time, I tell her heaven is already here.
In between the beats of her fragile mind if only she'd look.
In secrets like 'where the love letters are hidden' or 'why that song means so much'.
Here, within the intangible humanity that connects us all.

And I ask her, 'why chase something in death when life is right here?'

So, on her google number time of telling me that God said 'blah, blah'
and I'll be sorry when I face eternal damnation.
I think of you.
How I swear I hear angels sing whenever you're around.
How when we kiss my heart stops and starts like I'm kissing God himself.
How I know, undoubtedly, without hesitation.
**~Heaven is right here, whenever I'm with you.~
Amanda Francis Jan 2017
every word is a privilege to speak, and what a time to be alive!
After millennia of grunts and babble, language forming nonsense.
I am here, with a twisting tongue and dancing lips and a belly full of words!
Entwined in my fingers are yours, sending all the words out of my mouth at the same time.
Like a dam that's breaking, like a balloon that's bursting, until language forming nonsense comes babbling out.

I haven't evolved yet to love you like I do.
An octopus has three hearts, and my measly one is trying too hold more volume than an octopus could carry with 8!

So, when I Say I love you I mean it!
When I'm being pedantic, be patient.
Remember, language has not yet evolved to tell you how much I love you.
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