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Adam Childs Jul 2014
I am smashed down
By the worlds standards
With such physical expectations
My hopeless heart sinks
So small ,So small
So small , I am
As I am haunted
By the images of tender Beauty
Powerless and worthless , I feel
As I walk daily ,shrinking inside
I hold my dignity tight
As this shrinking violet
Hides in her great forest
Cheeks all flushed and red
she scurries behind her foliage
Surrounded by her own dead wood

The lashing striking pain
The whips of many masters
Draw blood from my many old wounds
As I become aware of my infected self
To much it is for me
As I play pass the parcel
With all my friends
As youths shines its splendor
Its brightness , claiming the sky's
As I am burned by its great heat
My skin scorched
Such beauty can feel
like the furnaces of hell

For what God would curse us
With such inadequacy and shame
In this half life
For I live in a darkened room
Of many locked doors
Where i have cut my own
Arm and leg off
That I may live in this world
As I live on silent scraps
While the world harvest
And feasts on Gods bounty

But better it is to be the limp inadequate
That can only fail to catch
Helplessly left only to observe
As a great physical Prowess
Can be a great curse
For much seeing is lost
In the unquenchable appetite
Of a hungry feasting Lion
As in the glory of conquest
The soul can be forgotten

The seeds of my shame
And inflections of inadequacy
Where burdens ,never of Gods will
But sewn by the devil himself
To hide the majesty of Gods creation
So I relax to observe
The weeding of our gracious God
As I am relieved of each passing pain
For thy will be done
This is another poem I wrote a while ago I am really sorry about the anguish I do seek to find the light within the anguish though .
Adam Childs Jul 2014
Have our Scottish hearts
Shrunk in the fields
Of foreign rule
Are we not greater
Than the fears
****** on us
Have we become mice
That scurry and hide
Only tempted out by cheese
Laid in many traps
Are we content
To live in the shadows
Of our neighbors ambition

I am not saying
Lets bury our minds
And drown in an
Optimistic ignorance
For we are all grown up
And know the risks
Are our abilities so short
And our hearts so weak
That we may be bold
Over so easily
Can we not find the strength
To fill our wobbly knees
Yes we all carry fear
Like all free men
But like William Wallace
We are not defined by our fear
For we stand tall and proud
And our honest hearts
Speak to us of Scottish potential
Much greater than fear

Do we not under estimate ourselves
Have we forgotten our heights and depths
As Scottish potential lies
Imprinted in the skies
By the Scottish highlands
And our emotional depths
And resources remain hidden
Undiscovered  in our many
Silent locks scattered
Throughout our land
And is not our toughness with an
Almost stubborn hardiness not found
Abundantly within our  heather
While golden eagles glide
A silent over seeing eye
Who breaths a Scottish clarity    

For I cry as rich men
Still seek to steal
Our many golden eggs
From the governor of the sky
Our most gracious Golden Eagle
So let all protect
All that is precious in Scotland
And let us cleanse our
Minds in the clear highland air
As we purge our hearts
With Scottish beauty
And release the stags
That will drive out  the
Many money lenders
That stifle our being

So let us all join together
As we are bound in the eternal
And not by pen or sword
And as we rediscover ourselves
We find our united voice
Of Scottish freedom
My last poem I think for Scottish independence
Adam Childs Jul 2014
In this life you will find
Degradation unavoidable
For it is in the weather of our life
Degradation is like radioactive waste
We pass like presents to each other
The rain on a wedding day
As I did once live
In the shadows of dread
As degradation breathed on me
And I fell into the pits of self doubt
And stank of slimy sewers
For I was lost in loathing ,
But my soul grew rapidly
In the muck and mud of this world
For it was fertile and rich
As my roots drank up all its goodness

So please send me your degradation
Your disrespect and contempt
Your pretty wrapping of best interests
Makes no fool of me
For I will soak it up like the sky above
For I embrace my madness
And caress her beauty
Like the most cherished lover
As you reject your life
Within the tight confines
Of your own reason
As you seek to bury your
Disappointments in me
I hold your self doubt in my hands
For you live by scales and ranking
As I throw away all scales
And burn all efforts
For there is nothing
I can take from this world
So please, please
Strain if you must
Look down on me
If you can, As I am above
For I own the sky
And live above and beyond

But all degradation disappears
In the softest heart
Of self acceptance
As I fill the room
All banter falls like the softest snow
As we serenely dance and play
In our snowball games
As I learn to swing and play
All jokes bounce and tickle
The inside of my belly
For I live in the ecstasy
Of my own self acceptance
As we roll around like clowns
All barriers broken
Our bellies full of joy
As we spill over with love
And bounce around like jelly

For no degradation exists
In the center of our hearts
Where God permeates our souls
For his love should be
Followed into us whole
As I accept God's goodness
And perfection in all of me
I wrote this a couple of years ago and I thought I would just throw it up , sorry if it starts a bit anguished I wrote when feeling a bit repressed
Adam Childs Jul 2014
Living through my  life
Swimming up stream
My mind smashing  
Against Rocks and Rocks
As I am rejected and rejected
As am constantly
thrown back and back  
Again and again  

As I am a small fish weighed down
By the cranking cogs  
that compress and jam
For in my mechanical mind
I  carry the scales
Of past and future
Success and failure

But as I slip  into
My silvery salmon body
I release the many  battles
Fought within  
As positive and negative
Are both rejected
For I seek the silent
Narrow path  

Freed from my ego
Rocks make no impression
As all dissolves away
And I feel the rush so lush  
Of my white  wonderful stream
As I effortlessly bounce
And bounce up stream  

I leap and reach
Once more I stretch
But once again
I am defeated
This time  landed
Devoured and massacred
By the great grizzly bear
For he has his
scrumptious feast
My life no more
My purpose complete
For all my failures
Feed the world

