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 Apr 2015 AFJ
Katlyn Orthman
I am defined
By these blood stained lines
That map out my pain on my arm

I am denied
By these voices in my head
The ones that keep screaming "Harm"

And my head is throbbing
From the tears I have shed
And my heart is throbbing
From the blood staining my bed
And I am hanging
By a very thin thread
I'm just reminded
By my arm, which is red
That inside of me
I  am very much dead
 Apr 2015 AFJ
Allyson Walsh
So much planning goes into
Events like these

Seating charts and color schemes
Catering and dress sizes
Music and a large centerpiece

Cheers to her!

What am I?
The cake on the table?
The bodies on the dance floor?

Here's to her!

Am I the veil on her head?
The lipstick on your neck?

I was probably just the ice on your car
I was probably just the tiny freckles on your arms

While you take her to bed
And I recall things left unsaid

I'll try to forget everything
Seeing that you don't need me
For TP
 Apr 2015 AFJ
 Apr 2015 AFJ
If you could read
my mind...
You'd be in tears

That feeling you get in your
Stomach when your heart
Breaks its like all the butterflies die

Its the kind of heartache
You feel in your

I slowly feel myself fading away
From your mind
I'm living in a different world

I woke up feeling cold
You were my favorite sweater
Baby you were my soul
You made me feel whole.
By Myriah young
 Apr 2015 AFJ
Words and Weapons
Feel my words,
Let them soak into your skin.
Let ink fall like tear drops,
And drown this poem in soul.
Let it eat away your darkness,
And let you once again be whole.
 Apr 2015 AFJ
 Apr 2015 AFJ
by any other name would smell
as till as a cliche,
a plate,
   for example, i.e.:
        'tis better to have loved and lost, then to
have never loved at all.
Once new, then used repetitively,
Only time will tell.
If any words
described as such.
 Apr 2015 AFJ
netanya janel
I spilled open my heart
Dug a blade through bone to find you
Blood and fury spilled out and
I screamed your name into the dark
Brassy glow of the light in the next room
Reflected off the burgundy
Pooling around my toes
I splashed it aside
Searched for your name
But the thick hot mess
Started to disappear
Vision blurred
And finally I saw your name
But it wasn't within me
And frankly
It never was
I spilled for you and now I'm through
No goodbye
Just empty and alone
 Apr 2015 AFJ
Blue eyes
 Apr 2015 AFJ
I have unfolded the great blue starry napkin, I have held and beheld all the secrets of the universe.. all the love there is, all the beauty there is, all the warmth, all the art, all the truths.

I have unfolded the great blue starry napkin and I have seen it stretch and stretch beyond my hands, my arms, and the full length of my body to form an ocean.

Then the gods above sent a storm and so have begun the whirlpool, and I have seen it stretch and stretch beyond the ocean, beyond the skies, and beyond the gods that dwell within them to form an eye.

I have seen your beautiful blue starry eyes, and I have unfolded them.
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