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 Sep 2016 Adrian Newman
Child of mine please know

All things have a season

All things have a time

If stars can fall, then crash and burn

Humans fight and fail to learn

Then time has nought to teach

The blind will never learn to see

And the deaf will fail to hear

Even mighty rivers run dry

And seas can also die


my heart stopped beating

But time has taught me this...

Love is where you find it

Follow joy wherever you can

Hope can spring eternal

Fellowship remains in man
Thinking about my future
and what it holds
visions spun of grey hair
and growing old
Basking in the sunlight
with lazy days of travel
Before time stands still for good
as life begins to slowly unravel
Listening to the birds sing
not taking it for granted
Seeing the world in all its glory
I choose to live my own life
and write my own humble story.
 Sep 2016 Adrian Newman
It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And I will rise again

Help me please I'm buried
Underneath these glares from society
Suppressed and repressed
Makes me depressed please protect

I need a hero to return my soul
I sold it so I've lost my hope
But I gave it to the devil so you could live
Now I got nothing to give

If I could go back way before time
Existed as a bunch of figures in my mind
I'd warn myself of all the troubles I know now
Before I ****** my life up and got drowned out

But just you remember.....
I did it for you...

Didn't think of myself
I only thought of you now!

It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And I will rise again

It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And I will rise again

Rise up from this grave
The one that only I made
Pushed into the ground
Dead without a sound

I cried for help I remained unheard
I took the hit but don't deserve
The pain that followed, that's how I drowned
Myself in the blood spilled on the ground

Turned on myself and could've died
Held the knife and dared to try
Pushed into my neck I only made a dent
But I went to so I can't forget

These waking moment haunt me,
So I fear to fall asleep

But just you remember....
I did this for you...

Didn't give a **** about myself
Put my trust in someone else!

It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And I will rise again

I'll see you tomorrow
If I live that long
They say I should stand up
But I can't do this alone

Stick together, because we're family
**** with us and you'll be dead by evening!

Can't do this alone...
But I'm not alone!*

It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And I will rise again

It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And we
a song that I wish to send to Hollywood Undead
 Sep 2016 Adrian Newman
Some people say I'm crazy
Others think I'm shady
When they try to picture my face
It gets a little hazy

But that's me,
Unseen and unnoticed
Unless I actually try
I get by with my coldness

Shadows and ice
I strike a match and fire's my prize
Just staring at a flame
Can make me realise

The simple things in life
Contain the most beauty
And it's the simple things in life that make
The supposed building blocks of you and me

Yet words are complex, often used to reject
Spat forth with no thinking, every day is a test
There's little beauty in words, when they are said with such venom
And the rate that they spit forth, you know how well it's selling

Black market the poison and it drips from the tongue
Spittle off the lips and small words make you dumb
Just remember the simplest things in life, like roses, have all the beauty
So every time I look inside I see a rose within me

But it has thorns too, and catches at my heart
The simple thing that is my life tries to rip itself apart
Torn by events and pretence I can't defend
Against such an attack, so successful when it won't end

Ending life is an option, don't forget it
But it's also a path full of darkness, I'm not pretending
I glared down that path at least a hundred times over
In my mind, on repeat, worth nothing to no-one

And I deny my sadness existence because it doesn't belong
In a world from a crazy, shady person because it's wrong
But keep in mind, all the time, that beauty remains plain
And it's the simple things in life that stop us going insane
The power of music
and friendship
heals dead connections;
a well-meaning member
of a jam session
offers me a guitar.
I politely decline,
embarrassed by my disability,
and they shrug.  Your choice.
The familiar curves
beneath my arm
like a woman
from my past,
my amnesiac left hand
reaches for the
muscle memory
of fifty years' practice.
After an agonizing minute,
the G chord miraculously plays,
as I played it at five,
the three big fingers alone
strong enough to hold it.
The switch to C impossible;
so I play a variation.
Doesn't sound bad with the group.
My God, I might play a D7
by the next time it comes around
in the song.
The gang is playing old standards,
Ohio State music;
three chords and a cloud of dust,
which suits my present skill(?) well.
I almost cried when a few tunes later,
we sang A Horse With No Name
to my accompaniment.

Beethoven was deaf, yet heard the Ode To Joy.
Hawking is paralyzed, and travels the universe.
I have three good fingers,
and no good excuses.
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