But then I discretely whisper
In to the ears of fate
There is so so much more  
Than just me
What about  
and me
And me and me
As a thousand I's collect
Within my flashing soul
As I feel my heart sparkle and shine  
As it teams with many glittering Salmon
As a giant school  gathers
I feel the rush and rush
As the many break through
The gateways of my heart
As I glide on their force
For you cannot conquer
The many that live in me
My heart thrills with its spills
As I leap and leap
The white water gushes
My heart rushes
And I sparkle in the sun
For I feel so free
Letting go into my silver stream
For  I can almost fly

Living within nature pursuit
Sheltered in the salmon stream
We can all surf our way
I decided to repost after hopefully improving  it a bit
Adam Childs Jun 2014
Standing on the edge of life
An edge to a great ocean
High up in the mountain
I stand crystal clear
But as cold as ice
My mind buried deep in stars
As a million winters collect
In my frozen belly
As I seek to thaw
My many icy layers
That separate me

Deep hidden strength sits in me
As ancient Mammoths
Preserved and buried
Frosted over , deep in ice
So let me wake these
Ancient beasts
Lying dormant
As I drive through
The torrid snow
The ice separating me
With these ancient beasts
I push against my
******* forces

Great stresses and forces
Conspire all around me
As they seek to
Twist and tangle me
But I am the King of escapology
As Houdini has nothing on me
As many forces locks and chains
Collapse around me
I just silently slip away
So I invite this world
To do its very worst
As there is not a box or barrel
That I can not escape

As I stand in my crispy coolness
I hear the silence
Of many hearts
As they all sing in chorus
As have I forgotten
The value of melting
As I stand tenderly waiting waiting
On the edge of life's richness
As I carry with me
All bravery of the most
Delicate crocus flower
As it keenly breaks
The winters snow
Waking the silent forest
It celebrates all that is new

Seeking now to live life
As freely as a fish
I am carried in the ocean
Almost weightless in this world
As I strip down my hidden parts
And loose all eye lashes
As I embrace this world
There is no need to hide
As I slip sleekly into
This vast ocean
Far away from buried self
The hermit in me
Seeking to almost loose myself
In the much buried love
Lying deeply in all hearts

My flower beds now released
From the deadly sleepy snow
I sew new wild pansies
Lets bring on the show
As all is embraced
By rejoining the  ocean
Adam Childs Jun 2014
The sun now shines brightly
All my work now behind me
As I travel with an anticipation
All my Sunrise days are free
As a chorus of harmonic misfits
All gather and collect
In a field full of love
As all my friends old and new
Join me in their golden  thread
As we sparkle as we tread

I met a gentle Irish girl
who's eye's held me softly
While she tentatively listened
To the music play
Before she retired that day
From a distant different
World far far away
I saw her hold  her flute
Cherishing it so sweetly
As she poured her love
So very deeply
How I loved the way
She held her flute

The sky a glowing orange
In the dead of that  night
What an amazing sight
As the stars rattled and clattered
The heavens a pin ball machine
But why when I see all of this
Dos my heart say I MISS
As I look back and see
The way the Irish girl  
Held her flute  
This is just Ritz glitz ,  razzmatazz
A superficial and chemical reaction

If I could only let her know
How much I saw you
The way you held your flute
May you be blessed
And the heavens with you
With every caution you took
For I      ,                 saw you !
As I cried with every pill I took
As I danced and cried
And danced and cried

For I took your love
And like a fine china
I smashed it to pieces
And ground it into
Pills , pills , pills
Give me more pills
Because who gives a ****
when you are on this ****
And who the *****
Camilla anyway

The gladness that I do now cling
Is that she could not follow me
As she is a bright butterfly
That dances and play
Soaked in the light of day
And I am the dull moth
Lost in her darkness
Attracted to the artificial light
That burns through my soul
As I am all burning up
And it is so **** hot
yeah mate yeah mate

I do not regret
As the world I live  
Is full of friends and wonder  
But i can still carry regrets
And careful of artificial light
Because I would
Love to know her flute
For she understood
I could tell
The way she held her flute
This is different it is about an experience I had recently you may get lost half way through but it will soon make sense . I was a bit nervous that it would come over judgmental I really hope it does not . And it really is an experiment. I think I wrote to just try and clear my head probably not great
Adam Childs May 2014
This is the highland spring
Let us in the mountains sing
As a deep Scottish blues
Glides and glues
Dispelling scattered fears
seeking to keep us weak  
There is no need to seek
Let all Scottish clans
All join their hands
Claiming all  their lands
Thrown away by old elite
Such history
If we could only delete

As we honor the gallant  
Men with freedom
Boiling and brimming
In their limitless hearts
Greater  , than any  life
As they spill over their freedom  
As  Scotland here  baths
In their unforgettable souls
As they still  resonate
In the trickles of
Scottish streams
So let us all hear
As silent mountains nestle
In deep blue skies
As they merrily enchant

Let all nations slip away
From tricky triangle
And clumsy squares
Where dishonest intention
Live on elevated corners
As we carry them on our back
While in their deeds they feed
The beast of paranoia
Slitting love affairs like wood
I wish this was understood
As their sharp corners
break straight lines
Where intimacies once lived  
And smash large circles
Like breaking glasses      

But let us live in precious circles
Where all nations float freely
Like lilies in a pond
This is the last poem i am going to write about Scottish independence ,I really  did not flow at all when writing but I decided to  persisted anyway . The reason being  mainly the third verse which hopefully explains why I would be pro Europe and pro independence . It  all can be applied to any personal relating experiences , interested if it is clear enough and any other thoughts.
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