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Alfredo Prado Dec 2016
I grew from a tree...
Into a beautiful beast
I grew to believe...
That my lean to the east
Was due to the sun
But every other tree was straight
I picked up a gun...
And cleaned the slate
Work in progress
Alfredo Prado Jan 2015
My people, my people... that's all you hear,
But really, are we all equal?
You see it all the time, you see it in everyone's eyes, the laughs and the lies
As this happens, the river flows red
Crimes of hatred they say
On the news words are twisted
And once again my people, my people, the full story, we missed it
Turns out we're trouble thanks to the color of our skin, our age, the jobs we are given, the pride that we have and the knowledge we lack  blamed for the world's problems, drug dealers and so on so on the crimes they stack
In reality, the real reality, not the imagination that extremists recall as reality but the cold reality seen through an immigrant's eyes, a minority's eye ,the youths eyes we are only here to help and create an everlasting peace between different cultures with slowly increased confusion, in confession we say to ourselves, we're all the same, consumers and buyers, but we all aren't, some of us are cons and liars, deceiving and thieving, but let's forget those for they're the outliers, progressively we're changing, but sadly as people are aging, the change is non-apparent and when I say us, I mean us, the people, the wealth and the hunger not us the separate who preaches unity and yet has such things as ghettos and slums of which no one cares, to whose street traveled, no one dares instead of having one united diverse nation.                                    without fear, separation, depression an intense sensation of grieving expression.
Illiterate and mute, that's my people, and I'm proud we don't need to speak to show you our speech is free, but if we could perfectly talk the language of the higher society, the language of the credible and flexible , we'd say we'd hate to have your liberty and prosperity, for we have something better; a family union, a home-cooked meal in moral values of which you do not, and that is my greater power, we live under the ignorance of Philosophy to whom the end of life there's no insurance people live and people die
anti-hate and self-loving policies will never die...Anti-state, anarchy to all my apologies for the wise never lie...
Alfredo Prado Oct 2014
What is love?
Where do you find it?
How do you define it?
Is it spiritual?
Is it mystical?
Or something physical
Maybe it's fictional

What is love?
Is it a feeling?
Or a state of mind?
Something appealing
Or something blind
It all depends on the naked eye
Many are hurt
And call it a lie
“I Love You”
People use those words to much
And pretty soon their meaning will die

What is love?
Kids fall in love,
But honestly they don’t
And when it comes time to confront
The reality of things they don’t accept
Their lives will become a battlefront
And when they’re rid of the butterflies
Left in rags
And the lady cries
The boy will hold up the white flag
Lonely, cold and done
Soon their love will all be gone

What is love?
In reality love is non-existent
Idiotic, pointless and a killer
Just to end up a horror story and a thriller…
Alfredo Prado Sep 2014
These furry creatures
Climb and climb making it hard
To see their features
Alfredo Prado Sep 2014
The trees, they sway, sway
Making winds of power stray
Lifting as they may
Alfredo Prado Sep 2014
Forgetful they call me,a man of few words
Let me be, and forever open doors
Open your soul, open your mind
Travel in your mold,and leave your troubles behind
Lossen up, and be free
Loose the red solo cup, and get a hold of this rolled-up tree
Loose the stress, Let me be your preacher
Take the express, and find your inner creature
Alfredo Prado Aug 2014
A paradise
In your arms?
No, not really
Still not safe from all harms.
The moment's still a little hilly
But years from now, who knows...
When I heal,
And the pain doesn't come as it goes
Maybe then, you'll be real
And not fake
Like a fast food meal
Easy to take
Hard to let go
You're bad for me,
But I continue,
Leaving scars;stories to be
A present,;my past, my future anew
Destruction within
For being with you
Causes one to sin
But your intentions,
They're all seen through
Like deadly infections
You seek onto me,
Hoping to **** me
I slowly suffocate
As you start your passage
In which my soul, you navigate
As a dark and cold savage
You eat away at my soul
With words of a python, a snake
Slithering in the cold
Bitting, slowly killing
With what pieces you take
I regain my health in a matter of time
I see no longer with the eyes of a blind man,
But with those of a mime...
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