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Sep 2020 · 189
Monkey on a chain
Luna Sep 2020
Sometimes we feel chained down
Locked in our own self imprisonment
Locked in sometimes the outer world
Sometimes you are too weak to stand
Too humble to climb
And just not strong enough to
Show success
But you'll get there
Just wait
Be patient
And let life
Present itself
If you are too predictable
You're boring
If you're too mysterious
You turn people off
Just be you
The world has alot of the world
And only
One individual
Who is you
Sep 2020 · 213
Pet store clerk
Luna Sep 2020
Sometimes we just know
We know what makes the heart float
When everything seems like sinking water
It's a life line
A healthy line
The help you can search a life time for
Confidence in self
Is not something you can be taught
It's felt through the heart
But getting there
Us like climbing the great Wall
Of china
It's weak in the knees
For life's greatest offering
It's feeling
Like you matter
But also going at a pace comfortable to you
People can't be pushed
We can be molded
But a mold is just mold
And it eventually comes crumbling down
But let me tell you
You'll run laps around your heart
But you've always known
Right from. The start!
I may not be a vet. But I can still learn SO much. I may not be a doctor. But I'll sure as hell feel like it !
Sep 2020 · 133
Luna Sep 2020
Have patience with your friends
Your lovers
Your coworkers
Your aunt's
Your uncle's
People you meet on the street
People who set you up to meet
Is something
Worth learning
You do not know someone's day
Until you walk in their shoes
Sep 2020 · 118
Sense 128
Luna Sep 2020
I stopped watching television with
My ears still work
But sometimes my mind takes over
Senses are weird
I like to play with them
Try to make sense of a lack of sense
Do we learn stuff really for the thrill
Or do we learn in anticipation
Of what may or may not
I haven't yet figured out
Sep 2020 · 124
Bean full
Luna Sep 2020
Learn to allow emotion to feed your soul
Not starve it !
Sep 2020 · 132
Luna Sep 2020
You are always better
Than your worst enemy's best thought
Sep 2020 · 121
Luna Sep 2020
Do as I say
Never as I do
Sep 2020 · 91
You hey
Luna Sep 2020
No dying
You are important
Even when you feel
Sep 2020 · 87
Luna Sep 2020
Monsters are scary in dreams
And nightmares
But you wanna know a secret
I learnt that monsters look mighty cute
Wearing underwear
Sep 2020 · 91
Your mini me
Luna Sep 2020
The world would be so boring
If everything worked out perfectly
And sometimes
Things seem to happen
For a reason
Outside of your belief
But if you can discover it
That once red flag
Becomes a blessing
Not all help is clear
Or direct
Sometimes the mirror effect
Just works
Sep 2020 · 76
Luna Sep 2020
If it hurts your chest
You either love it
Whole heartedly
Or hate it
There's no in between
That grey area is
The waves of the future
To proceed
To not
To forgive
Or to
Move on
Sep 2020 · 88
Luna Sep 2020
The mirror in you
Shines hope in me
But only when you
What you were blind
To see
Sep 2020 · 64
Luna Sep 2020
You wake up
Better than tomorrow
And fall asleep
Better than today
Sep 2020 · 125
Luna Sep 2020
If you continuely throw
Glass at stone houses
The stone doesn't break
The glass gets tired
Sep 2020 · 97
Luna Sep 2020
On good days it's easy to feel like you are on top of the world
On good days bad emotions can still slide in
Like anger or fear
Keeping them at bay is a skill for the wise
Which is not yet me I don't think
Sep 2020 · 80
Luna Sep 2020
Things don't just mend themselves immediately
But with the right persistence
Trial can become success
Some persistence
Sep 2020 · 76
Tones not I
Luna Sep 2020
A tone of someone's voice can speak volumes
But even tones can be changed
With tender, genuine , care!
Sep 2020 · 77
Luna Sep 2020
My explanation of manipulation
Is simple
Cross the I and dot your tea
Sep 2020 · 61
Luna Sep 2020
What are the chances
That if I let you stomp all over my parade
Let it rain on the daily
That you'd
Feel content
Even happy?
Sep 2020 · 73
Luna Sep 2020
Even ants have feels
Remember that
As you stomp all over
Mother earth's
Your earth
My earth
The world's
Sep 2020 · 83
Luna Sep 2020
A friend once asked me why I didn't use an agenda
My response
Agendas are like quicksand
And timing isn't concrete
Sep 2020 · 67
Luna Sep 2020
Do not speak to mad people
They will run their mouth
Right out your door
Your neighborhood
And all the way to the next town
But if you get too carried away
You will see
That madness
Breeds inside
Of humanity.
Sep 2020 · 89
Money honey
Luna Sep 2020
Emotions are fluid
Time is fluid
Life is fluid
So basically
We are gel filled donuts
And I doughnut
Who wouldn't
Some dough
At the cost of being
A bit nutty ?
Sep 2020 · 89
Back & fourth
Luna Sep 2020
A humble man once said
And expected

A man, in a humble,
"Once you hahaha,
You have been reborn".
