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 Oct 2015 ahmo
brandon nagley

What occupies thy soul and being? Worldly knowledge, book's, gold, material thing's; Diamond's, jewelry, ring's, automobile's, weapon's that ****, Poison's that we put into ourn spiritual bodies.


Where is thy heart? Into plastic, stuck in a casket, pulling apart?
Art thou striving to a life of just surviving, or actually living life;
What cometh first? God, family, friend's, or earthly trend's?


Whom doth thou serve? The thought's of the devil? The grave and the shovel? Art thou on another level? Or dying to get rich; Living as a slave? Choked in a cave? Giving all, as all the lord gaveth thee.


What doth thou fearest? Mankind? With bomb's that shineth, and gun's to smoketh? Or thy creator whom hold's the key to life and death, art thou like all the rest laying thy treasure on men's step's? Or in Jehovah's kingdom? The great architect's ringing the doorbell at thy being; ding ****...... Ding ****... Ring. Ring!!!!

Wilt thou let him in?
Or serve the world and men?

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:21 king James bible
 Oct 2015 ahmo
B Young
Atlas Weeps
 Oct 2015 ahmo
B Young
I recognize my saints.
They grow betwixt the cracks in the concrete,
whispering me awake from among the refuse.

I see my gods.
Worshiping from a sleeping bag wedged behind a dumpster,
they seep through the mortar between the bricks.

I cast out my demons.
They crawl in the seam between my ears,
exposing my fears knelt down at a church pew.

(I wait patiently for that one day when some holy water will wash this world away).

I hear my priest beckon.
Trip down to the river,
come and play come and play.

I feel my idols.
Plastered on the walls,
watching me laugh with unmurmured eyes.  

I hear my heroes.
Singing from broken speakers,
hear them getting sick hear them being healed.

I recognize my saints.
They grow strong and resilient from cracked concrete,
whispering me awake from among the sleep.
 Oct 2015 ahmo
Adam Mott
King Street
 Oct 2015 ahmo
Adam Mott
Chasing down the rising light
Wounded hearts and gentle souls
The feeling familiar to your childhood home
Warm little hands needing to be held
Bells ringing in time with the sway of her steps
Quiet times leading to hushed smiles
All the dreams now going away
Roads paved with memories and hope
Leatherbound books and tiny guitars
Her perfume I remember still so far removed from time and space
The smell, like coming home
A house by the lake, big and full
Eyes tired from the sea of it all
Taste so familiar it could be a memory
I'll always love, a symptom of being who I am.
 Oct 2015 ahmo
Rachel Mena
 Oct 2015 ahmo
Rachel Mena
I am restless
and constant
unable to pause

I am fearful
and lost
without my Lord

I am running
in circles
and thinking so short

I am lonely
and useless
My will has no sort

I am peaceful
and worthy
Your will is my fort

I am running
straight forward
and changing the world

I am joyful
and loved
when with my Lord

I am passionate
and moved
unable to pause
 Oct 2015 ahmo
Craig Harrison
Turn off the light
close your eyes
cover them
(Still not dark enough)

Move your hands
open your eyes
look at the sun
(Still not bright enough)

Turn everything off
put your fingers in your ears
(Still not quiet enough)

Put on headphones
turn up to full blast
(Still not loud enough)

Still not dark enough
still not quiet enough
what could I be talking about?

Still not bright enough
still not loud enough
what could I be talking about?

what could I be talking about?
(The Big Bang)

From a spark to an explosion
from dust to a rock
from a rock to an atmosphere
from an atmosphere to a tree to an ocean
Please DON'T look at the sun

When you think back from where we came you can't help but see how amazing each and every life is.
 Oct 2015 ahmo
Got Guanxi
 Oct 2015 ahmo
Got Guanxi
Mountains moved with thoughts
We stood still as the land shook
Handshakes won't break our cause
I see through those crimson gloves,
That velvet touch won't fool us all.

We move in crevasses,
We'll never fit into those confined environments
End it all, end it all before the earth rips us apart,
Craters remain where we once stood fingertips glanced, fleeting moments,
Give me one last chance.

We told them we were protected,
Projected on to those fallen walls,
Broken bricks and misplaced concrete tricks,
We're stronger than them all,

We told them we won't fall,
As we looked to the stars,
It was only then we realised our backs were perpendicular to the floor,
Alas, I couldn't wait there anymore - but for you I'd spent eternity beneath those dark clouds amongst strangers and go to war.

Starting again
 Oct 2015 ahmo
Tina Marie
Sinking into the abyss
Shattered dreams and creeping things
Razor wire closing in
Ripping through my closed-tight eyelids
The end of my illusions
The nightmare isn't as terrifying
**As losing you
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