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 Apr 2015 AFJ
Tawanda Mulalu
And then I thought that
those big, endless dark spaces
between the stars in the night sky
had to mean Something


how much nothing is in
I was in the car, talking to my mother... then I looked out the window.
 Apr 2015 AFJ
Move Forward
 Apr 2015 AFJ
Let go of the past and move forward
Don't let yourself be in pain you deserve better
 Apr 2015 AFJ
Nicole Ashley
I feel like one day I'll finish all my work
I'll make amends and fix my life
And on that day I'll say goodbye
I don't deserve it
I never could
I hurt too many people and feel guilty everyday
I walk these same halls and wake up the same way
I don't deserve it
I don't deserve life
I don't deserve it
I'm living wrong
And one day I'll fix it
But on that day I'll say goodbye
I don't deserve this
**Nothing at all
 Apr 2015 AFJ
Megan McKinley
I've spent my life in the river's ebb and flow
Some days spent fighting the current, others just floating along
But now my river has no current, and I no fight
I'm stuck in a lake now, with only my hope
Most days I hope I don't drown, others I wish I already had
just keep swimming
 Apr 2015 AFJ
SG Holter
 Apr 2015 AFJ
SG Holter
Rest. You did well
Smiled when you didn't have
To. Worked when you
Didn't want to.
Rest. You

Left nothing for the next day  
That was truly
You've earned

All the trust that tomorrow
The hopes you have for it seen as
Solid matter.

Listen to the wind moving
The branches of the Tree of Time.
It sings of you.
It sings of how good you are
At Life.

Listen and
Rest. Rest
Knowing you can do it.  
You already are.
 Apr 2015 AFJ
 Apr 2015 AFJ
Love is patient
Love is kind
Love isn't worth a dime
 Apr 2015 AFJ
I am..
 Apr 2015 AFJ
I am a wanderluster. My cells are incapable of remaining intact. Every single atom in me is constantly roaming the uni-verse and conflating with all its beauty, constantly becoming it, and constantly providing it with the chance to become through myself.

I am not carefree. I am not balanced. I feel intensely, and I like it.
I am. And my beingness is a gravitational field, pulling the everythingness of everything into me.
I am..

And with all its interactivity, my existence is serene. I am emollient. I am a beauty, light, warmth, and sincerity seeker. I, the universe, am one with myself.
 Apr 2015 AFJ
Hannah Beth
 Apr 2015 AFJ
Hannah Beth
Who knew
Life could be so


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