Sep 2020 · 1.1k
Bull shiz
Luna Sep 2020
I wonder if
Emotionally stable people just
Sit on the throne in the mornings
Flushing out
Unwanted emotions
Filtering through
The daily
Sep 2020 · 255
Luna Sep 2020
Time isn't a broken clock
Your ticker does feel broken
From time to time
You can't please everyone
Honesty really is the best policy
A job can really
Make or break you
Sleep isn't a waste of time
It's actually necessary
And quite therapeutic
Therapy is helpful
But only if your willing
A soft touch
With harsh words
Are not worth
Spilling milk over
Television remedy
Sep 2020 · 84
Luna Sep 2020
At some point you will learn:
Sorry this person can no longer be reached
Sep 2020 · 98
Luna Sep 2020
Be the sun in someone else's darkness
Sep 2020 · 185
Sunkiss missed
Luna Sep 2020
some say the moon is full of illusions
but i've come to learn that isnt all true
The sun
doesn't always fill you with kisses
he throws
darts and arrows
The sun is the moons shadow
and the shadow is
the moon's Sun
Sep 2020 · 68
I am
Luna Sep 2020
Try to catch me and I'll slip out of your palm
Like ice
Try to breathe me in but your nostrils feel blocked
Try to find me online
And I'm invisible like
A ghost
Try to copy me
But I'm just a voice
Try to get near me
But I'm plastered on every
News paper
Radio and
Who am I?
Sep 2020 · 72
Luna Sep 2020
It is easy to lose track of time
When you lose hope
Or interest
In even bothering with it
Sep 2020 · 56
Luna Sep 2020
You can't be happy being someone you aren't
You can't replace them
You can't be them
It can be unhappy being you
Until you're clear what
You is truly you
Sep 2020 · 57
Luna Sep 2020
I'm trying to be present
But I'm sorry
Sometimes presents
Don't come
Wrapped in a pretty
Sep 2020 · 83
New is different
Luna Sep 2020
I'm trying to believe
In so many different ways
Some messed up
Some straight up
But all I know is
Your what will always be your what
Hold onto that
Curiosity is innocence
And innocence is
Learning injustice
But don't forget that
Is one sided
Single viewed
Yet still
Something brand new
Sep 2020 · 82
Last night
Luna Sep 2020
Only the best survive
Was a tattoo I read on somebody
And I realized that
Surviving isn't an outside source
Survival comes from within
Sep 2020 · 304
You really do
Luna Sep 2020
Dear tea
As I write this
I hope you're smiling thinking
**** do I taste good
Sep 2020 · 75
Luna Sep 2020
It's creepy to think that in the very few steps you've taken day in and day out,
How many alive and then dead
once walking, now sleeping
Once took those  same very few steps
That we day out and day in
Often take for granted
Sep 2020 · 77
I want my dream back
Luna Sep 2020
Dreams can be so strange
And downright silly
We were cooking delicious spaghetti sauce
From the cheapest tomato paste you can find on the shelf
And I think the floor looked pretty snazzy in red
Slip sliding through the spillage
We were doing the real pre salsa
And then I blinked
And it was over
Sep 2020 · 116
Luna Sep 2020
Grief stricken
quickly quickened
when I realize you
watching me
from where ever you are,
I still hurt
no word,
no thought,
no reason why,
but I've realized
in my eye
I have given
all I could
to try.
my love will never fade,
I can still move forward.
Sep 2020 · 124
your body better movie it
Luna Sep 2020
music is like laughter
running is the same as drugs
the most similarity to all
is that
all takes time to build up
happy vibes
but why not move
why not try and error
because the side of caution
is missing out on
if you trust scientists?
I dont condone drugs
but I dont condone
boxed people either
not especially
when the world
is round
not square!
sometimes I believe typos are
catch me here?
Luna Sep 2020
even in the most powerless of times
you have power
to either keep walking
or to walk
right away
Sep 2020 · 73
Luna Sep 2020
masks screams a liar
and a liar
even if you arent caught in a lie
a hidden factor
is just as much guilt
to be on my way
Sep 2020 · 75
wants vs needs
Luna Sep 2020
im at a stand still,
im in a lost state,
im at a
should i move forward,
should i believe my intuition,
should i lie that its true?
should i forgive myself
for giving up on something
that i once wanted
to find out
what is new
Sep 2020 · 82
da question
Luna Sep 2020
her words can tickle your ears
her words tickle more of you than you wish you'd hear
but tell me this
without a twist

what have you told her?
Sep 2020 · 47
Luna Sep 2020
your past dont define you,
but your @$$
depending and such of course.
dont get some and it wont
go after it at it will.
its a matter of thy will
Sep 2020 · 106
on a walk
Luna Sep 2020
off the walk of earth
I realized that
nick any negativity right in the ****
Luna Sep 2020
your worth is never measured in
or how approachable you are or arent
worth is measured in the same way a clock should be
thrown in the trash so you can start to live life the way you were meant to
through the eyes of you
and not through other peoples!
I was once ridiculed for being late and missing entire appointments but I recently realized that I was just speeding up my time for me
dont go chucking your clocks,
they are still very important to history,
but stay young,
life is still a mystery!
Sep 2020 · 164
unfinished biscuit
Luna Sep 2020
hold on to your opinion,
fight for your vote,
free yourself from self imprisonment,
imprison yourself in selfless things
just dont become selfish
swim with the tide
but dive where the crowd does not
Sleep when the mind wants you to
and live when the timing seems right
another unfinished biscuit
Sep 2020 · 107
Luna Sep 2020
eat expectations for dinner,
gnaw on them like chicken bones,
remind yourself that life is probably going to be a chicken race
your head may fall off from time to time
but really
just enjoy the ride
enjoy the head on the grown
smile when your meant to frown
cry when your meant to be happy
sleep when you should be awoken
just be you
and be happy that you are you
and not anyone elses'
misconceived  view.
Sep 2020 · 620
Job interview
Luna Sep 2020
Icecream you are a sick disease
But here I am
With a spoon in my mouth,
Eating you up like a champ,
Licking every last drop in the bowl,
Believing I am the sickness
And you are the cure
You are the future
You stop time
Dead in its tracks
You reroute the train
Long after its detailed
So I stop and I think
Dr icecream
You are  hired !
I'm a pouty brat wanting her brand new icecream right meow
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